The Directorate of Fisheries Aquaculture Ingve Karlsen Senior adviser Control section Aquaculture department
Topics to be covered Directorate of Fisheries Overview of the Norwegian aquaculture industry Regulations Monitoring compliance and risk management Inspection and audit tools Enforcement tools and strategies
Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs The Norwegian Coastal Administration NIFES¹ The Institute of Marin Research The Directorate of Fisheries The Fishery and Aquaculture Industry Research Fund The Norwegian Food Safety Authority The National Veterinary Institute 8 regional offices The Guarantee Fund for Fishermen 7 regional offices 5 district offices 63 district offices Innovation Norway Nofima The Directorate of Fisheries areas of operation: - Management of marine resources Aquaculture management Coastal zone Management The Norwegian Seafood Export Council ¹National institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research The Research Council of Norway
The Directorate of Fisheries – Regional branches 7 Regional offices The Directorate of Fisheries 22 Local offices
The Directorate of Fisheries - main objective The Directorate of Fisheries’ shall promote profitable economic activity through sustainable and user-oriented management of marine resources and the marine environment
The legal framework and control authority Maritime safety Fish health risk Pollution Ministry of the Environment The Norwegian Coastal Administration Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs Norwegian Food Safety Authority Production risk Directorate of fisheries County Governor Norwegian Water Energy Directorate Resources and Freshwater management Regional offices and Energy Ministry of Petroleum Technical risk (Private) Inspection Bodies Regional office Industry Aquaculture industry Regulatory body Control authority Operational control authority Operational control authority Control authority Regulatory body
40 years of development and growth (1970 - 2010) Salmon and rainbowtrout – main commercial species Also some production of marine species (cod, halibut, turbit, arctic char), oysters, bluemussels Fairly low production in the 1970s Then rapid annual growth from the mid-1980s: Year Volume Value 1979 6 800 t. 216 mill. nkr. 1989 118 000 t. 3 694 mill. nkr. 1999 474 800 t. 10 374 mill. nkr. 2009 935 000 t. 21 498 mill. nkr. 1971: 540 t. rainbow trout (at 60 facilities) and 100 t. salmon (at 2 facilities) Expectations: In 1977 one expected to produce 6-10 t. rainbow trout and 8-15 t. salmon in 1985. Production exceeded the maximum estimate in 1984 and salmon was the dominant production species. This year (1984) a vision for the year 2000 was presented. One expected a production of 200 000 t. in an industry with 100 000 jobs. The result was 488 839 t. and 4 327 jobs.
Norwegian aquaculture per 01.01.2010 256 licences for smolt production (salmonids) 1061 ongrowth licences for salmon and rainbow trout (incl. breeding, research, education etc) 591 licences for various marine fish species (mostly Atlantic cod) 456 shellfish licences (mostly blue mussels) 13 sea ranching licences
Cage farming Smolt production Handling of fish for slaughter Transport by wellboat
Monitoring compliance and risk management Biological production on exposed sites with 10 000 tn maximum allowed biomass requires advanced technology and gives diverse and complex risks Operational Changing of nets Error in attachment Technical failure Fatigue, wrong dimensions Wrong methods and analysis Not a complete understanding of all implications
Environmental sustainability Genetic impact (including escape) Pollution Diseases Use of coastal areas Feed (sustainable fisheries) The strategy is build on five “pillars”, each representing areas where aquaculture can have impact on the environment; namely genetic interaction with wild stocks, pollution and effluents, disease, use of coastal areas, and finally feed and feed resources. We need to manage our aquaculture industry in a way that it does not contribute to permanent changes in wild fish stocks. One way is to ensure that a farmed fish remains in the fish farm and do not escape. A problem which arises from intensive fishfarming is the increased amount of nutrient salts that is released into the aquatic environment. We have to make ensure that we do not build up an industry which locally or regionally releases more nutrient salts in the environment than the carrying capacity of the recipient. Therefore we believe we must carry our comprehensive benthic assessments.
Risk assessment and management Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs Over all risk assessment and management based on research and political priorities Priorities Rules and regulations Directorate of Fisheries Operational risk assessment and management Control and guidance Aquaculture industry Compliance and risk management
The Aquaculture Act of 1.1.2006 Within the framework set by Main objective and purpose in § 1: Contribute to increased profitability and value enhancement Within the framework set by – sustainability – health – and the environment The Aquaculture Act is based on a principle of prohibition – you need a license The Directorates control are connected to the regulations relating to the aquaculture legislation. The main goal of these regulations is to: ” contribute to the sustainable development of the aquaculture industry and to its development as a profitable, competitive and viable coastal industry”. A important tool to reach this goal is control.
What is controlled - Central regulations and systems/arrangements 1.Aquaculture operation regulations. Areas of focus are associated with the subjects: Fish escapes Environmental inspection Biomass Localisation Associated with these subjects are requirements of contingency plan, training, company reports and logging. The NYTEK regulation Internal control (IK – Aquaculture) MOM (Environmental monitoring of marine fish farms)
Enforcement tools – compliance and control Inspection Internal control audit Dispensations Approval of operating plans Advice on compliance and best practice
System audits Extensive form for inspection – examine the companies activities. To ensure that the requirements set in the legislation and specific permits are upheld. Examination of the companies internal control (IK-Aquaculture). This means checking routines, procedures, risk analysis etc. The audits are coordinated and jointly carried out with the Norwegian food and safety authority.
Inspections Brief visits to a company. Are performed to make sure that given administrative requirements are upheld. The inspections may be part of larger operations in the form of specific subjects ( biomass, escape etc) Emergency inspections: Are implemented when - reports concerning a breach or suspicion of a breach i the regulations. Investigate the question of cause or responsibility in the case (for example escape cases).
The company report Central report form for licenses companies. Reports about; the number of the production unit, out set of fish, fish stocks etc) Farmers can send data via the Internet The Directorate use the data mainly to control the biomass.
Inspection - escape from a unknown source – Aqua Trace IMR has established an method for analysing DNA from salmon, trout and cod. The method is used when there is an unknown source of escapees The data is god enough for the police to start there investigation In this case the farmer admitted that he had lost fish Kilde: Havforskningsinstituttet
Transferring of experience - Best practise Preventive activity Support the industry work due to riskanalyses and contingency plans Document hazards and activities Cooperation with the industry
AkvaBest – erfaringsformidling Transferring of experience - Database The database on internet gives example on escape courses, danger, action. Danger areas is shown with photos.
The Directorate sanction identified deviations by: Reactionpyramide Requisition of permit Fallow location Reported to the police Administer of contravention fee Pre-notice and execution of fine Serious violations of the Aquaculture Act are reported to the police and sanctioned through The Criminal Procedure Act The Directorate sanction identified deviations by: Pre-notice and execution of fine (forhåndsvarsel og tvangsmulkt) Administer of contravention fee (gebyr) Requisition of permit
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