Evolution of OOP’s There are many problems faced by users which leads to its evolution. Some kinds of problems faced are as follows:- 1. Large programs because of their complexities are more prone to errors. 2. Software errors can be expensive and even life- threatening. Two major types of programming languages :- 1. Low level languages (machine and assembly languages). 2. High level languages.
Machine language Instructions are written in binary code (using digits o and 1) is the only language computer can execute directly. Assembly language Instructions are written using symbolic names for machine operators and operands,makes programming less tedious than machine language programming. * Assembly language is then converted into machine language using Assembly software. High level language It offers English like keywords, constructs for sequence selection (decision) and iteration (looping) and use of variables and constants. Thus it is very easy to program with such languages as compared to low level languages.
A Programming language serves two purposes: i) It should provide a mode for the programmer to specify actions to be executed. ii) It should provide a set of concepts for the programmer to use when thinking about what can be done. Middle level languages The languages 'C' and 'C++' SERVES both the aspects i.e, are close to machine as well as programmer. Programming Pradigm It means a way of thinking or doing things. Paradigm: means organizing principal of a program. It is an approach to programming. Procedurel programming
A program in a procedural language is a list of instructions where each statement tells the computer to do something. Here focus is on processing. Languages support this paradigm by providing facilities for passing arguments to functions (subprograms) and returning values from functions. Modular programming With the increase in programm size, a single list of instructions becomes unwieldy Thus a large program is broken down into smaller units i.e, functions(sub- programs). Module A set of related procedure with the data they manipulate is called a module. This is also called data-hiding principle. It does model the real world very -well.
The object oriented programming It not only makes the program less complex but also makes the software reuse feasible and possible. It views a problem in terms of objects involved rather than procedure for doing that. Object It is an identifiable entity with some characterstics and behaviour. While using OOP's approach:- *Characterstics of an object are represented by its data. *Behaviour of an object is represented by its functions associated. Class A class is a template /blue -print representing a group of objects that share a common proreties and relations.
Basic concepts of OOP's 1.Data Abstruction 2. Data Encapsulation 3. Modularity 4. Inheritance 5. Polymorphism Data Astraction It refers to act of representing essential features without including the background details or explanations.
Encapsulation The wrapping up of data and operation /functions (that operate on the data ) into single unit (called class) is known as encapsulation. *Encapsulation is a way to calculate /implement data abstraction.It hides the details of the implementation of an object. In C++ encapsulation is implemented with the help of a class. Modularity It means decompose the tasks (the large system programs) into small correlated modules. It is implemented with the help of programs. Inheritance It is the capacity of one class to inherit(access) from one class.
Uses of inheritance: i) Insurance of the closeness with the real world- methods. ii) Reusability, derivation of a new class, reduction in amount of typing and effort. iii) Translative nature of inheritance. Polymorphism It is the ability for a message or data to be processed in more than one form. Advantages of OOP's: a) It models the real world well. b) With OOP's,programs are easy to be understood
c) OOP's offers classes reusability. d) OOP's faciliates quick development as parallel development of classes is possible. e) With OOP's,programs are easier to test,manage and maintain. Disadvantages of OOP's : a) With OOP's,classes tend to be overly generalised. b) The relations among classes becomes artificial at times. c) The OOP's program design is tricky. d) Also one needs to do proper planning and design for OOP's programming. e) To program with OOP's,programmer needs proper skills such as design skills,programming skills and thinking in terms of objects etc.
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