Mapping Ecosystem Services - The ESM App and the New MapNat


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Mapping Ecosystem Services - The ESM App and the New MapNat Jörg Priess OpenNESS-CANA Minisymposium, Analandia, 2015-06-23

Why Map & Measure Ecosystem Services ? Contribute to maintain & restore ecosystems providing essential services (ESS), on which livelihoods and human wellbeing are based. Increase knowledge about ESS provision (supply) and their use (demand). Information about ESS use needed for: ESS-related research (scientific community) Decision support (policy & planning) Environmental information & education (citizens, teachers, scientists)

ESS-concept beyond Science ESS increasingly applied in policy, legislation, planning Aichi targets on ecosystem services (agreed at COP10, Nagoya, 10/2010) Strategic goal D: Enhance the benefits to all from biodiversity and ecosystem services Target 14: By 2020, ecosystems that provide essential services, including services related to water, and contribute to health, livelihoods and well-being, are restored and safeguarded, taking into account the needs of women, indigenous and local communities, and the poor and vulnerable Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services – IPBES Governments have agreed on four main functions of IPBES: knowledge generation, assessments of knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystem services (regional, sub-regional, global and thematic), policy support by identifying policy-relevant tools and methodologies and capacity building to improve the science-policy interface.

Concepts and Tools for Mapping & Measuring ESS Sources:;; CCI and BirdLife International (2011) Measuring and monitoring ecosystem services at the site scale. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Conservation Initiative and BirdLife International.

Mapping and Reporting ES Key objectives of the ESM App Direct mapping of the use (= flow) of ecosystem services = demand perspective  optionally potential supply perspective Focus on cultural services Tool making use of everyday personal devices and their technical features, namely smartphones / tablets Applicable in citizen science and research

Mapping and Reporting ES Interested citizens and/or scientists mapping ES Locate ES via GPS user feedback: visualisation Submit / retrieve Results Users Science - Decision makers - Public

Classification of ES – adapted from CICES v4.3 ESM-App: all ecosystem services Provisioning – regulating - cultural Source:Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services CICES v 4.3 modified & expanded (URL:; )

Classification of ES – adapted from CICES v4.3 MapNat-App: Selected ecosystem services Focus on cultural ESS & dis-services Selected provisioning & regulating ESS Source:Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services CICES v 4.3 modified & expanded (URL:; )

Current Version of the ESM-App 1 2 3 Current Version of the ESM-App

Current Version of the ESM-App 1 2 3 Map ES: select land use & ES  rank  submit

Current Version of the ESM-App 1 2 3 Map ES: select land use & ES  rank  submit „Self“ flag Current Version of the ESM-App User benefits: locate interesting ES, check own mapping

Current Version of the ESM-App 1 2 3 Map ES: select land use & ES  rank  submit Provide additional information, Export mapped ES, report bugs / App-crash User benefits: locate interesting ES, check own mapping „Self“ flag Current Version of the ESM-App

MapNat: New and Improved Features All of them recommended / requested by test-users of ESM-App New Help Screens Optional/permantent Startscreen New ICON Short Intro to MapNat New Ecosystem Service List NEW colors to group ES Focus on cultural ES, to ensure demand perspective NEW dis-services included New Mapping Options GPS plus free points- areas-lines on the map

MapNat: New and Improved Features 2 All of them recommended / requested by test-users of ESM-App New Additional Options New transport to ESS use Old Land use type or Ecosystem of ESS use NEW questions valuation & frequency of visit NEW free comment New Summary Page NEW review all selections NEW add a photo New Settings Options New option to register Old register home location Old download and email options Old crash report to developer

Wrap Up – Current & Potential Uses of ESM App Users ESM App ESS information Provide limited user feedback Generate new knowledge via mapping (and valuing) ESS Provide information supporting ESS-science and -education

Obrigado para prestar atenção place, date Obrigado para prestar atenção SEITE 16 © J. Priess

Retrieval of results Via WEB GUI from the server or via export of own records from smartphone

ESM App - Technical Information Smartphone Android operating system (2.X; better 4.X) 4 MB free space GPS internet access adaptable lists for ESS and ecosystems Webserver URL: SQL Database Data retrieval GUI Language management ToDos WebGis Quality control of data data evaluation methods links to other ES-related databases Communication Structured packages for 1 - n ESS Online OR offline Lan, wLan, bluetooth Independent of languages

Wrap Up – Current & Potential Uses of ESM App Suggestions of ESM-App test-users for additional functionalities of next version: Simplify app structure and terminology More options to map ESS (areas, tracks) Options to submit comments and images Valuation of ESS Questions & answers Environmental quiz . . .