Building Tertiary Systems of Support Terry Bigby, Ed.D. Material adapted from Illinois PBIS & Tim Lewis, Ph.D., University of Missouri- Columbia
Building Tertiary Systems of Support Tertiary Interventions Specialized Specialized Individualized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior
Effective 3-Tiered Academic & Behavioral Systems for All Kids Universal core curriculum/evidence-based instruction and supports for all students Universal screening to determine which students are not meeting benchmarks Targeted instruction and support that goes beyond what all students receive Progress monitoring Intensive and individualized instruction and support for students who are still not making progress Decision points throughout/data-based decision making
What is Tertiary Prevention? Tertiary Prevention involves a process of functional behavioral assessment (FBA) and a support plan comprised of individualized, assessment-based intervention strategies, including a wide range of options such as: (1) guidance or instruction for the student to use new skills as a replacement for problem behaviors, (2) some rearrangement of the antecedent environment so that problems can be prevented and desirable behaviors can be encouraged, and (3) procedures for monitoring, evaluating, and reassessing of the plan as necessary.
Why Should We Build Tertiary Systems? When universals are not sufficient to impact behavior When universals are not sufficient to impact behavior When students display chronic patterns When students display chronic patterns When concerns arise regarding students’ academic or social behavior When concerns arise regarding students’ academic or social behavior
The SHIFT From factors “outside” our control to factors of academic or behavioral “Instruction” From “What’s wrong with this child?” to “What supports does this child need in order to be successful?” From “child focus” to “a comprehensive system approach”
Tertiary Systems Prerequisites Universals must be well established and in-place Effective school-wide or universal system of positive behavior support Local behavioral competence Faculty agreement to support all students Regular leadership team-based review & problem solving Discipline/behavior incident data management system District start-up resources Function-based approach
What is function based support? Foundations in behavioral theory, applied behavior analysis, & pbs Attention to environmental context Emphasis on “purpose” or function of behavior Focus on teaching behaviors Attention to implementers (adult behaviors) & redesign of teaching & learning environments.
Functions Pos ReinfNeg Reinf
Behavior Support Elements Problem Behavior Functional Assessment Intervention & Support Plan Fidelity of Implementation Impact on Behavior & Lifestyle *Team *Specialist *Problem & alternative behaviors *Hypothesis statement *Competing behavior analysis *Contextual fit *Strengths, preferences, & lifestyle outcomes *Evidence-based interventions *Implementation support & data plan *Technical adequacy *Sustainability plan
Big Ideas Understand interaction between behavior and the teaching environment Behavior is functionally related to the teaching environment Build Positive Behavior Support Plans that teach pro-social “replacement” behaviors Create environments to support the use of pro- social behaviors Around individual student need / self-management Classroom School-wide
Continuum of Support for Secondary-Tertiary Level Systems Group interventions (BEP, social or academic skills groups, tutor/homework clubs, etc) Group Intervention with a unique feature for an individual student, (BEP individualized into a Check & Connect; mentoring/tutoring, etc.) Simple Individualized Function Based Behavior Support Plan for a student focused on one specific behavior (simple FBA/BIP- one behavior; curriculum adjustment; schedule or other environmental adjustments, etc) Complex Function-based Behavior Support Plan across settings (i.e.: FBA/BIP home and school and/or community) Wraparound: More complex and comprehensive plan that address multiple life domain issues across home, school and community (i.e. basic needs, MH treatment, as well as behavior/academic interventions) multiple behaviors
Positive Behavior Support Adapted from George Sugai, 1996 © Terrance M. Scott, 2001 Universal School-Wide Data Collection and Analyses School-Wide Prevention Systems (rules, routines, arrangements) TargetedIntensive Analyze Student Data Interviews, Questionnaires, etc. Observations and ABC Analysis Multi-Disciplinary Assessment & Analysis Simple Student Interventions Group Interventions Complex Individualized Interventions Team-Based Wraparound Interventions Intervention Assessment
Starting Points Universals firmly in place Data used consistently in team meetings Data decision rules to identify students who need individual supports Inventory of existing practices Create more efficient systems to capitalize on current practices Plan for creation of new practices based on student need Apply basic logic of SW-PBS throughout (Data, Systems, Practices) Equal attention to practices (student support) and systems (adult support)
Why Invest in Universal Systems of Support First? We can’t “make” students learn or behave We can create environments to increase the likelihood students learn and behave Environments that increase the likelihood are guided by a core curriculum and implemented with consistency and fidelity across all learning environments
Building A Tertiary System Systems Efficient, effective team meetings Tools for targeted interventions, FBA, BSP Defined role for specialists in school (e.g., SPSY, counselors) Data Measure outcomes Measure Process Practices Multiple ways to identify a student Continuum of interventions Link between academics and social behavior support Monitor outcomes
Tertiary Tier: Systems Systems 1. Team based problem solving District, all 3 tiers On-going training for team members Access to technical assistance 2. Data-based decision making system 3. Sustainability focus Redefining roles, district-level data review, etc. 4. Systematic Screening Beyond ODR’s IL PBIS Network
Tertiary Tier: Data Data Data used for engagement and action planning with team Data tools are strengths/needs based Multiple perspectives and settings captured in data Show small increments of change at team meetings IL PBIS Network
Tertiary Tier: Practices Multiple ways to identify a student Routine review of individual student data Efficient teacher referral system Parent referral Screening tools (e.g. SSBD) Look for those students who are often “under the radar”... Students who change addresses frequently Temporary or seasonal farmers or workers in the community Homeless students Students in foster care or juvenile service homes Continuum of interventions Link between academics and social behavior support
Plan for Integrity of Implementation Teaching Teaching Coaching and feedback Coaching and feedback Scripts for adults to follow Scripts for adults to follow Data Collection Data Collection Follow-up support meetings Follow-up support meetings Follow up data evaluation Follow up data evaluation
~80% of Students ~15% ~5% CONTINUUM of SWPBS Tertiary Prevention Wraparound School-based MH Function-based support Secondary Prevention Check in/out First Steps Targeted SS Group Primary Prevention SWPBS General social skills Character education Audit 1.Identify existing efforts by tier 2.Specify outcome for each effort 3.Evaluate implementation accuracy & outcome effectiveness 4.Eliminate/integrate based on outcomes 5.Establish decision rules (RtI)