Progress Report 8 th July 2015 Project Advisory Group Presented by Bríd Greenan
One Step Up Number of Profiles = 3,739 Number of calls to Freephone Helpline= 306
46% were looking for information on courses and 26% were looking for advice 52% were aged between Years Of those seeking basic skills 41% were in employment 36% described themselves as long-term unemployed 47% of those who were long-term unemployed were looking for courses Outcomes- One Step Up
Outcomes -Calendar 144 events were promoted
Summary of Key Findings (Jan-June 2015) 306 contacted the Freephone helpline 8% increase in queries compared to % female compared to 36% Male 64% Urban compared to 36% Rural 46% of callers were unemployed and 31% employed 35% looking for courses
Most popular courses: Childcare Computers/IT Healthcare Teacher/Training/ Tutor/ SNA Counselling/ Psychology 20% were looking to return to education 11% were looking to do the Leaving Certificate
10 % no formal qualification 12% Junior Certificate or equivalent 51% Leaving Certificate or equivalent 25% third level qualification Level of Education
Barriers to education Lack of information Lack of suitable courses Finance
Promotional Activity Facebook social media campaign Promotional material Radio advertisement campaign Ongoing promotional activity
Videos Posted Kerry ETB Training video got a reach of 7,116 people and 1596 video views. 26% of profiles gathered during that day were from county Kerry. Denise’s video reached 45,824 people and was watched by 12,163 people
Profiles by Month
Promotional Material 30 Libraries Headquarters Bookmarks 20 Posters ETB Offices -AEO Bookmarks 10 Posters 10 Fliers Intreo Offices Bookmarks 20 Posters 5
Ongoing Promotion & Publicity Weekly e-bulletin distributed to members Fairs & Expos ; Warrenmount, Central Library, Baldoyle Fair, Wicklow Further Education Centre Marketing through the Google ad words campaign Radio advertisements ran from 20 th -27 th May
Developments to website Personalised homepage Improved functionality Features to improve data collection library contacts included Refreshed FAQs New Facebook app Before After
Facebook App
Developing relationships with stakeholders Stakeholders or supporting organisations have been contacted to include a link on their website Presentations delivered to over 100 frontline staff; Department of Social Protection Finglas & Swords and Louth and Meath ETB staff
ECAS Online Platform ETB promotional activity Ireland [09/06/2015] One Step Up Report [30/04/2015] Progress report presentation on the European Agenda on Adult Learning [21/04/2015] European Agenda on Adult Learning Update Ireland [20/04/2015]
Donegal ETB - Learner event, community education Longford and Westmeath - Student Writings launch Cavan and Monaghan ETB - Careers Info event Leitrim Learners Conference - learners/guest speakers Limerick and Clare ETB - events to promote adult learning ETB Promotional Activity
Laois and Offaly - Open day and show case of learner work Cork ETB - Multimedia captures the benefits of community education Dublin and Dun Laoghaire ETB - Open day and launch of new centre Kildare and Wicklow - Open Days in Bray and Athy promoting their services Tipperary ETB – Learner Ambassador Video including 6 learners Laois and Offaly - Open day and show case of learner work Cork ETB - Multimedia captures the benefits of community education Dublin and Dun Laoghaire ETB - Open day and launch of new centre Kildare and Wicklow - Open Days in Bray and Athy promoting their services Tipperary ETB – Learner Ambassador Video including 6 learners ETB Promotional Activity