Nuclear Fusion Power The Energy of the Future?
Past, Present, and Future What is nuclear fusion? How was it discovered? What is being done with it today? What career opportunities are there involving fusion?
What is nuclear fusion? Stellar nuclear fusion 4H →He –Stellar plasmas have a slightly complicated 3-step fusion process that varies on the size of the star Nuclear fusion power uses Deuterium and Tritium isotopes of H T+D →He + n at temperatures of over 100 million K D is readily available T is unstable and decays quickly, processed from Lithium
How was it discovered In 1951, German scientists in Argentina made unsubstantiated claims of producing controlled fusion Fusion was initially a weapon Edward Teller championed the idea of the thermonuclear superbomb (Hydrogen bomb) utilizing fusion –Soviet and US research almost 100% devoted to weapons development
ITER Started internationally the late 1980’s to develop peaceful fusion power In 2001 designs for the facility were completed In 2005 Cadarache, France was picked as the build site Currently the management of the project has been established –Construction is bogged down in international politics –USA left the project in 1999 and rejoined in 2003
ITER goals Achieve 5-10x energy yield Begin construction next year First plasma by 2016 Testing key technologies and techniques for fusion Develop Tritium breeding methods from lithium compounds Will only run at 1/6 th of power output level of future power plants
ITER support and opportunity “$12 billion gamble” –Criticized for being such a large investment for an unproven method –Some alternative energy advocates say the money could be better spent Funded by USA, China, India, Russia, Korea, and EU Sign up today: submit your CVsubmit your CV
Cold Fusion In 1989 two scientists claimed they achieved fusion at room temperature –Discredited when results couldn’t be reproduced Last year, three UCLA physicists (above) developed easily reproducible cold fusion Too small scale to ever be used as an energy source
Plasma Physics Gateway to cutting edge fusion work is plasma physics Top programs –Princeton’s National Plasma Physics Lab –Funded by US Dept of Energy, tied with Princeton’s graduate program –UCLA has a Tokamak fusion reactor –MIT and UT Austin also highly acclaimed
Career options in fusion Research and Development –Get a PhD in plasma physics and research at one of several international sites ITER, CERN, PPPL, UCLA Lobbyist for science –Usually PhD scientists who become politically active –Important on a national and international level to secure funding needed to make breakthroughs