Enterprise Peg David AIM Technical Program Manager NETPDTC N APRIL 2013
Overview Enterprise AIM I/AIM II & CPM eDMZ Transition Authority to Operate (ATO) SSC NOLA Enterprise Data Center Migration SSC NOLA Citrix – Risk Issues Non-NETC Sites/Commands AIM Content Repository Requirements Configuration Control Board (CCB) 2
AIM Central Site Hosting at NETPDTC NETC N74/N6, NETPDTC & NAWCTSD Migration Plan 18 FEB – 24 APR - Completed eDMZ Migration All NETC Learning Centers and SSP Content, databases, processing, Citrix NTSS Accounts Benefits Simultaneous access by geographically dispersed Center and contractor personnel for collaborative development and maintenance Positions AIM Enterprise for SPAWAR New Orleans (NOLA) Enterprise Data Center Transition (NEDC) Lessons Learned RADM Quinn – BZ! 3
Government CPM Hosting CPM in Aimereon/vendor site – Sunset 12 APR CPM in NETPDTC eDMZ deployed – 15 APR Benefits Enterprise production hosting and support vs current contractor environment with limited server configuration and bandwidth Leverages NETC domain Sys Admin, Database Management, and Information Assurance expertise at NETPDTC and SSC NOLA Co-located with rest of NETC enterprise IT applications; secure access from both.mil and.com domains 4
AIM ATO Status 3-year ATO granted by FLTCYBERCOM 26 Dec 12 Allowed us to proceed with migration of AIM I/II Central Site instances into NMCI eDMZ and hosting CPM in eDMZ vs vendor site ATO POAM CAT III – deployment of CAC for Application Jun/July timeframe (T) Certification & Accreditation (C&A) artifacts are routinely kept updated; used for annual FISMA reviews, etc, living documents Migration to SPAWAR NOLA requires modified ATO to support NEDC environment 5
AIM Central Site Migration to NOLA NEDC Goal: Hardware/system software infrastructure in place SSC NOLA by 30 SEP 13 Schedule for operational transition/deployment from current NETPDTC eDMZ host to NOLA host TBD Lessons Learned - Transition plan similar to recent eDMZ migration – Application Functional Testing (AFT); Production cutover Management of AIM I/II/LO Module Central Sites and CPM will remain with NETPDTC; only physical hosting moves to NOLA NEDC Remote Access: GFE or CFE required for SPAWAR CITRIX access – discussions in progress 6
Risk Management NEDC Remote Access Impact Probability LowMedium High Description: (1) For Off-site Users - GFE or CFE is required for SPAWAR CITRIX access -- Govt Furnished Equipment (GFE) = property acquired directly by Govt and made available to contractor; and, -- Corporate Furnished Equipment (CFE) = equipment purchased by DoD/Govt contracted company specifically in support of DoD/Govt contract; used only by personnel supporting that contract Mitigation Plan: -- NETPDTC team provided current AIM Citrix STIG mitigations; architecture to NOLA team -- SPAWAR NOLA team discussed separate AIM APP Citrix instance vs shared Citrix Farm -- Technical options for AIM Users – discussions forthcoming AIM Engineering Mtgs Apr; arrive at consensus 7
Issue: Privilege Levels 5 levels implemented in Central Site AIM II per CNATT request 3 levels implemented in Central Site AIM I per SSP request CPM-style role/privilege structure tasked and funded by NETC N74/NAWCTSD 8
Issue: Hosting Test Environment NMCI AIM users needed to test ongoing system enhancements as part of formal Govt Acceptance Testing (GAT) process Cannot install in-process AIM updates on local NMCI PCs or access contractor-hosted virtual server to conduct tests NETPDTC to establish Test Environment to support ongoing requirement 9
Issue: Blocking Word Macros NMCI does not allow MSWord macros to be enabled on NMCI desktop PCs once Win 7/Office 2010 is installed This poses crippling limitation on TG functionality for stand-alone desktop installations of AIM under NMCI; no work-around has yet been identified Does not affect AIM Central site instances inside eDMZ 10
Issue: Software Release Process All Central Site instances now migrated to Rel 5.0 CNATT requirement to maintain local NMCI AIM II instances to support effective community-wide business process Discussion re NMCI certification process / schedule Impact of NMCI certification delay / push of Rel
Issue: NOFORN NNPI Affects primarily non-SWS undersea community – NAVSEA 07TR, SLC & SLC learning sites Stringent data handling controls re unclassified No Foreign Dissemination Navy Nuclear Power Information (NNPI), mandated by NAVSEA 08 NETC/NETPDTC stood up TRANET-C NNPI COI to host: SLC reference materials, e-library, IETMs, course curriculum info, AIM content, used by SLC/DETs TRANET-C NNPI COI use/rqmts by other LCs TBD POC: Bruce Bare, NETC 12
Non-NETC Commands Implementation Non-NETC Commands interest in AIM Enterprise Prioritizing in Process NSTC (OTC/RTC) – in process Navy Medicine NAVSPECWARCEN (hosted by NAVSOC) NAVRES DANTES Regional Maintenance Centers – Norfolk / San Diego Naval Shipyards - hosted Norfolk 13
AIM Content Repository Enterprise Requirements’ for Ancillary Data Storage Area AIM Enterprise has multiple components: AIM I, AIM II, CPM, LO and ancillary file shares Requires configuration management; search; access by enterprise users Notional Plan Complete Functional Requirements Document H2 assisting – collate input/requirements provided from LCs FY14 goal/priority 14
Configuration Control Board (CCB) NETC Instruction – established authoritative framework for effective & innovative configuration compliance for IM/IT as it relates to NETC WD Line of Business -- Each T&E App has Charter; Chairpersons: PM and TPMs Purpose of CCB: ensure programmatic changes (i.e., consideration of proposed cost and schedule changes) and related technical changes to information systems are processed in a visible and traceable manner AIM CCB membership – commands/vendors (as applicable): NETC N74 Program Manager (PM) – Michael Mosley NETC N741A Deputy Program Manager (DPM) – Leslie Desenburg NETPDTC N621 Technical Program Manager (TPM) – Peg David NETPDTC Information Assurance (IAM/IAO) – Kelley Harris or designated IAO NETPDTC System Development Team – Christopher Stark; when applicable NAWCTSD Application Technical Program Manager (TPM) – Tiffany Dombrowski NAWCTSD System Dev/Trng Team – Mike Matzko / Mike Coyle AIMEREON Application Team – Jim Ferrall and AIMEREON staff as identified; when applicable NETC Learning Centers – Representatives as identified via the AIM FRB; when applicable SSP and other Navy Commands Using Enterprise AIM – Representatives as identified via the AIM FRB – when applicable 15
CCB (cont) CCB Forum Participants get together discuss (specified work/projects) which need to be completed Responsible agents are assigned for performing agreed-upon work Decisions/assigned actions are recorded when completed Includes: providing tech support during development of decision support documentation such as: Requests for Information Services (RIS), System Functionality Assessments (SFA), Analysis of Alternatives (AOA), Independent Cost Estimates (ICE), and Software Change Requests (SCR), etc. CCB shall review, adjudicate, elevate, or place on hold proposed changes for adjudication as required CCB shall reach a decision after a period of presentation and discussion, at which time the Chairperson may poll members for their position or recommendation CCB Chairperson(s) shall make all final decisions Held ICW AIM FRB Meetings; or on more frequent basis; when applicable 16
AIM Central Site Implementation Points of contact: NETC N74: Mike Mosley, Leslie Desenburg NETPDTC: Peg David, Christopher Stark NAWCTSD: Tiffany Dombrowski, Mike Matzko AIMEREON: Jim Ferrall, Steve Wicinski, Mike Coyle NETPDTC Enterprise/Central Site specifics, narrated help videos, lessons learned - available on AIM information Web page: NETPDTC.ashx 17
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Enterprise Training Management Framework Continuous Process Improvement ETMF Status Update Bruce Bare, NETC N62 Jon Sullivan, H2 Performance Consulting, Corp 23 April 2013
Topics ETMF Phase II Goals & Deliverables Roadmap Results to Date Current Roadmapping Activities Roadmap Development Schedule 20
ETMF – Phase II 21 Goals Document and analyze “As-Is” state of core business processes required to develop, manage and deliver training curricula Identify duplication, inefficiencies, process improvement opportunities Determine most efficient alignment of core training management systems Recommend strategies that will support NETC’s ability to continue quality & quantity of education while controlling (reducing) costs Document and analyze “As-Is” state of core business processes required to develop, manage and deliver training curricula Identify duplication, inefficiencies, process improvement opportunities Determine most efficient alignment of core training management systems Recommend strategies that will support NETC’s ability to continue quality & quantity of education while controlling (reducing) costs Deliverables 1.Inventory Management Process Recommendation – Delivered Mar Assessments Tool Recommendation – Planned Jun 2013 Delivery 3.NETC Enterprise Technology Roadmap – Planned Sep 2013 Delivery 1.Inventory Management Process Recommendation – Delivered Mar Assessments Tool Recommendation – Planned Jun 2013 Delivery 3.NETC Enterprise Technology Roadmap – Planned Sep 2013 Delivery
22 Roadmap Results To-Date Business / Service Workshops: COMPLETED Technology Workshops: COMPLETED Participating Teams NETC N72, N73, N74 CPPD CNATT CID LAS Team NETPDTC N612 NETPDTC N621 *Data not represented Sample Data Pool 53 Participants 328 Responses
23 Roadmap Responses to Date Number of Responses Gap Areas by Category
Current Roadmapping Activities Data Gathering Remaining Technical Workshop Input Data Validation Workshop & Focus Group Data Analysis Findings Validation Survey Analysis Gap Analysis Results Documentation Roadmap Initiative Groupings Roadmap Initiative Worksheets Charting Workshop Planning Customizing Roadmap Templates Identifying Industry Trends 24
25 Roadmap Development Schedule Workshops 1 & 2 Feb March April May June July August September Workshop 3 Technology Workshop 4 Charting Constraint Review Documentation & Validation Documentation, Validation & Analysis Draft Review Final Deliverable Validation & Draft Prep Documentation & Validation Charting Progress as of 23 April 2013
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