RHP 12 Learning Collaborative
RHP 12 Learning Collaborative Summary ◦ Cohort Updates ◦ Upcoming DSRIP in Action Waiver Updates
Calls are ongoing Face to Face Meetings ◦ Create goals Explore Outreach type days (i.e. Diabetes Day) Explore Interface possibilities ◦ Evaluate Projects (PDCA) Follow up Conference Calls
Our first DSRIP in Action will take place the morning of Wednesday, June 17 th in Medical Arts Hospital ◦ Tentative Agenda: Welcome & Introductions Project in Action Discussion regarding challenges/lessons learned Brainstorm about opportunities for improvement Tour of Medical Arts new facility
Bobbye Hrncirik
June 10, 2015 – HHSC and CMS will complete their review and approval of April reports July 8, 2015 – IGT due for April reporting DSRIP payments, including DY4 Monitoring IGT. July 21-31, 2015 – April reporting DY4 DSRIP payments processed.
Category 3 ◦ HHSC staff is continuing to work with providers to resolve outstanding October DY3 baseline TA flags. As all HHSC staff are currently focused on April DY4 reporting review, providers with outstanding baseline TA flags can expect to be contacted by HHSC in late May and June.
In June, HHSC will provide an opportunity for 3- year projects to submit change requests for DY5 only. This process will be similar to the Summer 2014 change request process. Anchors/ providers will have about one month to submit change requests (sometime in July).
HHSC has submitted the Mid-point Assessment report to CMS. Based on Myers and Stauffer's assessment, 79 percent of the projects are at low or moderate risk, meaning that they are on track for meeting their project outcome objectives at the time the review was done We will forward the final MPA report today
Myers & Stauffer continues to send out s with the information request for Category 3 baseline review. s about compliance monitoring will come from hhsc.state.tx.us hhsc.state.tx.us Once Category 3 baseline review is complete DY4 reporting information will be reviewed.
◦ HHSC has posted a survey link on their website’s Waiver Renewal page along with Key DSRIP issues ◦ These key issues build on the Waiver Transition Plan submitted to CMS in March and include the following key areas: The majority of current active projects will be eligible to continue in the extension period for more time to demonstrate outcomes. Project requirements for extension period What to do with funds from the DSRIP pool not allocated to continuing projects Work to streamline the DSRIP program to lessen the administrative burden on providers while focusing on collecting the most important types of information. Further integrate efforts with Texas Medicaid managed care quality strategy and other value-based payment efforts.
HHSC plans to have a draft of the Waiver Extension/Renewal for public review in June 2015 and plans for public meetings in July in Houston, Edinburg, Tyler, Austin, San Antonio, Dallas/Ft. Worth, El Paso and Amarillo A webinar will also be scheduled for those unable to attend a public meeting in person
Transformational Impact Summary Template is due to us by COB on June 10 th. The peer assessment process is intended to: ◦ a.) identify and share promising practices with like projects around the state, ◦ b.) inform the transformative impact of DSRIP projects and the development of content for the Statewide Learning Collaborative, ◦ c.) support Waiver extension/renewal efforts with CMS, and ◦ d.) help inform ways to better evaluate projects in the next phase of the Waiver.