CH7-9 Review
Populist- political movement of late 1800’s that worked for an end to government corruption, government ownership of RR, free coinage of silver and women’s rights, most were rural coming from farmers alliances
William Jennings Bryan- Democratic Candidate called for free coinage of Silver William McKinley-Republican President defeated Bryan ending Populists party. Progressives-those wanting to reform the ills of society brought on by industrialization and urbanization
Robert Lafollette-Wisconsin Governor- Wisconsin Idea that included reforms of government with more citizen input
Recall- remove an official from office by vote Referendum- allowed the electorate to approve or disapprove laws passed by the legislature Initiative- allowed the people to petition to have a law placed on the ballot for approval
17 th amendment allowed for the direct election of senators 18 th Amendment brought about prohibition 19 th Amendment gave women the right to vote
Muckraker- Someone who wrote of corruption in business or government Plessy vs Ferguson court case making segregation legal- “ separate but equal” clause Jim Crow Laws- customs and laws of the south used to segregate the south and disenfranchise blacks
Poll Tax- required payment to vote Literacy test- Required passing a written test to be able to vote- Grandfather clause- if your grandfather could vote you could vote, avoiding the literacy test and poll tax
WEB DuBois-Started NAACP Booker T Washington- Believed blacks must become educated to gain equality Upton Sinclair-Wrote Jungle exposing practices in the meat packing industry Ida Wells – formed women”s version of NAACP to help black children
Boss Tweed- Corruptly Ran New York City government giving favors for votes and money Temperance Movement- Push to end use and abuse of alcohol -18 th amendment Sherman Anti-trust Act-Designed to break up monopolizing businesses
Imperialism- political, military and economic domination of strong countries over weak territories Alfred T Mahan- Believed in building a strong Navy that it was the signal of great power.
US Imperialism Purchase of Alaska- By William Seward from Russia for $7,200,000 Hawaii- Overthrow of Queen by plantation owners with the aid of US
Spanish American War Causes- Inflamed by journalists like Pulitzer and Hearst, the Sinking of the Maine the US declares war on Spain Results- US acquires Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam and Cuba. Cuba gained limited independence.
Boxer Rebellion- A rebellion in China Against outside interference Open Door Policy- all nations should have the right to trade equally
Theodore Roosevelt-Big Stick Diplomacy- Use a strong Military action to achieve America’s goals abroad Roosevelt Corollary- updated the Monroe Doctrine to include us police powers in Latin America if needed to keep country stable economically Monroe Doctrine – European countries were excluded from further building colonies in the western hemisphere
William Howard Taft-Dollar Diplomacy- Use American investments to gain stability in Latin America Woodrow Wilson- Moral Diplomacy- Nations like us would be favored encouraged Human Rights, national integrity, and opportunity Pancho Villa- Mexican rebel who led attacks on American border towns