Build your own discovery at Kensington Palace Rachel Crossley, Adult Learning Programme Manager
Historic Royal Palaces Learning & Engagement Our aim is to help everyone explore the story of how monarchs and people have shaped society, in some of the greatest palaces ever built.
What is ‘Build your own discovery’? A three-fold programme that includes: A half-day training workshop for adult group leaders and tutors Group visits led by a trained group leader or tutor and supported by L&E team Discount entry for participants to make a return visit on their own Delivered: Fashion Rules, spring 2014 The Glorious Georges, spring and autumn 2014 Victoria Revealed, spring 2015
Since 2014/15: 47 group leaders and tutors trained 820 participants visited 146 returned visits using £1 voucher Groups include:
Discoveries made so far… Language skills development Digital Christmas card making Georgian Drama Fan making / collage Photo shoot for calendar Watercolour/sketching
Upcoming opportunities Autumn 2015: Victoria Revealed training Victoria Revealed ESOL training / resources
Ooh, I’m interested! –Leave your contact details on the sign up sheet –Speak to me today –Call me on – me on