Open Education ____________________________________________________ Past, Present, and Your Future Paul Kawachi FRSA open - ed. net
overview past present future
overview past present futureyour
overview past present futureyour : define ‘open’ : development : re-define ‘open’
overview The purpose and aims for this presentation : (1)define ‘open’ : to see what other open universities are doing, to know the differences (2) development : to understand how universities change, and why there are differences (3) re-define ‘open’ : to understand the current reform and to see your role in all this
overview past present futureyour : define ‘open’ : development : re-define ‘open’
1. define ‘open’ : people, places, methods, ideas
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net
1. define ‘open’ : people, places, methods, ideas UK Open University started out with quality assurance and research orientation they started almost all the leading innovations...
1. define ‘open’ people : modular courses, credit bank, and listening to students places : local tutors, repeated broadcasts, and recordings of lessons methods : study centres, supported learning, educational radio and television ideas : easy English, conversational model women’s studies, group team learning, and cross-faculty courses
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net The first ever recording of open distance education university course material was of radio broadcasts published in Germany as a plastic record in 1970
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net The first ever recording of open distance education university course material was of radio broadcasts published in Germany as a plastic record in 1970
1. define ‘open’ : people, places, methods, ideas UK Open University but not yet... languages, cultures, costs
1. define ‘open’ : people, places, methods India IGNOU they are open to changing their mission statement
1. define ‘open’ : people, places, methods India IGNOU and open to... languages, costs but not yet... cultures
1. define ‘open’ : people, (places), (methods) Japan O U J and not yet... languages, costs, cultures, time
1. define ‘open’ : people, (places), (methods) Japan O U J mission = promote lifelong learning for older adults and not yet... languages, costs, cultures, time
1. define ‘open’ : people, places, costs Korea N O U
1. define ‘open’ : people, places, Australasia not open to... methods, time and pacing, modularisation, curriculum, or costs
1. define ‘open’ : people, places, Australasia characterised by distance education rather than open learning
1. define ‘open’ philosophical difference distance education : conformity to standard teaching to students-as-objects open learning : individualised learner-centred honours and values diversity student is the subject of learning
1. define ‘open’ : people, places, Australasia characterised by distance education rather than open learning
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net
2. develop cycles : to understand the role and function of openness in open universities we need to understand the cycles of development
2. develop cycles : basically there are two parts in each cycle of development
2. develop cycles : basically there are two parts in each cycle of development these are first technical improvement followed by quality improvement
2. develop cycles : basically there are two parts in each cycle of development these are first technical improvement followed by quality improvement originally proposed by Otto Peters in 1983 then identified by Paul Kawachi in 2002
2. develop cycles : technical improvement zweckrationalität technical rationalisation quality improvement wertrationalität value - adding rationalisation
2. develop cycles : zweckrationalität, wertrationalität technical value - adding 1970 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2. develop zweckrationalität wertrationalität technical value - adding 1970 ~ ~ 1995 industrialisation tutor - support mass production media choice learners in groups
2. develop zweckrationalität wertrationalität technical value - adding 1995 ~ ~ 2005 objective text - based student - centred internet use ethnic diversity tolerance / law
2. develop zweckrationalität wertrationalität technical value - adding 2005 ~ ~ 2012 financial crisis consortia mergers course choices sharing courses social networking
2. develop zweckrationalität wertrationalität technical value - adding 2013 ~ ~ prior - learning face - recognition recognition voice - recognition virtual reality cross-accreditation student mobility lifelong learning
2. develop cycles : zweckrationalität, wertrationalität technical value - adding 1970 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2. develop cycles : different regions are at different stages of vertical development ( cycles of technical + value-adding ) and of horizontal development ( out-reach )
2. develop cycles : understanding these cycles helps us to know that different countries are at different stages and even within a country different universities are at different stages
3. re-define ‘open’ : UK Open University has 20 million downloads of courseware from i Tunes Univ put short courses freely online 60 % of those who try sampler courses later enrol + they offer new Openings courses for the poor
3. re-define ‘open’ : Humboldt Bologna
3. re-define ‘open’ : Humboldt founded the first liberal arts university Bologna Process of specialisation aiming to recover higher education for the people
types of university and distinct function of each type Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net
3. re-define ‘open’ : universities stand for different purposes and develop vertically rarely connecting with each other
3. re-define ‘open’ universities stand for different purposes
3. re-define ‘open’ universities stand for different purposes medicine hospital school teachers college business school M B A adult - education open university
3. re-define ‘open’ and develop individually without joining together medicine hospital school teachers college business school MBA adult-ed open university
3. re-define ‘open’ can they join together ?
3. re-define ‘open’ maybe open university technology university teacher training university
3. re-define ‘open’ and possibly transnationally O U J O U C K N O U
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net some open universities are moving into Stage 6 or 7
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net to develop into Stage 6 the open university needs to be open culturally and to develop into Stage 7 the open university needs to develop shared open resources
3. re-define ‘open’ to develop into Stage 6 the open university needs to be open culturally and to develop into Stage 7 the open university needs to develop shared open resources
3. re-define ‘open’ to develop into Stage 6 the open university needs to be open culturally and to develop into Stage 7 the open university needs to develop shared open resources Let’s see how well open universities are developing and re-defining the concept of open = going out
3. re-define ‘open’ : UK Open University offers pic-n-mix courses, certs higher ed, diplomas, and degrees in ‘Open Programme’ BA/ BSc Open Degree
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net “ With the Open degree you can take modules from any of our undergraduate subjects … You can also get a Certificate of Higher Education Open, and a Diploma of Higher Education Open, on the way to your Open degree with honours. The Open degree is an important part of what makes the Open University unique.”
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net in Britain the Open University goes out hand-in-hand with others into the high streets
in New Zealand too Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net … in a sub-way train station underground in Taipei
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net … and in Canada
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net … mobile library buses go out to reach the people in rural Britain
3. re-define ‘open’ : India IGNOU people, places, methods languages, costs and gradually... cultures
3. re-define ‘open’ : Japan O U J people, methods ( = lifelong learning ) and also now... places eg community centres
3. re-define ‘open’ : Japan O U J most excitingly open to real collaboration across cultures
3. re-define ‘open’ : Japan O U J most excitingly open to real collaboration across cultures unique !
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net Open University of China is always looking out to find new ways to reach the people
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net Open University of China is open to high technology
3. re-define ‘open’
: we must go outside to be open, listen PLAR, share with family, continue lifelong learning learning and … more open to cultures, costs, languages Only a few teachers … but who is a teacher ? Peers, senior even junior students are also teachers especially graduates and alumni
past present future summary your : define ‘open’ : development : re-define ‘open’
summary define ‘open’ : people, places, methods, ideas development : cycles of technical and value-adding re-define ‘open’ : we must go outside to be open
summary define ‘open’ : people, places, methods, ideas development : cycles of technical and value-adding re-define ‘open’ : we must go outside to be open, listen, share, and continue learning
summary define ‘open’ : people, places, methods, ideas development : cycles of technical and value-adding re-define ‘open’ : we must go outside to be open, listen, share, and continue learning, develop new resources
‘open’ defined as ways to come in ‘open’ re-defined as ways to go out Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net
you can download these slides freely from the website / library / define. ppt or by to me at open - ed. net
you can download the full paper / library / define. pdf or by to me at open - ed. net
thank you presentations.pdf
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net past present futureyour : define ‘open’ : development : re-define ‘open’
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net presentations.pdf thank you
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net presentations.pdf thank you