Presentation to Support Employees of TUSD in Times of Change Megan McCormick, PhD Reesa Fickett
By the end of the program, participants will have been provided with a collection of tools, references and strategies to help them cope with significant change in their lives. Participants will be provided with a means to re-frame their current circumstances in a positive and productive light and be provided with a roadmap to begin to move forward with their careers.
How do people choose careers? ◦ People influence you ◦ Society influences you ◦ Socioeconomics influence you ◦ Culture influences you ◦ Skills and aptitude influence you Many people stumble into their careers or jobs due to external circumstances
But what if….. You were given an opportunity to Re-Invent Yourself? Would you do anything different?? Would you retrace your steps and create the exact same career path? If the answer is yes, then you know the way.. But if the answer is no….
If you could have a do-over you might want to ask questions that would help you: Finding Purpose Finding Your Mission Creating a Vision for Your Life Live with Passion
What are you passionate about? ◦ I think about it ◦ I could do it all day ◦ Time flies by when I’m doing it ◦ I would do it without getting paid ◦ I would pay to do it ◦ I’m happy when I’m doing it
What sounds like it would be fun to do? What are 100 things I want to do during my life? What would my perfect life look like? What would my perfect day look like? What did I dream about doing when I was a kid? If I could do anything, what would I be doing?
What are my values? What are my characteristics? What are my strengths? What are my unconscious habits that keep me in a rut? Am I thinking negative or positive thoughts all day? How do I want to be in the world?
USP (Unique Selling Point) Laurie Beth Jones in her book The Path describes this as what makes you special or unique? Your Talents: Marcus Cunningham and Donald Clifton in Now Discover Your Strengths discusses how your talents, knowledge and skills combine to create your strengths. Your Strengths: Build on them, focus on them Your Inspiration: Find it!!
I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What it Was: How to Discover What You Really Want and How to Get It Barbara Sher The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be Jack Canfield Chicken Soup for The Soul: Living Your Dreams Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen Ambition to Meaning: Finding Your Life’s Purpose Dr Wayne Dyer Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow Marsha Sinetar The Pathfinder: How to Choose or Change Your Career for a Lifetime of Satisfaction and Success Nicholas Lore The Path: Creating Your Mission Statement for Work and for Life: Laurie Beth Jones
Websites: What's next for teachers? /education- training/ ,education1219.article /education- training/ ,education1219.article Career Tests: Personality Tests: ests/Career_Tests_Personality_Tests.htm ests/Career_Tests_Personality_Tests.htm Ten Steps to a Successful Career Change: ces/a/10steps.htm ces/a/10steps.htm
Teacher Specific Resumes -resumes.html -resumes.html resume-examples.htm resume-examples.htm You don’t need to pay someone or use fancy software: ◦ Use Word ◦ Keep it to 1 page if possible ◦ Be specific ◦ Be unique ◦ Be honest
Websites: Transferable Skills for Teachers: teachers.htm teachers.htm How to Use Transferable Skills: Changing-Jobs-How-to-Use-Transferable-Skills Changing-Jobs-How-to-Use-Transferable-Skills Transferable Skills Survey: m?zi=1/XJ&sdn=jobsearch&cdn=careers&tm=157& gps=146_316_1020_592&f=20&su=p ip _p ip_&tt=2&bt=0&bts=1&zu=http%3A // ansfer_survey.html m?zi=1/XJ&sdn=jobsearch&cdn=careers&tm=157& gps=146_316_1020_592&f=20&su=p ip _p ip_&tt=2&bt=0&bts=1&zu=http%3A // ansfer_survey.html
Websites:*** *Meta-sites that search others for you! * Use alerts to find out when new jobs are posted!
Government/Teaching Jobs: * Consider TUSD jobs outside of your previous role! * Use alerts to find out when new jobs are posted!
Other School Districts: * Keep in mind, other Districts may be under similar circumstances.
Start your own business: Arizona Dept. of Commerce Chamber of Commerce Arizona Small Business Association Networking Sites: 10-ways-to-use.html 10-ways-to-use.html Changing-Jobs-10-Ways-to- Network-Properly/ Changing-Jobs-10-Ways-to- Network-Properly/ Twitter