Health Home Statewide Implementation Webinar February 28, 2012 Presented by The New York State Department of Health 1
2 Agenda Phase I Implementation Status Working with Managed Care Plans Health Home Assignments and Enrollment Billing and Payment Metrics Assessment Phase II Status Report
Ready Set Go-State Plan Approval 3 New York's Medicaid State Plan Amendment (SPA) for Phase I Health Homes for Medicaid Members with Behavioral Health and Chronic Conditions was approved with an effective date of January 1, 2012 Final version of the SPA posted to the Health Home website A detailed Medicaid Update Article will be published Provider Manual being written Guidance on TCM transition on OMH website _health_homes/partner_resources.htm _health_homes/partner_resources.htm
4 Phase I Implementation Status
Final Phase I counties Bronx Brooklyn Nassau Schenectady Washington Note: Albany, Rennselaer and Saratoga have been moved from Phase II to Phase III to allow more time for network development Hamilton Clinton Franklin Warren Essex 5
Health Home Readiness 6 Lead Health Homes do all billing under one NPI number (with the exception of old and new TCM slots which will continue to be billed to eMedNY directly by case management agencies) Provider Enrollment and NPI’s Health Homes may use an existing NPI number or enroll a newly structured organization with a new NPI for that organization, then bill under the NPI of the new organization Detailed Medicaid provider enrollment information is available on the Health Homes website
Health Home Readiness 7 Health Homes must maintain current contact information (updates to Communication Health Homes must identify contact numbers for Health Home participants to be directed to, for assistance and information
Health Home Readiness Plans and Health Homes must develop and prepare to send out introduction welcome letters Plans will send out letters to their Plan members (based on Plan template approved by DOH) Health Homes will send letters to their assigned Fee for Service list (based on DOH template) medicaid_health_homes/forms/ 8 Communication
Health Home Readiness 9 Health Homes must prepare to meet quality measures and reporting responsibilities Thinking Ahead Health Homes must develop systems to reimburse partners, commensurate with the level of Health Home services delivered Health Homes should think through their capacity, i.e., how many participants can they serve
10 Health Homes and Managed Care Plans Working Together
Working with Managed Care Plans 11 Managed Care Plans are working on contracts with Provider-led Health Homes to allow Plans to assign their members into Health Homes as appropriate DOH is working with Health Homes on model clauses for contracts caid_health_homes/nys_implementation.htm Managed Care member assignment into Phase 1 Provider-led health homes will likely commence in March
Working with Managed Care Plans Provider-led Health Homes must work closely with Managed Care Plans to: 12 Coordinate care and services Utilize the plan network, for in-plan benefits Ensure prior authorization requirements are met
Working with Managed Care Plans Managed Care Plans must: Contract with provider-led Health Homes Assign members using the State algorithm and their own data (e.g., PCP assignment) to appropriate Health Homes Reimburse Health Homes commensurate with the Health Home services being provided Act as State’s partners in monitoring the quality of Health Homes Work with Health Homes that are not achieving quality goals and/or meeting the member’s needs, to help them improve 13
Working with Managed Care Plans Health Homes need to clearly communicate volume capacity to Plans Plans and Health Homes need to negotiate participant assignments to ensure a viable case mix Contracts need to spell out clear expectations about assignments DOH will work with Plans and Health Homes to resolve problems 14
Working with Managed Care Plans 15 Plans may retain a portion of Health Home payments for administrative services and other support as necessary Contractual agreements should specify the services
16 Patient Assignment and Enrollment
Health Home Assignments: Managed Care Workflow 17
Health Home Assignments: Fee-for-Service Workflow 18
Health Home Assignment-FFS 19 Lists will be used to populate member tracking sheets, which Health Homes will access through the Health Commerce System (HCS) Updated network partner lists were received from all Health Homes to finalize the algorithm for identifying and assigning candidates based on loyalty Lists of potential participants have been created, with individuals scoring higher (based on risk for adverse events and lack of engagement in care) being identified for assignment first
Health Home Assignment-FFS 20 Provider-led designated Health Homes have or will have access to member tracking sheets via HCS for their assigned members Outreach and engagement (or enrollment if applicable) commencing in February should be billed in March, using new rates and a February 1 date of service
Health Home Assignment-MC 21 Managed Care Plans have access to their member tracking sheets via the HCS, for individuals identified by DOH as potential Health Home candidates (based on risk and engagement, loyalty, PCP assignment) Managed Care Plans will evaluate potential candidates and assign them to Health Homes that best serve their needs
Health Home Assignment-TCM 22 TCMs will identify the Health Homes that best meet their member’s needs Managed Care Plans and Health Homes will receive member tracking sheets that reflect these assignments DOH will make assignments to Health Homes based on these recommendations
Assignment-New Referrals 23 New referrals (via HRA, county, SPOA or LGU, care management agency, practitioners, hospital, prisons, BHO, etc) meeting Health Home criteria must be assigned to Health Homes to ensure access to care management For Managed Care Members, the referring entity will contact the Plan to actuate the Health Home assignment For FFS members, the referring entity will contact DOH (contact information to be provided shortly) to actuate an appropriate Health Home assignment. Process will include collaboration with OMH, AIDS Institute, and OASAS to ensure these assignments best serve the needs of their populations
Member Tracking Sheet Elements Patient Demographic information Assigned Health Home Health Home Direct Care Management Provider TCM, MATS, CIDP MCO, CBO Enrollment/Disenrollment Status Various Dates Consent Enrollment/disenrollment Patient Profile (e.g., Risk Score, Acuity Score, Ambulatory Connectivity and Loyalty) 24 The information on the member tracking sheet supports the claim…more on this in the Billing and Payment section
Member Tracking Sheet Update Updated version now available on the website DOH will soon schedule a Technical tracking sheet submission webinar with designated HCS contacts. Tracking Sheet Changes: The HH Database primary key is the unique combination of Recipient ID, MC Plan (if applicable), Assigned HH Plan, and Begin Date. Must now indicate record type on tracking sheet Only Add (new primary key OR move from engagement to enrollment), Change (changing/updating existing information or disenrolling) or Remove records (permanent removal – not disenrollment)should be submitted each month Tracking sheet now shows editing logic and required fields th_homes/tools_for_imlement.htm 25
Outreach and Engagement 26 Outreach and engagement-three consecutive months to find and engage candidate and secure consent. If not successful, outreach and engagement can continue but three months must elapse before another three months of outreach and engagement can be billed If a Health Home candidate definitively opts-out, at least three months must elapse before the candidate can be reassigned and no outreach can occur during this period
Enrollment and Consent 27 Enrollment starts when the candidate has signed the consent form and becomes a Health Home participant Care managers are expected to help potential Health Home participants understand that signing includes consent for Health Home Services as well as allowing health information to be shared with other Health Home providers and the RHIO The consent form is available on the Health Home website (currently only in English, translations into other languages will be available) omes/forms/
Enrollment and Consent 28 Personal health information on Health Home members cannot be shared with network partners until consent is signed - the date of consent is considered the enrollment date Entry of an enrollment date on the member tracking sheet and submission of the sheet via HCS will support claiming through eMedNY for the enrollment rate, instead of the outreach and engagement rate
29 Billing and Payment
Billing and Payment-Eligibility 30 Note: Billing and payment, including rates, were covered in detail at the December 9, 2011 Statewide Webinar (presentation is on the Health Homes website) Member tracking sheets will be populated via file transfer for all Health Home candidates and participants. System changes are in progress to allow additional functions, e.g., look-up of Health Home status Eligibility will initially be controlled through sharing of member tracking sheets. Key elements of the tracking sheet (outreach dates, enrollment dates) will be loaded to member eligibility files to support claims and appropriate payment edits
Billing and Payment-Rates 31 CSC will notify managed care plans and Provider-led Health Homes when they are able to bill new Health Home rate codes. Payment rates will be set based on region and case mix (e.g. clinical acuity). Eventually rates will be further adjusted by member functional status (e.g. impairment in physical and/or behavioral functioning, housing status, self management abilities, etc). Except for TCM slots, outreach and engagement will pay at 80% of the rate, once the candidate is enrolled the rate will be 100 %
Health Home Rate Code Definitions 1386: Health Home Services (Plans and FFS) 1387: Health Home Outreach (Plans and FFS) 1851: Health Home/OMH TCM 1852: Health Home Outreach /OMH TCM 1880: Health Home/AIDS/HIV Case Management 1881: Health Home Outreach/ AIDS/HIV Case Management 1882: Health Home/ MATS 1883: Health Home Outreach/MATS 1885: Health Home/CIDP Case Management Billing and Payment-Rates 32
Billing and Payment-Claims 33 Claims are submitted by, and monthly payments made to, health plans (MC ) Provider-led Health Homes (FFS) and converting TCM programs (for both MC and FFS) through eMedNY Claims can only be submitted once per month and must be dated the first of the month; these are institutional claim types using the electronic 8371 format
Billing and Payment-TCMs 34 TCM’s have unique billing rules: Existing case management slots, OMH-TCMs, HIV COBRA, CIDP and the MATS programs will convert to Health Home rates retroactive to January 1 TCM’s will bill at 100% of the Per Member Per Month (PMPM) for outreach and engagement and for enrollment, for TCM slots
Billing and Payment-TCMs 35 TCM’s have unique billing rules: TCM programs billing under their existing NPI must bill eMedNY directly for both MC and FFS participants, including their legacy TCM capacity and new Health Home capacity Health Homes can negotiate with TCM programs for upstream payments for administrative services and other support
Billing and Payment-TCMs 36 Guidance is under development for case management (i.e. TCM, COBRA) programs to bill new rates retroactively to January 1, 2012, for patients they are already serving (may have option to automatically reprocess these claims) No changes to billing until this guidance is released. TCMs should continue to bill as they are doing now. Once TCMs have transitioned to new codes, can use the active enrollment code for continuing care management services, but health information cannot be shared until Health Home consent is obtained
Minimum Billing Requirements 37 Health Homes must provide at least one of the six core Health Home services per quarter. There will be no requirement for minimum face-to-face contacts, however, there must be evidence of activities that support billing, including: Contacts (face-to-face, mail, electronic, telephone) Patient assessment Development of a care management plan Active progress towards achieving goals
38 Care Management Metrics
Metrics 39 Care management process metrics will be collected to assess the level of care management services provided and the degree to which the six core Health Home services have been delivered Initially, quality metrics will be derived for the most part from encounter and claims data. State outcome metrics are included in the SPA, guidance still pending from CMS (expected Summer 2012) on core measures and metrics
Metrics State is exploring alignment of Health Home care management metric reporting with CMART, a case management reporting utility used by Plans dicaid_health_homes/forms/ Health Homes required to send member-level metrics to the member’s Managed Care Plan Managed Care Plans will report metrics to DOH, for Plan members, Health Homes will report metrics to DOH for FFS members 40
Metrics Goal - uniform platform for reporting that would satisfy requirements of Plans, Health Homes and DOH How often metrics will need to be reported (e.g., frequency of contacts, dates) under discussion (possibly monthly, as part of the process of sharing member tracking sheets) Expect to start the reporting and collecting process metrics as of April
42 Functional Assessment
43 Validated tool administered face-to-face upon enrollment, annually thereafter and at discharge; results reported to the State Results of assessments used to adjust initial rates, which were based on calculated acuity and risk scores State evaluating a functional self-assessment tool based on the FACIT-GP to evaluate each Health Home participant on a range of measures _homes/forms /
44 Phase II
45 Phase II counties are Dutchess, Erie, Manhattan, Monroe, Orange, Putnam, Queens, Richmond (Staten Island), Rockland, Suffolk, Sullivan, Ulster, and Westchester Anticipated Start date for Phase II is April 1 41 applications received for Phase II are under active review
Questions? 46 Visit the Health Home Website at: medicaid_health_homes Attachments for webinar: medicaid_health_homes/forms/ medicaid_health_homes/forms/ Send an to the Health Homes Bureau Mail Log at