By leila grace hilf
How? Times tables to me are really easy but maybe you have trouble with them that’s why I have come to help you I promise you will have the brain of Einstein when you come to the end of this power point
Counters You may use counters to help you so lets say you have the problem 7x4 you make seven counter in each row and four rows count them all together and you have 28!
count Here an idea lets say you have 7x7 you start counting by sevens lets start 7’14’21’28’35’42’49 your answer is 49 !
Get some help It still might be hard so you can get a adult or a sister they can help you out with it
Practice makes perfect If you just spend five minutes a day with your multiplication facts a day you will become a minister at math
Calculator Ok now you might give up with the stuff I just told you so use a calculator it gives you all the answers you can buy one at the dollar store for dirt cheap or you can buy A fancy one at staples or Europe whatever
Stop! Ok you shouldn't do more than twenty minutes a day you might get overwhelmed and start to cry about how you can’t do it but believe me you can do it !
Bye! I hope you had a good time with me leaning times tables and you probably turned into Einstein have a fun time leaning times tables now its time for your adding practice
adding Ok all of you know 2+2=4 right well good cause if you didn’t this would be a hard task
how Adding is a simple thing that every one has to learn part of life but there’s no fear Leila is here!
fingers Fingers you can help you add lets say you have 1+1 you stick up one finger and another finger you have 2
But……… Ok when you get into first grade your going to learn a lot like this 323 +122
okay So your going to learn a lot about well every thing so pay attention in school (or not) and have a great day!
Calculator Get one from staples or europe
Practice If you child is having trouble you can call kumon a math and reading school in Birmingham Michigan I believe there is one in troy so yeah
We can help Every one needs help on math on some time hire a tutor or a mom
Bye! Bye I hope you had fun hasta da vista adios zai jian shalom
Aha! This power point is legal and under any thing you are not allowed to copy right this I’M CALLING MY DAD! He’s a lawyer
This is Leila's power point
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