Toward the synthesis of cold and dense anti-kaonic nuclear systems at J-PARC Toshimitsu Yamazaki, Univ Tokyo, RIKEN with Y. Akaishi and other collaborators.


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Presentation transcript:

Toward the synthesis of cold and dense anti-kaonic nuclear systems at J-PARC Toshimitsu Yamazaki, Univ Tokyo, RIKEN with Y. Akaishi and other collaborators KAON from Erich’s dream toward Kaon Condensed Matter

“DR KAON” * Successful birth of 3 Meson Factories ~ 1974: Los Alamos, SIN, TRIUMF * Sciences with mesons, as well as sciences of the mesons (incl. muons) * Next generation ~ 1980’s planned & proposed Erich’s KAON factory: from Canadian to Global * The idea inherited to J-PARC Erich’s great contribution 1974 ~ * Central problems to be pursued: K meson (Kaon: Nambu-Goldstone boson) chiral symmetry restoration

Fronties of Nuclear Regime nuclear physics law: density = constant High temperature High density: Quark-Gluon Plasma being explored at relativistic HI collisions at BNL and CERN Low temperature High density ?? Nothing is known except neutron stars Key elements: PIONS & KAONS Chiral symmetry restoration

K - + p 123 r fm MeV  (1405) ++ ++ K - + pp 123 r fm MeV ++ ++ K He 123 r fm MeV ++ ++ Starting from: K - p atom K-N scattering  1405) Strong K - - p attraction (Weise:1996) Nuclear shrinkage predicted 2002 Y. Akaishi and T. Yamazaki, PRC 65 (2002) T. Yamazaki and Y. Akaishi, PLB 535 (2002) 70

Pionic and kaonic origins of nuclear forces named by K. Nishijima K - pp First predicted T.Y. Y. Akaishi, 2002;

Two different reaction mechanisms to produce  * p --> K - pp Conventional :  + + n -->  * + K +  * -p distance at collision ~ 2.2 fm sticking probability: small ~ 1%  * : mostly in the q. f. region New 2007 p + p -->  * + p + K + Collision distance R NN ~ 1/m  ~ 0.3 fm matches the small size ~ 1 fm of the dense K - pp bound state. sticking probability ~ 1 Dominance of  p sticking in NN collisions:  *-p doorway 2005 predicted J-PARC E27

Concerted experimental evidence for high-density K - pp * 2010 DISTO: enormous yield in short-range and high-q p + p collision * 2014 J-PARC E27: very small cross section, but successfully identified

DISTO results A gigantic peak observed T.Y. et al., PRL 104 (2010) 1.A robust peak observed in pp  K + + p +  at large angle deviation spectra of both M(p  ) and  M(K) 2. Presence of K - pp established with B K = MeV,  = MeV in agreement with the deep regime not with the shallow regime 3. Peak / continuum ~ 0.1;  1405 /  ~ 0.1    extraordinary sticking X /  1405 ~ 1,  as predicted proving K - pp  strongly bound, dense

J-PARC E27 BK-pp = MeV 

X2265 -> p+  population ~ 100% in p + p -> X + K + q = 1.6 GeV/c ~ 2% in  + + d -> X + K + q = 0.3 GeV/c Indicating: X2265 = dense K - pp DISTO 2010 E

* Impacts of the observed K - pp: Enormous cross section of p + p -> K - pp + K + Low cross section at d(  ,K + )  dense system Binding energy by a factor of 2 larger than theory  indicates 20% enhanced Kbar-N attraction  suggesting chiral symmetry restoration; increasing attraction, densities Hadronic phase to quark-gluon phase !?

Maeda et al., Proc. Jpn. Acad. B (2013) Faddeev-Yakubovsky Global View KbarN --> attraction strength DISTO + J-PARC E27 K - pp:  0 ~ 3 indicated

K bar Nuclear Clusters  av ~ 3  0 !! Why high-density nuclei possible ? Against the nuclear physics “law” of  = const. Normally: N-N hard-core: quark Pauli blocking + gluon entanglement Exceptional: K - = s u bar : no u,d quark: no Pauli repulsion; strong attraction in u-u bar and d-d bar r N ~ 0.86 fm v N ~ 2.75 fm 3  N = 1/v N ~ 0.36 fm -3 ~ 2.1  0

Isovector  N: increased repulsion A GSI experiment confirmed in pionic 1s states in Sn I=0 KbarN: increased attraction  shrinkage more attraction  more schrinkage For  -> 3  0, Chiral symmetry restored, Brown, Kubodera, Rho PLB (1987) Clearing of the QCD vacuum Quark condensate decreased

T. Yamazaki, S. Hirenzaki, R.S. Hayano & H. Toki, Phys. Rep. 514 (2012) 1 K. Suzuki et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) Isovector s-wave  N scattering length, b 1 [m  -1 ] Quark condensate decreases by ~30% at  0. Deeply bound pion Evidence for partial restoration of chiral symmetry in nuclear medium

Now, in 2015, J-PARC E27 with DISTO

NEW EXPERIMENTAL PROPOSAL J-PARC (conceptual) K - K - pp IN PROTON-PROTON COLLISIONS Gateway toward Dense Kaon Condensed Matter T. Yamazaki, Y. Akaishi, M. Hassanvand, Proc. Jpn. Acad. B 87, 362 (2011); Phys. Rev. C 84, (2011)

p + p ->  * +  * + K + + K + -> K - K - pp + K + + K + Deeper bound state more favored M. Hassanvand et al., PRC 84 (2011)

Dynamical formation of  *=K - p clusters in K - K - pp   * condensed matter S. Maeda, Y. Akaishi & T. Yamazaki, Proc. Jpn. Acad. 89 (2014) fm  * -  *

Multi K - Nuclei ~~ Multi  *=pK - Nuclei * Migrating K - with covalent bonding many-body forces: attractive * K - K - interaction bosonic commutation  Boson covalent bonds are always added ! * K - K - repulsion dynamically diminished

p K - pp ** K+K+ p p K - K - pp ** K+K+ ** p K+K+ Several GeV Short collision length Compact bound state Doorways to Multi-Kaonic Nuclear Matter T. Yamazaki, Y. Akaishi & M. Hassanvand, Proc. Jpn. Acad. B 87 (2011) 362

 * complex: K - strangelet

New data M(d  ) in N. Herrmann, BORMIO2012

K - nuclear clusters Cold, dense & microscopic nuclear systems New Paradigm – quark-gluon ground state chiral symmetry restoration? quark-gluon phase? exotic nuclear dynamics, strange matter/star, kaon condensation,…… Without the aid of gravity K. Fukushima, T. Hatsuda, Rep. Prog. Phys. 74 (2011)

Farewell to Erich Last time I reported all my excitements on KAON to Erich, when he visited us in Tokyo, we resonated on the same excitement. Farewell to Erich, I thank you deeply for your helps to us to explore and establish strong international collaborations (not only myself, but also my colleagues in Japan). Erich’s most important legacy to us: his enthusiasm, passion, stimulation toward cultivation of young human generation that has produced scientific developments

Beautiful BC “DR KAON”

HIHR: Very Precise spectroscopy with high-resolution and high-intensity secondary beams Extensi on Hypernucleus Microscope Multi-Strangeness / Charmed Nucleus High-p: Origin of the QCD mass and quark structure of baryons KL: Measurement of 100 CP violating events to tackle a quest on the matter–dominated universe Discovery of Lepton Flavor Violation K10: Nuclear matter with an extreme condition with high-momentum separated secondary beams (Kaons and Antiprotons) Change of Hadron Mass Both Nuclear Physics community and High Energy Physics community gave high priority to this project. COMET: Search for  -e conversion with the world-best precision of less than CP Violation: from Discovery to Measurement K1.1, 1.8: Ultimate research of S=-1 and -2 hypernuclei with high- intensity Kaon beams Hypernucleus Factory (S=-1, -2) J-PARC Next Step: Hadron Hall Extension International users & collaborations highly welcome

Thank you very much

No repulsion effect among K - ’s K - K - distance distribution r rms (KK) ~ 2.0 fm in K - K - p ~ 1.0 fm in K - K - pp dense K - K - dynamically formed r rms (NN) ~1.0 fm in K - K - pp S. Maeda et al. (2013)

Does K - K - repulsion diminish Kaon Condensation? No !! Contrary to prevailing belief T. Y. et al., PJAB 87 (2011); Hassanvand et al., PRC 84 (2011) Maeda et al., PJAB 89 (2013) <= from Kanada-Enyo, Jido PRC78 However, K - is orbiting !

Why not pp ->  * +  * + K + + K + sticking I to K - K - pp ?! Abundant production of  *= K - p in pp -> p  * K + ~ 1/10 of  K - pp ~  * p K - K - pp ~  *  *   p sticking DISTO proved

 *  * model for K - K - pp D [fm] [MeV] EFEF TFTF UFUF If K - is assumed to be a Fermion: Fermion covalent bonds cancel each other. Boson covalent bonds are always added ! D ** ** K-K- K-K- E U V KK T