WDAC October 20, 2011 Josephine Minskey, Executive Director Downtown West Bend Association
ADVERTISING The activity of attracting public attention to a product or business by paid announcements in the print, broadcast or electronic media.
Country Life Magazine Fall 2011
PROMOTION A message issued on behalf of some product, cause, person, activity or institution.
Event flyer- Fall Fest 2011
BRANDING A trademark or distinctive name identifying a product or manufacturer.
DWBA Logo- Created 2000
MARKETING The process or technique of promoting, selling and/or distributing a product or service.
Agree on an objective Be unique Develop a plan Put the plan in motion Be consistent
The 5 Commandments of Marketing Your Downtown Know thyself Know thy niche Know thy target market Love thy neighbor To thy own downtown be true
Know thyself
West Bend, Beloit, Whitewater, Pewaukee, Wausau, Port Washington, Two Rivers, Sheboygan ***fill in your town here*** is special because it is… Historical Friendly Clean/Safe Vibrant
West Bend Theater
Museum of Wisconsin Art
Washington Co. Historical Society, Old Courthouse and Museum
Know thy niche
Music on Main 2011
26 th Annual West Bend Germanfest (2011)
Know thy target market.
3 elements define target market Geographic Where do the people who come downtown live? Downtown? In the city? Are you a tourist town? College town? Tailor your message and the method of delivery accordingly. If you are a tourist town, a regular e-blast will keep you in the hearts and minds of your target market more effectively than an ad in the local paper during the off season.
Demographic- What is the average age of your downtown user? Are you a college town with an influx of year olds? A tourist area catering to families on vacation, empty nesters or boomers? Identify this, and you can personalize a message and method of delivery that speaks to each group individually and effectively.
Behavioral How often do the same people use your downtown? ○ Do you have a large service industry- banks and insurance company employees who come to work downtown every day and shop, have lunch and possibly a drink or bite to eat after work? ○ Or does the majority of your traffic come down once a week for your farmers’ market or summer concert series?
Love thy neighbor
To thy own downtown be true.