Notes for Spring Quiz 12 (Day 1) Remember to make your own notes when you take this copy. Ch 14 Lesson 1 3. hierarchy (463) – A. Vocabulary (Chapter 14, Lesson 1) (Remember: write definitions in your own words and learn to spell them.) 1. officials (462) – 4. levy (463) – 5. reformers (463) – 6. theses (464) – for question (Q) Column 7. clergy (464) – 8. movement (465) – B. Building on What I Know Review 1. official Christian split (schism) inn 1054 A.D. a. Roman Catholic in western Roman Empire b. Orthodox in the eastern Roman Empire C. Great Schism (Catholic Church) D. Criticisms of Catholic Church 1. Strong king in France a. king helped get a bishop elected Pope Clement V. 1) Clement V moved to city of Avignon in France. 2. Europeans outside of France believed French king controlled the pope. 3. A second pope was elected to be in city of Rome, Italy. a. Two popes served at same time: one in Italy and one in France. 1) Great Schism means two popes demanding obedience of Catholics at the same time. 4. Solution to Schism a. Holy Roman Emperor (ruling central Europe; map p. 457) started a conference in 1414 A.D. in Germany to end schism. 1) Church officials removed French pope, and persuaded pope in Rome to resign. 2. resign (462) – 2) new pope elected to start reunifying Catholic Church. a. did not want to pay taxes to the Church in Rome. 2. Catholic reformers did not like the Church selling indulgences to Catholics. 1. Many Europeans b. disapproved of the Church not paying taxes on its many landholdings. a. Indulgence is forgiveness for a sin (an act that is brakes a church law) a. sponsoring the arts. b. for their personal pleasure. 3. Catholic reformers did not like the popes spending a lot of money What would have weakened the Catholic Church? 6. appoint (463) –
Notes for Spring Quiz 12 (Day 2) Remember to make your own notes when you take this copy. Ch 14 Lesson 1 for question (Q) Column E. Actions by Some Reformers 1. John Wycliffe of England a. spoke against pope’s right to 1) collect taxes 2) select someone to become a Church official without the king’s approval 2. Desiderius Erasmus of the Netherlands a. He criticized 1) Church officials who neglected Christian values. 2) some Christian reformers for trying to divide the Catholic Church. F. Martin Luther 1. Christian reformer 2. raised as a Catholic in Germany 3. opposed the sale of indulgences to pay for St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome. a. His opposition motivated him to write and publish all of his disputes about the beliefs and practices of the Catholic Church. 2) He wanted to debate about his ideas. 3) examples from his theses A) only source of Christian truth was the Bible B) Catholics did not need priests to interpret the Bible for them. C) Salvation is gained only by believing in Jesus Christ F. Consequences of Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses a. Some German princes (nobles) agreed to unite against Luther’s ideas. b. Some German princes (nobles) supported Luther’s ideas and signed a letter of protest about efforts to oppose and ban the ideas of Luther. 1) Catholics who left the Church were called Protestants, named after the protest letter of the nobles who supported Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses. c. Opposition to Catholic Church ideas and practices became a movement called the Reformation. How did Christianity split once again into a third group called Protestants? 1) Luther’s published ideas called Ninety-Five Theses, 1517 A.D., in city of Wittenberg, Germany.