Review Time!!!! Unit 2
Name several ways geography affected Greece Mountains – kept them isolated into independent city states; made travel and transportation difficult Poor farmland – had to trade for food, limited the population Surrounded by sea – travel, transportation, trade Moderate climate – outdoor life – politics, sports, civic duty
What early group built fortified walls on the hills of Greece? Mycenaeans What war was fought by the Mycenaeans over the kidnapping of the King’s wife? Trojan War Who wrote about this war? Homer What were his stories entitled? The Iliad and The Odyssey
What are these long tales of heroic deeds called? Epics What group ruled Greece from approximately 1200 BCE to 800 BCE and failed to advance? Dorians What do we call this period? The Dark Ages
Traditional stories about the gods were called what? Myths What does the word polis mean? City State What is a city state? Independent city with own govt, customs, etc. Not part of a unified nation Government run by a king is called Monarchy
A fortified hilltop was called Acropolis What happened at these places? Meetings, government, discussions, temples A government ruled by a small group of wealthy individuals Aristocracy Government by the few Oligarchy
Government by the people Democracy What kind of democracy did the Greeks have? Direct What kind of government do we have? Representative Leaders who took over aristocratic leaders with the support of the people were Tyrants
Who developed a harsh code of Greek law? Draco Who outlawed debt slavery and imprisonment? Solon Who increased the number of people who could participate in government? Cleisthenes
What was the role of Athenian women? Raise family, tend to the home, etc. Peasants who were forced into slavery by the Spartans were called Helots Spartan boys left home for military training at age 7 At what age did they become official soldiers? 20
At what age did Spartan soldiers retire? 60 What was the role of Spartan women? Strong, physically fit to bear children and defend Sparta What was in Spartan soup? Pork boiled in animal blood, vinegar, salt
Greek foot soldiers were called Hoplites A powerful infantry formation where soldiers stood shoulder to shoulder was the Phalanx The first battle of the Persian war was at Marathon Who won this battle? Greeks
Who was Pheidippedes? Runner who ran 26 miles to tell Athens of the victory Who was the Persian leader at this battle? Darius Who was his son who sought revenge on the Greeks at Thermopylae? Xerxes
What happened at Thermopylae? Mountain pass defended by 6,000 Greeks (300 Spartans); Greeks betrayed, Persians won, all Spartans died; Athens burned At what naval battle did the Greeks defeat the Persians? Salamis What was the final battle of the Persian War? Plataea
What defensive league was formed by the Greek city states following the Persian War? Delian Who dominated this league? Athens What period of history was ushered in following the defeat of Persia? Golden Age
Who was the Greek leader during the Golden Age? Pericles What did Pericles do for Athens? Strengthened democracy, improved the navy, allowed more people to participate in government What was the Assembly? Voting Greek citizens (adult, male)
What were some notable Greek accomplishments during the Golden Age? Philosophy, Art, Theatre, Sculpture, Science, Math, Architecture What philosopher was convicted of corrupting the minds of youth? Socrates Who was his most famous student? Plato What school did he establish? The Academy
Where were Greek plays performed? Amphitheatres What were the two types of Greek plays? Tragedy and Comedy What do we call this period of World history? Classical Who was the father of history? Herodotus What historian based his writings on factual information? Thucydides
What war occurred between Sparta and Athens? Peloponnesian What disaster struck Athens during this war? Plague What does philosophy mean? Love of wisdom
What philosopher was the tutor of Alexander the Great? Aristotle Why were these philosophers ahead of their time? Promoted free thought, higher level thinking, examining oneself, questioning the world What was the Socratic method? Teaching by asking questions
What famous temple housed the ancient statue of Athena? Parthenon What kingdom to the north of Greece eventually conquered it? Macedonia Who was the leader who took over most of Greece? Phillip II
Who was Phillip’s famous son? Alexander the Great What great empire did Alexander defeat? Persian How far east did Alexander’s empire extend? Indus Valley How long did Alexander remain in power? 12 years (age 20 - 32)
The blending of Greek and Middle Eastern culture was called Hellenistic Blending of cultures is called Cultural diffusion What achievements were made during this period? Literature, architecture, art, science, math, astronomy, physics, philosophy
What was the most important Hellenistic city? Alexandria, Egypt Whose work is the basis of modern geometry? Euclid Who developed the idea of pi and worked with levers and pulleys? Archimedes
Who wrote Greek comedies? Aristophanes What philosophy believed in the pursuit of pleasure and happiness in life? Epicureanism What philosophy focused on bearing the burdens of life with strength? Stoicism When were the first Olympics held? 776 BCE
ROME Who were the legendary founders of Rome? Romulus and Remus Who raised them? A wolf When was Rome founded? 753 BC On what river was Rome built? Tiber
What mountain range runs down the center of Italy? Apennine What type of government was established in Rome? Republic Italy is what type of land mass? Peninsula
What were the wealthy members of Rome called? Patricians What were the lower class members called? Plebeians What group controlled northern Italy? Etruscans
When was the Roman Republic founded? 509 BCE What is a Republic? Government run by elected officials What were the 300 members of government who made laws called? Senators What were the 2 rulers of Rome called? Consuls
How long did consuls serve in office? 1 year What government body was created to represent the plebeians? Council of Plebes What was the name of the written code of law developed by the plebeians? Twelve Tables, 451 BCE
What was the Roman army called? Roman Legion (Legionnaires) Who would rule Rome during times of war? A dictator What series of wars began in 264 BCE? Punic Wars These were wars between Rome and Carthage (Phoenician colony in N. Africa)
How many wars were fought? 3 Who led an army with elephants through Spain through Europe to try to conquer Italy? Hannibal What resulted from this? Scipio attacked Carthage (Zama) and Hannibal was forced to return (and retreat from Italy)
When Carthage was finally defeated in the 3rd war, what happened to its inhabitants? All 50,000 sold into slavery What was the importance of the Punic Wars? Greatly increased the size of the Roman Republic – dominant in the Mediterranean
Which brothers tried to make reforms in Rome and were both murdered? Gracchus Caesar, Pompey and Crassus formed an alliance called the First Triumvirate What reforms did Caesar institute? Granted citizenship to many people in provinces, expanded the Senate, helped create jobs through new public works projects, increased pay for soldiers
The first Roman Emperor was Augustus (Octavian) The 200 year period of peace in Rome was called the Pax Romana What VALUES did the Romans possess? Loyalty, duty, discipline, usefulness, practicality, strength
Roman gladiator fights occurred at the Colosseum What new religion developed during the days of the early Roman empire? Christianity What ideas did Jesus emphasize in his teachings? Forgiveness, love, charity, kindness, love of god, neighbors, etc. Why was Jesus crucified? Roman leaders concerned that he posed a threat, wouldn’t pray to Roman leaders, upset Jewish leaders
What were some reasons why Christianity became more popular? Offered salvation, hope, based on love, kindness, all could be members, just needed faith, rich and poor alike welcomed, eternal life Who was the first Christian Roman emperor? Constantine Who split the Roman empire? Diocletian
What were some of the “barbaric” tribes that invaded Rome? Huns, Goths, Visigoths, Franks, Vandals, Ostragoths When did the Roman empire officially fall? 476 AD What was the capital of the eastern part of the empire that lived on? Constantinople (Asia Minor)
EVERYONE Name several reasons for the decline of Rome Inflation, loss of loyalty, mercenaries, lack of gold and silver, land depleted – affected harvests, unemployment, decline of discipline and morale, empire too large, gap between rich and poor, inflation, loss of patriotism, invasions, disruption of trade, tax burden, little money for defense, moving capital to Byzantium (Constantinople), division of empire, civil war and unrest