Indoor Precision Position Concept JUNE 2011 Niels Bo Theilgaard Founder and CEO
Facts: GamesOnTrack A/S, Holstebro Founded 2007, by CEO Niels Bo Theilgaard Privately held, 5 employees. Board: Peter Pasgaard, Væksthus Midjylland: Telecommunication Carsten Sørensen, Director ABB: Robotics Søren Hebsgaard, Director Avenida: Software Technology Nils Marstrand, CEO Marstrand Innovation: Partnerships Poul Krogh Sørensen, Founder: Production IPR: Patent Application on Radio/Ultrasound Positioning Facts
Products: Launched GT-Command -> DK 2008 Launched GT-Command -> Globally 2009 Launched GT-Position -> Aug Facts (continued) DKNOSEUSCAAUILDEUKNL Distribution & Co-operation: Dealers in 8 countries and webshop Co-operation with Speachlab GISS/IES, AAU Co-operation with Hobby-Trade A/S Danish Railway Museeum Application
The Danish Railway Museum Installed GT-Command System
Agenda Our Company Our Vision - Bringing kids to play with electronics - Bringing adults to play with kids Our Products - GT-Command - GT-Position Technology aspects Future impacts: -GT-Position with unique ID, automatic track drawing, automatic live position, unique automation, move toys in collaboration, create games and rules, from any age?. If time – a video
Our Vision Adding geometrical based playing Adding games and competition Adding global community Robots, cars, trains, helies and other moveable toys will always be there. If we could introduce a cheap, precise and highly frequenly updated local position, we could improve the experience: Benefitting from – and building – play together locally and across. Combine toys and internet using indoor positioning. Build the next WOW or Transport Tycoon with physical toys.
Commanding We made – and is selling - GT-Command for model trains: - Monitor, Commander, Multiuser, Automations, (seq programming like Lego NXT), Gaming, and Voice Control -Can be applied /changed to other areas
GT-Position Build GT-Position – precise indoor GPS - and introduced it in the Model train area. Substitutes a great deal of traditional electronics and introduces: Exact position Atomatic track drawing, True speed Driving with GPS Interaction control Signal control Block control Automatic track selections Parking, etc..
GT-Position Concept Precision about 10 mm indoor position system. Tracking up to 10 m distance. Scales with additional receivers, in triangulation, i.e. Cover 50x50 meter with 10 receivers. Tracking every 100 ms. Generating XYZ, signal level, distances, speed etc.
GT-Position Concept (continued) Multi units tracking, sequential, i.e. 10 units per second. Based on radio and ultrasound, a reverse GPS. Connected to a PC with apps running on the PC, mixing physical geometry, physical positions with drawn geometries and 3rd party positions. Pricepoint in simple set-up below 400 €, with 50 € per extra sender and 75 € per extra receiver. Can be reduced with volume.
GT-Position Concept (explained XYZ example)
Aspects What is the impact on ”game” controllers?: - Wii, Kinetic, Model trains, Remote controllers, NXT’s, Phones, PC’s etc. Is Precision good enough? Is Scalability good enough? Is Simplicity good enough? Is Price point good enough? Is it compact enough for massive internet communication.? What impact on areas outside the toy industry, Healthcare, Logistics, Home care, Home apps, ?
The Vision Starts Somewhere
Projects And Co-operation IT-University on: - Gaming platform - Open SDK Players (no names) in the model train industry: -2-3 year vision on making the digital model railroad simpler and cheaper. Combining trains, cars, accessories – and apply it on the net. Next generation studies for clients. Enabling developers to make apps and collaboration.