DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Spring Meeting 2005 QUESTIONS and ANSWERS Presented by Bettye McGlockton And Larry Miklus Agency for Workforce Innovation Tallahassee, Florida
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM QUESTIONS and ANSWERS QUESTION #1: The eligibility criteria--has been supported by the income of a family member but is no longer supported…. SCENARIO: A potential client is not married. They have been living with a partner for many years. The partner’s support has ceased. Partner may be: common-law spouse, boyfriend, father of child, homosexual partner. ANSWER: The definition of family is any one who is related to the client by blood, marriage or decree of court. This definition should be used when determining whose income is reviewed to meet this eligibility element.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM QUESTIONS and ANSWERS QUESTION #2 - Eligibility criteria-has been supported by the income of a family member but is no longer supported…. SCENARIO: If my partner and I have a child together, are we related by blood based on the definition of family? ANSWER: No. The client is not married to the partner.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM QUESTIONS and ANSWERS QUESTION #3 - Eligibility criteria-has been supported by the income of a family member but is no longer supported…. SCENARIO: Potential client has been living with a non-family member, who has been taking care of them (example: roommate). That person tells them that they must leave. Does this individual meet this criteria? ANSWER: The individual does not meet the definition of family. This definition should be used when determining whose income is reviewed to meet this eligibility element.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM QUESTIONS and ANSWERS QUESTION #4 - Eligibility criteria-has been supported by the income of a family member but is no longer supported…. SCENARIO: The client has need divorced for several years. Does it matter how long ago they and their spouse were divorced, widowed, or spouse disabled? ANSWER: No. The only requirement is that the individual be able to document their eligibility status.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM QUESTIONS and ANSWERS QUESTION #5 - Eligibility criteria-has been supported by the income of a family member but is no longer supported…. SCENARIO: How do you prove that the potential client’s spouse is in prison, and thus not supporting her? ANSWER: No. An inmate’s record can be obtained from a local police department or from the Department of Corrections website at http://www.dc.state.fl.us/ActiveOffenders
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM QUESTIONS and ANSWERS QUESTION #6 - Eligibility criteria-has been supported by the income of a family member but is no longer supported…. SCENARIO: Potential client reports: that a divorce is imminent, and she needs to prepare herself (pending separation). There has been no change in financial support as yet. Is she eligible now? ANSWER: No. The client will be eligible when the process is final and she can document her eligibility status.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM QUESTIONS and ANSWERS QUESTION #7 - Eligibility criteria-has been supported by the income of a family member but is no longer supported…. SCENARIO: The client and her spouse want to separate, but they cannot afford to. Thus, they sleep in separate quarters, in the same dwelling. She says that he gives her no money now, only shelter. Is she eligible now? ANSWER: Yes, if she can document that she has no income and can provide a statement from the spouse that he only provides her shelter.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM QUESTIONS and ANSWERS QUESTION #8 - Eligibility criteria-has been supported by the income of a family member but is no longer supported…. SCENARIO: Potential client reports that she just separated from spouse, he moved out. What documentation should she bring in? Hard to prove separation, particularly when the bills may still be in his name. ANSWER: Collateral verification is allowable. This could be a statement from a second party, such as a neighbor, friend who may be familiar with client’s case)
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM QUESTIONS and ANSWERS QUESTION #9 - Eligibility criteria-has been supported by the income of a family member but is no longer supported…. SCENARIO: Potential client reports that they are married, and spouse’s financial support has been reduced because of: Move from another country His hours were reduced Injury (temporary). Eligible? How to document? ANSWER: Yes. Acceptable documents are: Pay stub, bank statement, IRS statement, UC statement that show income before and after the qualifying dislocation/displacement event.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM QUESTIONS and ANSWERS QUESTION #10 - Eligibility criteria-has been supported by the income of a family member but is no longer supported…. SCENARIO: The client reports that they are married, and spouse lost job. Is she eligible and how to document? ANSWER: Yes. Acceptable documents are: Pay stub, bank statement, IRS statement, UC statement that show income before and after the qualifying dislocation/displacement event.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM QUESTIONS and ANSWERS QUESTION #11- Eligibility criteria-has been supported by the income of a family member but is no longer supported…. SCENARIO: Potential client reports that spouse works, but it is not enough to support family. She needs to find a job. Is she eligible and how to document? ANSWER: Yes. Acceptable documents are: Pay stub, bank statement, IRS statement, UC statement that show income before and after the qualifying dislocation/displacement event. ANSWER: No. The only requirement is that the individual be able to document their eligibility status.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM QUESTIONS and ANSWERS QUESTION #12 - Eligibility criteria-has been supported by the income of a family member but is no longer supported…. SCENARIO: Potential client reports that she and spouse have been living off their savings, and they have depleted savings. She needs to find work. Is she eligible and how to document? ANSWER: Yes. Acceptable documents are: Pay stub, bank statement, IRS statement, UC statement that show income before and after the qualifying dislocation/displacement event. ANSWER: No. The only requirement is that the individual be able to document their eligibility status.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM QUESTIONS and ANSWERS QUESTION #13 - Eligibility criteria-has been supported by the income of a family member but is no longer supported…. SCENARIO: The client has need divorced for several years. Does it matter how long ago they and their spouse were divorced, widowed, or spouse disabled? ANSWER: No. The only requirement is that the individual be able to document their eligibility status.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM QUESTIONS and ANSWERS QUESTION #14 - Eligibility criteria-has been supported by the income of a family member but is no longer supported…. SCENARIO: Some of our homeless clients live in shelters, and bring in their ID card, or a referral form. What about the clients who report that they are homeless, but are not in a shelter? Are they eligible? ANSWER: Eligibility source documentation requirements are, in most instances, waived for homeless individuals. If they do not possess the necessary documentation, applicant signature is acceptable.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM QUESTIONS and ANSWERS QUESTION #15 - Eligibility criteria-has been supported by the income of a family member but is no longer supported…. SCENARIO: Potential client reports that they are getting help from their church (stay with congregants; is given a small amount of money). How do I document their eligibility? ANSWER: Collateral verification is allowable. This could be a statement from a second party, such as a neighbor, friend who may be familiar with client’s case)
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM QUESTIONS and ANSWERS QUESTION #16 - Eligibility criteria- Receiving government assistance SCENARIO: Which of the following are considered sources of government assistance: Medicare, Medicaid, Kid Care SSI , Social Security Disability (documented disability), Section Eight Housing and HUD Housing ANSWER: Valid government assistance sources for WIA eligibility purposes are listed above. Churches are governmental entities and any assistance received does not meet this eligibility criteria.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM QUESTIONS and ANSWERS QUESTION #17 - Eligibility criteria- Receiving government assistance SCENARIO: If they are receiving Unemployment, they are not adequately employed. Is this also government assistance? ANSWER: Clients receiving Unemployment Compensation are usually unemployed and seeking employment. They would not meet the “earning a self-sufficient wage” (adequately employed) criteria.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM QUESTIONS and ANSWERS QUESTION #18 - Eligibility criteria-has been supported by the income of a family member but is no longer supported…. SCENARIO: The client has need divorced for several years. Does it matter how long ago they and their spouse were divorced, widowed, or spouse disabled? ANSWER: No. The only requirement is that the individual be able to document their eligibility status.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM QUESTIONS and ANSWERS QUESTION #19 - How would a letter from a second party be? If the second party (friend, mother of client) comes in, what do I need to gather from them? If I call the second party, that information shall I obtain from them? ANSWER: The eligibility item or items should be listed on a Attestation form that includes a statement about a circumstance that supports the client eligible. The second party should read the statement and record her or his signature attesting to its accuracy. The attestation form statement should include the person’s name, mailing address telephone, date and staff’s signature.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM QUESTIONS and ANSWERS QUESTION #20 - I think the statute says that the client has received government assistance. As long as they can document that they receive the assistance (federal/state/local), is that sufficient? ANSWER: Yes.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM QUESTIONS and ANSWERS QUESTION #21 – What should client’s attestation of income look like? ANSWER: An attestation is a statement signed by the applicant that his/her income is the amount on the shown on the form. The statement should include the participant's name, SSN, date and eligibility item or items being documented. The statement can read "I certify that by my signature, the following information provided by me to determine my eligibility for the Displaced Homemaker Program is accurate.” Provide lines for the participant and program agent to sign and date the form.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM QUESTIONS and ANSWERS QUESTION #22 –Many clients are uncomfortable or refuse to give us their Social Security Number (SSN) due to identity theft. How can we serve them without the SSN? ANSWER: If the individual has no SSN or refuses to provide it, but a valid SSN must be obtained and recorded prior to exit of the individual from the program, the following methodology can be used to design an SSN.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM QUESTIONS and ANSWERS ANSWER: Designing a pseudo SSN (continued) A pseudo social security number must be created using the following methodology: 1 The first digit of a pseudo SSN is to always be a “9” 2. Followed by the last two digits of the individual’s birth year. 3. The next two digits will be “00” 4. Followed by the birth month and day. 5. If two or more individuals have the same date of birth the “00” will become “01”, “02”,etc. For example: Two individuals with a date of birth of May 1, 1960 would be assigned the following pseudo numbers: 1st Individual 960‑00-0501 2nd Individual 960‑01‑0501 (For an individual with a date of birth of September 18, 1954: (954-00-0918)