King John & King Edward We will be deepening our knowledge of the relationship between King John and King Edward.
Situation in 1292 John Balliol is King of Scots The Scots wished to remain independent Edward I is overlord of Scotland The Treaty of Birgham (1290) said Scotland was to be independent from England. Edward said that this was a marriage treaty and as no marriage had taken place (Margaret’s death) the Treaty was now invalid.
One way Edward controlled John was… Development Using the information from this PowerPoint, complete the table below.
Edward gave orders to King John. Sometimes, instead of writing to King John, he ignored him and sent orders directly to Scottish nobles. This upset the Scots who thought it was insulting to their king.
Edward made King John take part in royal ceremonies in England. These ceremonies were held to show the power and importance of King Edward. They emphasised that he was overlord of Scotland, which also upset the Scots.
Edward began to hear appeals from the Scottish Courts of Law. The Scots said that King John was in charge of the Law Courts in Scotland. In the Treaty of Birgham they had made a special point about Scotland keeping its own laws. They did not want King Edward interfering.
The Scottish nobles persuaded King John to protest about these appeals. This protest made Edward so angry that King John changed his mind and apologised to him. The Scots were annoyed by the way their king and their country were being treated.
Finally, Edward decided that King John and the Scottish nobles would join him in his war against France. The Scots did not have a quarrel with France and they had never sailed abroad to fight a war. They decided that they were not going!
The Scots Rebellion… Scotland faced 3 main problems… 1.The nobles had agreed that Edward was Overlord 2.King John would not stand up to Edward 3.Scotland was not strong enough to fight England on her own.
The Scots Rebellion… Activity From a set of 6 cards, correctly match the problem facing the Scots to their solutions. When complete, glue these into your jotter.
Describe the ways in which Edward I controlled King John. (5)
Problem 1: The nobles had agreed that Edward was Overlord. Solution: They asked the Pope to cancel all agreements made with Edward They said King Edward had bullied them into making agreement The Pope had these agreements cancelled
Problem 2: King John would not stand up against Edward Solution: The nobles (led by the Comyns) declared Balliol incompetent to rule (Stirling 1295) ‘Community of the Realm’ elected 12 men to help rule - The Council of Twelve Similar to the Guardians - 4 earls, 4 bishops, 4 barons
The Council of Twelve sent a letter to Edward stating that he had… Caused harm to the liberties of ourselves and our kingdom by summoning us outside our realm at the mere beck and call of anybody
Problem 3: Scotland was not strong enough to fight Edward on its own Solution: In October, 1295 the Scots made a Treaty with King Philip IV The Auld Alliance stated: Scotland and France would help each other against Edward Neither country would make a separate peace with Edward If the foresaid king of England personally leaves his land of England…while the war lasts… the said king of Scotland with all his power shall see to it that he invades the land of England as widely and deeply as he can