Learning Goals:
Match the pictures to the jobs. Listen and check.
Script a. He’s a teacher. b. He’s a company president. c. She’s a radio DJ. d. She’s an athlete. e. He’s a musician.
Answers will vary. Which of the jobs above would you like to do the most in your future? What other jobs would you like to do? Tell a partner.
Listen to the people describing their jobs. Number the pictures in the order you hear them.
Listen again. What does each person like about his or her job? Circle a or b. 1. a meet many people b not so busy 2. a work inside b work outside 3. a enjoy singing b travel to many places 4. a help people b enjoy working
Listen again. What does each person like about his or her job? Circle a or b. 1. a meet many people b not so busy 2. a work inside b work outside 3. a enjoy singing b travel to many places 4. a help people b enjoy working
Script 1.My name is Emiko and I work as a salesperson. I enjoy selling. You meet many people and you’re always busy. I like that. 2. Hi, my name’s Jamie, and I build houses. I love to be outdoors, to work outside. It’s a great feeling to make something. 3. I’m Lisa and I’m a flight attendant. I have a great job. The best part is that I can travel to so many places and see so many things. It’s wonderful! 4.I’m Bill, and I’ve been a teacher for many years. I would never give up this job. Teaching lets me help people. I guess I like working with people!
Listen and match the speakers to their dream jobs.
c dea b
1. I can help ___________. 2. It would be ________ to be famous. 3. I love _______! 4. To make people’s _________ come true. 5. To create a new __________. Listen again. Why do they want these jobs? Complete the sentences.
1. I can help ___________. 2. It would be ________ to be famous. 3. I love _______! 4. To make people’s _________ come true. 5. To create a new __________. Listen again. Why do they want these jobs? Complete the sentences. people cool animals dreams styles
Listen to the conversations again. What does each person hope to do? Circle a or b. 1. a write a news story b own a newspaper 2. a make a lot of money b make people laugh 3. a have a lot of pets b own a small business 4. a become rich b travel around the world 5. a travel around the world. b change the fashion world
Listen to the conversations again. What does each person hope to do? Circle a or b. 1. a write a news story b own a newspaper 2. a make a lot of money b make people laugh 3. a have a lot of pets b own a small business 4. a become rich b travel around the world 5. a travel around the world. b change the fashion world
Script (R = Randy; I = Interviewer) 1. R: My dream job? Wow, let me see. I want to be a reporter! I: Why do you want to do that? R: If I’m a reporter, I can help people. I hope to write a news story that will make a change in a city or country. (JS = Jong-Soo; I = Interviewer) 2. JS: If I could have any job, I know what I’d do! I: What’s that? Be a star? JS: Yes, I want to be a TV star. I think it would be cool to be famous. Everyone knows your face! I hope to make people laugh.
Script (T = Tamika; I = Interviewer) 3. T: In the future, I hope to own a small business. I: You mean like a boutique? T: No, no, no. I don’t want to work with people. I love animals! I want to have a pet shop. Cute dogs and bunnies and cats. Give them a good home. (M = Maria; I = Interviewer) 4. M: I really want to make other people’s dreams come true. I: How would you do that? M: Well, if I am the president of a big travel agency, I can help people go anywhere in the world on vacation. Uh, I hope to become rich, too!
Script (M = Megumi; I = Interviewer) 5. M: My dream job would be... I want to be a fashion designer. I: Fashion designer. Wow, that’s cool. M: I want to create a new style that will be famous all over the world. Yeah, can you imagine that? I hope to change the fashion world!
Match the adjectives to the pictures. Listen and check.
Answers will vary. Match the adjectives to the pictures. Listen and check. What do you want to be? Circle three from above.
Script a. He’s healthy. b. She’s happy. c. She’s beautiful. d. She’s rich. e. He’s intelligent. f. He’s talented. g. She’s popular.
Three girls are on a beach where they find a genie in a bottle. Listen and match each person to her wish.
Listen again. What will they do with their wishes? Choose a or b.
Listen to the conversations again. Number the expressions 1–5. One is extra.
Script (D = Daphne; G = Genie; Gs = Girls; B = Briana; C = Chloe) 1. D: OK, Genie, we opened the bottle, we set you free, so we get something, right? G: That’s right. You get three wishes. D: Wow, three wishes each for three girls!! G: No, sorry, three wishes total. One wish per person. I’m a discount genie. Gs: Oooooh! G: OK kid, you’re up first. What do you want? D: Hi Genie, I’m Daphne and I have a simple wish. G: Let me guess—you want to be popular. B: No! She’s already popular! C: Most popular girl in school! D: But you can’t buy things just on popularity, Genie. So, I wish...
Script G: Yeah, yeah? D: I wish I had more money than Bill Gates. G: You want to be rich. D: That’s right. I think it would be so much fun to have all that money. C: Look at that! Hundred dollar billseverywhere! B: You can buy expensive stuff! C: Oh, I wish I were you! B: What are you going to do with all that? D: I want to give away more money than Bill Gates. It’s always been my lifelong dream! C: Yeah, Daphne! B: You go, girl!
Script 2. G: OK, who’s next? C: That’s me! Me! I’m Chloe. Nice to meet you, oh, great Genie. G: Yeah, yeah. What’s your wish, kid? C: I want everyone to love me, so I want you to make me popular! More popular than Angelina Jolie! B: Yeah! D: Oh, good wish! G: OK, kid, you got it... B: Now that you’re popular, what are you gonna do, Chloe? C: Well, you know, I could get many boyfriends... D: Yeah, alright! C: But I’m going to use my popularity to teach young people about all the problems in the world. B: You’re kidding! D: That’s great! C: Thank you, Genie! You’re so cool. B: Yeah! D: You’re the best!
Script 3. G: You girls impress me. You want to use your new talents for great purposes. I’m surprised. B: It’s my turn! I’m next. Hi, Genie, I’m Briana. G: Nice to meet you. B: Could you please make me smart? Gs: Yeah, good... B: I want to be intelligent, so intelligent. G: Your wish is my command! B: Oh, thanks so much! G: So, what are you going to do with your new brain? Science research? Make medicine for the poor throughout the world? B: I want to build a machine. D: Wow! C: What kind of machine? B: A machine that will do my homework for me! C: Unbelievable! D: Woo, hoo! G: (sigh) Gs: You’re so smart! You’re so smart!
Reduced forms of want to and going to Listen to how “I want to” and “I’m going to” are pronounced in spoken English.
Reduced forms of want to and going to Listen. Does each speaker say want to or going to? Check ( ✔ ) the correct box.
Script 1. I want to be beautiful and rich when I grow up. 2. I’m going to make a car that can fly. 3. I want to be talented and very famous. 4. I want to volunteer—to help poor people. 5. I’m going to raise a family and be very, very happy.
The genie has given you three wishes. Write your wishes and the reason why below. Work with a partner. Tell your partner your wishes and ask your partner about his or her wishes.