Let’s create A better Internet Safer Internet Day 11 th February 2014 Click on the words on the hands to find some activities for you to complete Starting Points
Security Safe Behaviours Obsessive use of ICT Let’s create A better Internet Security How secure is your password? What advice do you give about setting a password? How many different passwords should you have? What is the IMEI number of your mobile phone? Do you set the PIN number on your mobile phone? Safe Behaviours Explain to your younger sister what information is safe to share online Obsessive Use of ICT Complete of quick survey of your friends In a week how long do they: Use a computer/laptop? Play on a games console or tablet? Watch TV? How many text messages do they send? What is normal?
Bullying Digital Footprint Bullying Can you explain what each of these types of cyber-bullying are: Threats Flaming Masquerading Cyber stalking Outing Harassment Exclusion What action should you take in each case? Digital Footprint Find out what the words Digital Footprint mean. In pairs list all the web sites including social networks that you belong to. Is there any information these sites that your Gran should not see? Is there anything on these sites that might prevent you from getting a job tomorrow, next week, next year, ten years time?
Reliability, validity and Bias Copyright Reliability, validity and Bias Is everything that your read true? Is everything on the web true? What should you do to check facts? Copyright Discuss the ways in which a song writer can make a living
Let’s create A better Internet The Future What will the Internet look like for YOUR children? Will they all be wearing Google Glasses? Will they all have watches that are mobile phones? Will they have all their movements tracked by CCTV and GPS? Will there be no secrets? Write a ‘Day in the life ‘ of your child showing how they will interact with technology? Are there dangers? Will it be a better life? How can we make sure that there is a better Internet?