The Bologna process of Geology in Europe: the Spanish experience the Spanish experience José-Pedro Calvo Sorando Director General Instituto Geológico y Minero de España Multi-Country Workshop – European Commission-EFG Brussels 26/10/2005
PATHWAY - May 2001 European Commission- Launching of the ‘Tuning Higher Educational Structures in Europe’ Programme Geology Subject Area Group (one of the five selected titles) - September 2003 Contract signed with ANECA (Spanish Agency for Evaluation of Quality and Accreditation) - May 2004 Publication of the Report on the Title of Degree in Geology - Where are we now?
First step Sorbonne, 1998 Declaration for harmonizing the structure of the European Higher Education Space (EHES) (mobility, atractive for students) Two main cycles: Degree and Master Development of European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Bologna, 1999 Europe as a reference for worldwide students and teachers Increase of the employment in the European Union (quality, mobility, diversity, competitiveness) Universitary system easily understable – similarity among titles Structure based on Degree and Master Transferable credit system (ECTS) Promotion of European co-operation searching for quality and comparable criteria and methodology Promotion of the mobility of students, teachers and researchers Further developments in Prague 2001, Berlin 2003 and Bergen 2005
Legal development in Spain - R.D. 1125/2003 ECTS and qualification systems - R.D. 1044/2003 Procedure for expediture of the European supplement to universitary titles - R.D. 49/2004 Harmonization of titles and programs at a national scale - R.D. 55/2005 Organization of Degree studies - R.D. 56/2005 Organization of Master studies
Geology Subject Area Group DOCUMENT as a result of a selected pilot project (May 2001 – May 2002) Main objectives: - design of the basic contents for each title (core curriculum) and its professional profile - Increase of transparency by using the tools of the Bologna process and presentation of examples of “good practice” - Analysis and management of European credits (ECTS) - Development of the methodology for analysis of mutual and differentiating elements in the title curricula included in the project Spanish contribution to the document was elaborated by 9 experts in universitary administration, forming the Conference of Geology Deans that was coordinated by Dr. Pere Santanach (University of Barcelona). The document was approved by consensus.
Development of the Tuning Project in Spain Elaboration of a report (November 2002) on the situation and perspectives of the studies of Geology in Spain (based on Tuning Project – supported by questionnaires) Proposal of a structure for Degree and Master in Geology Contract signed with ANECA (Spanish Agency for Evaluation of Quality and Accreditation) – September 2003 May 2004 Publication by ANECA of the Report on the Title of Degree in Geology
Publication of the Report on the Title of Degree in Geology ( May 2004 ) ANECA (SPANISH AGENCY OF EVALUATION OF THE QUALITY AND ACCREDITATION)
Main contents of the Report on the Title of Degree in Geology 1) Current situation of studies in Geology and professional issues in Spain 2) Proposed model for Spain by comparing Degree studies in other European countries 3) Competences 4) Description of the title of Degree in Geology
Report on the Title of Degree in Geology - Current situation of studies in Geology and professional issues in Spain Geology is taught in 9 universities In the last 3 years, 515 graduates were formed Study programmes last 4 or 5 years Students spend 1 or 2 more years Success ratio ranging 30-40% Professional issues deal mainly with (1) companies, (2) higher education and Research, (3) Administration, (4) secondary school, others Model proposed for Spain by comparing Degree studies in other European countries Title of Degree in Geology should be based on generalistic, no specialty learning, providing knowledge adequate for integration in the working market Three years are not enough to forming a good professional; accordingly, the studies programmes for Degree in Geology might offer 240 credits (several possibilities envisaged) The European system of credits should result in better adjustment of the current studies programmes
Competences/skills transversal specific Description of the Title of Degree in Geology Generalistic, offering a basic formation in Geology (enabling access to working market – ‘A’ level in Public Administration) 240 ETCS (mostly obligatory mutual contents – <30% optional contents) Emphasis on fieldwork (transversal) Main subject blocks (“core curriculum”): Fundamentals of Geology (40 ECTS) Geological materials (15 ECTS) Surface geology (30 ECTS) Internal Geology (15 ECTS) Global aspects of Geology (15 ECTS) Economic Geology (30 ECTS) Fieldwork (15 ECTS) Learning tools and techniques (GIS, GPS, Internet, image analysis,.. Master in Geology – 90 or 120 ECTS (minimum 30 credits devoted to a project)
Where are we now? - Access to the working market would require a Degree (implemented) or a Master title - Degree studies would be properly developed by a studies programme lasting 3 years (180 ECTS) and 1 more year (60 ECTS) dealing with a research project and/or professional/ research practice -The core programme (including learning tools and techniques) should not exceed 70% of the total - Itineraries (mentions) to some specific discipline (and language) could be envisaged - Organization of “double titles” and “shared” titles of Degree in Geology are welcome. A relatively high percentage of optional contents can be appropriate