International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow 9-11 June 2015 Welcome
Samantha Bannerman Wendy Mayne Emerging perspectives of transition within an articulation pathway: A study of the student experience
Background to the Study
Strategic Goal: To increase opportunities for widening access and enhance curriculum flexibility, building on partnerships with schools and colleges 18% of students articulate from Scotland’s Colleges Applications with advanced standing > 35.5% 48.9% of total university applications
Background and Context Putting Learners at the Centre 2011 Efficient, flexible learner journeys from FE to HE Articulation without repetition of learning Currency of curricula across both sectors Removing barriers to transition Widening access to post-16 learning Collaboration, partnerships and interconnectedness- changes within provision of FE and HE
The Education Partnership Model
BN Adult Mental Health Learning Disability Child Common modules within first year curriculum The Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHSScotland Interprofessional education Practice learning experience Curriculum Mapping-Themes HNCHNC HNCHNC HNCHNC HNCHNC
Transition from College to University Lack of self confidence High levels of motivation Financial worries Lack of support Family issues Academic difficulties Part-time work
Development of a SMOCTS approach Stage 1: Post Offer support (Jan-May) Stage 2: Pre-entry support (May-Aug) Stage 3: Year 2 entry support (September) Stage 4: Tri A Assignment and PLE Preparation (Oct-Jan) Stage 5: Individualised & tailored support for year 2 trimester B & C preparation and entry to year 3 (Jan-Sept) Stage 6: Tailored support for year 3 & preparation for registration and entry to register
The Study
Objectives Investigate students’ views of transition Evaluate efficacy of support Measure student success Provide data and feedback Evaluate online community Explore student preparedness for practice learning
Methodology: Measuring the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the SMOCTS approach Mixed method approach Qualitative data collection-semi-structured focus group interviews Quantitative-examination of students’ academic performance, assessment data, practice learning assessment documents, PLE evaluation questionnaires Action research to evaluate the effectiveness of the support provided to articulating students through our SMOCTS approach
Transition & acclimatisation Transitioning into an existing cohort Professional identity & feelings of belonging Clinical Readiness for advanced entry coupled with Learner shock in the clinical context Fear over teaching & learning strategies Anxiety, confidence and feelings of “am I good enough to be here? and “sneaking in the back door to nursing” Early Perceptions and Challenges of Transition
What evaluated positively? Teaching, Learning & Support Strategies Virtual Learning Community (VLC) Year 2 boot-camp: Mock scenario (patient case study with accompanying lecture PBL tutorials, CSL and directed study materials) Student preparatory/professional workshops Articulation specific induction & orientation program Field Specific Academic Advisor Collaborative/partnership working
Teaching, Learning & Support Strategies “helpful” & “relevant” “useful & encouraging” “Well planned and designed”
Virtual Learning Community “Central point of contact” “Sense of familiarity with on-line learning Environment at GCU “Discussion board enabled peer support & reflection” “reduced anxiety relating to online learning” “facilitated work on entry pre- requisites
Year 2 Boot-Camp & Induction “valuable opportunity to flavour teaching and learning at university before starting the program” “an essential ingredient for learning and transition” “The boot camp was fantastic. It really boosted my confidence!” “Once I completed the boot-camp, I thought to myself I can do this!” “The induction and orientation was very specific to our needs as articulation students” “ Following our induction I felt very prepared to start my course at university. I felt I knew exactly what would be expected of me and who to go to for support”
Field Specific Academic Advisor (AA) “AA was really helpful in my transitional journey “The AA role was vital in my transition. She seemed to make everything more joined up and relevant ” “Their knowledge and clinical expertise in my particular nursing field helped me realise they variety of patients I will be caring for” “The AA was very supportive of me as a student in my learning journey. She was always on hand to provide advice and further support to my college tutor and clinical mentor ”
Collaborative Partnership Working “Shared goals” “Clear aims” “Common purpose” “Same Purpose” “Common ground” “Shared Values” “Good communication links between HE-FE “College & University worked as a team to delivery the articulation pathway
Assessment, retention, progression and completion data Cohort 3 (2014) 32 (mixed field) students commenced the program in Sept 2014 and are currently in year 2 of their studies. 31 students continue to progress well and have passed their Tri A theoretical and clinical assignments. Results for year 2 Tri B & C are not yet available for this cohort. 1 student is currently on time out of the program due to personal/health reasons Cohort 2 (2013) 28 (mixed field) students commenced the program in Sept 2013 and are currently in year 3 of their studies 26 students remain on the program in year 3 and continue to progress well in their academic and clinical assessments. 2 students are currently out of the programme due to academic failure of module(s). Both will have opportunity to re-enter the program with a view to completing in 2016 Cohort 1 (2012) 12 (adult field) students commenced the program in Sept students have completed and graduated from BN. 2 students left the program for personal reasons where non-completion not attributed to academic failure
Summary Data also strongly indicated that our SMOCTS approach: Facilitates and enhances the students’ transitional journey Uses effective partnership working and collaboration to ensure students have been supported in achievement of academic and clinical outcomes Encapsulates a shared community of practice, team teaching (inter- sector), Joint CPD and shared documentation/teaching and learning resources- professional development benefits to educators/clinicians Continued development and refinement of SMOCTS in light of on- going findings/research Continued targeting of learners at specific points of their transition journey “Interventions have been consolidated into a well developed and evidenced-based model of collaborative student support” (Bannerman & Mayne 2015)
Action Points and Further Recommendations to Enhance the SMOCTS Approach On-going development of pre-entry support strategies and pre-course guidance to help reduce apprehension and anxiety on entry to the programme On-going development of clinical support strategies to reduce “learner shock” in the practice learning context The introduction, development and on-going evaluation of an improved “articulation pathway specific” orientation and Induction program The introduction, development and on-going evaluation of the year two boot-camp Continued development and evaluation of the VLC
Action Points and Further Recommendations to Enhance the SMOCTS Approach On-going collaborative working and shared practices, collaborative teaching and learning materials, shared documentation, team teaching and joint CPD between FE-HE sector staff in order to continue to improve the students’ transitional experiences, progression, confidence and preparation for the program The need to enhance and further develop understandings of the unique and evolving nature and transitional experience of the articulation student Further analysis of future cohorts and continued longitudinal tracking of students experiences and performance.
Further Research & Information Paper accepted for NET Conference (Cambridge, Sept 2015) Paper accepted for on-going Caledonian Scholars Project Publication of Paper(s) Further/continued longitudinal tracking of cohorts PhD study
Questions or Points? Contacting us: Samantha Bannerman, College Liaison & Articulation Co- ordinator, Lecturer in Adult Nursing, Glasgow Caledonian University. or Dr Wendy Mayne, Program Leader, Lecturer in Adult Nursing, Glasgow Caledonian University, or We welcome any questions, points or comments.