By Christine Bjork ERACE/Branford
On the right side is all the support materials and samples On the left are examples we will use today. *There is a clean copy on the right
Found at the ATDN Weebly site
Generate and Analyze Patterns (Level C, Operations and Algebraic Thinking 4.OA.5) Look relationships between quantities (Level C Ratios 6.RP.1 & 2) Show the relationship in a rule, equation, table and graph (Level C, Equations, Level D Number System 6.EE.9, 6.RP.3a) Define and evaluate linear functions (Level D Functions 8.F.1, 8.F.4, Level E Functions F.BF.1)
Continue the pattern and complete the table Can you determine the rule for the number of white buttons if you know the Pattern #? Pattern ## of White Buttons
Under Common Core Resources Mathematical Content Standards ◦ By grade and then by standard ◦ By Domain (Mathematical Strand) and then by grade Performance Assessment Problems of the Month
Once you know what you are looking for, you can also use Google Table patterns f f
Set of Books – you purchase a teacher’s edition and one student edition and you have permission to copy. Ratios and Proportions – looked at relationships in the grocery store, scale relationships Seeking Patterns, Building Rules – relationships in driving, heart rate, table problems
Developmental Math, Full Algebra Warm-up Video Presentation of the concept Worked Examples (From Khan Academy) Practice Review Tutor Sim, Puzzle and Project
Algebra Course 1 Unit 3: Functions and Patterns Lesson 2: Graphing Functions and Relations Topic 1: Representing Functions and Relations gebra1/U03L2T1_RESOURCE/index.html gebra1/U03L2T1_RESOURCE/index.html
Tutor Sim: Using knowledge gained about functions and applying it to ski slopes Puzzle – continuing the pattern Project – designing a roller coaster Projects are open-ended, allows for individual creativity – many are STEM related
Card Sorting: Function or Not? Peaches and Plums ess_courses.html
php?taskid=590#task590 php?taskid=590#task590 See problem in your packet
p p Grades: 6 – High School Standards Tab ◦ Click Grade ◦ Formative Assessments ◦ Tasks – Good for problem of the Day Ex. Linear Graphs =374#task374 =374#task374
Math applications for the real world Ex. Choosing the best cell phone plan phone-plans-2/ phone-plans-2/
Lesson plans and videos by standard -Characteristics of a linear function recognize-the-charactertistics-of-a-linear- function recognize-the-charactertistics-of-a-linear- function
Arranged by grade, by standard Challenging Problems worth solving
Under EQuIP Exemplars Submit – lessons/units, reviewed/critiqued and given suggestions After revisions, published on site
Adult Numeracy Network Membership (ANN) ◦ $15/year, $25/2 years, $30/3 years ◦ Includes copy of The Math Practioner NCTM – The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics ◦ $87 per year for an individual ◦ Includes online access to articles and activities ◦ Includes magazine subscription
Christine Bjork ERACE/Branford Adult Education Thanks for Coming!