Global Immersion Information Session Class of 2016
Presentations General Information, Erik Orient Shanghai, Dr. Terrence Guay Johannesburg, Dr. Vernis Welmon Lima, Dr. Doug Thomas San Francisco, Dr. Andy Gustafson 2
Dates Travel plans Arrive: Saturday, February 28 (international trips) – Can check into hotel by 3:00 p.m. – Strongly encouraged to arrive Saturday for international destinations Sunday, March 1 (domestic trip) Depart: Saturday, March 7 Be back from Spring Break on March 16. 3
Schedule Start: Sunday, March 1 Early afternoon – city tour 6:00 or 7:00 p.m. group meal (required) Meetings begin Monday morning Normally 2-3 meetings per day – 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Not a lot of free time/free half day? End: Friday, March 6, early evening Usually finish by 5:00 p.m. Do not book return flight for Friday evening prior to about 10:00 p.m. 4
Other Attire Upscale business casual attire Means of transportation Private coach in Shanghai, Johannesburg, Lima Mix of private and public transportation in San Francisco. 5
Student Responsibilities Global Immersion is a 2 credit course Participation Deliverables – assigned by Faculty Pre- and post-trip assignments Pre-trip company research Assigned reading – Reflection papers Post-trip team presentations 6
Others Involved? Who shouldn’t attend Spouses, children, significant others Encourage you to spend time with classmates – it’s part of the experience Very little free time to spend with them PSU does not permit them to be part of any of our scheduled activities 7
Fees – What is Included $1,850 per person Lodging Seven nights for international Six nights for domestic trip Meeting Expenses Ground transportation Meeting rooms Honorariums and fees (if applicable) 8
Fees – What is Included (cont.) Meals Breakfast daily, opening dinner Fees for all scheduled activities 9
What is Not Included Airfare and ground transportation Passport and visa fees Non sponsored trip activities and meals Required HTH insurance (about $10) 10
Financial Aid Paul Simenson, Director of Student Aid Appointments with Paul (Nov/Dec.) If you already get financial aid, there is a possibility you can request more. If you were not eligible for financial when you entered the program, you will not be eligible. Paul at All students traveling abroad are eligible to apply for $500 Commonwealth Scholarship
Choosing Your Destination Please do your research ahead of time – unable to change destination Online survey needs to be completed Voting opens as soon as you receive the survey link Voting closes Saturday, Sep 27th You have 100 points to allocate Example (adds to 100) Shanghai: 50 Johannesburg: 25 Lima: 25 San Francisco: 0 Confirm site selections around October 15 12
Student Representatives One or two students per trip Liaison between faculty and students Collect and disseminate pre-trip information Assist during trip Trip photographer(s) 13
Future Tasks Site selection survey – complete by Sept 27 Copy of passport in 220 by November 1 should be valid until September 2015 Visa varies by country – due February 1 normally valid for 90 days/apply mid- December HTH insurance (international locations) 14
Future Tasks (cont.) Roommate selection by December 1 Travel clinic for required immunizations Your travel itinerary one month before trip Pre-trip meeting & assignment(s) 15
Staying Informed Please use the Student Exchange to keep updated on all of the details of Global Immersion