Unit 8 Spanish American War And The Progressive Era
Yellow Journalism Male Spanish officials strip search an American woman tourist in Cuba looking for messages from rebels Front page "yellow journalism" from Hearst (artist: Remington)
Yellow Journalism Hearst's treatment was more effective and focused on the enemy who set the bomb—and offered a huge reward to readers
Yellow Journalism Pulitzer's treatment in the World emphasizes horrible explosion
Imperialism When one country controls another country’s land, politics or economy with no intention of stopping – literally, establishing empires.
Foreign policy debate –Imperialism vs. Isolationism
Spanish-American War Monroe Doctrine (1820) –A policy statement that we would control the Western Hemisphere (Europeans should stay out) –To protect our economic interests and national security U.S. sugar industry had $50M in Cuban plantations (controlled by Americans)
Spanish-American War Newspapers promoted war – drawings –Spain as evil –Cuba as innocent and helpless –Pres. McKinley as a coward –Rallied sympathy for Cuban people –Fueled pro-war feeling in America America must intervene
Joseph Pulitzer –New York World –Pulitzer prize for journalism –Started St. Louis Post Dispatch William Randolph Hearst –New York Journal
Spanish-American War U.S. won basically in 2 ways: –Use of the navy by Theodore Roosevelt Ordered Commodore Dewey to Philippines to destroy Spanish there (Battle of Manila) –Rough Riders 200,000 men enlisted to fight Teddy Roosevelt resigned as Assistant Secy. Of the Navy so he could enlist in Rough Riders TR was in charge of volunteers and led them up San Juan Hill
Spanish-American War Results –Spain left Cuba and also handed over Puerto Rico and Philippines to U.S. –The Platt Amendment Let Cuba form a government Withdrew some U.S. troops But put our navy base there and claimed our right to come back –Roosevelt Corollary (by 1904) We will use our police power to control the Western Hemisphere
Spanish-American War Imperialism after the war –American public was divided –Pres. McKinley was an imperialist –Business leaders were imperialists
Progressive Era Reformers wanted to improve American life –Pushed for changes to society in a movement called Progressivism Progressivism – 4 main goals –Protect social welfare Ease ills of urban society –Promote moral reform Prohibitionists –Reform economy Industrialists vs. workers Muckrakers –Make business more efficient and profitable Assembly line
Progressive Era Reform politics –Reformers wanted to get rid of corruption –Elections Secret ballot –Allow voters to remove elected officials from office –17 th Amendment to U.S. Constitution Ban child labor
Progressive Era Women –Limit number of hours women could work –Garment factories –Office workers –Education became more important for women –Women became reformers –Women’s suffrage
Theodore Roosevelt – 26 th President of U.S. 1 term: Republican Party Trust buster Square Deal Labor unions Bull Moose
Progressive Era Presidents Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt –“Trustbuster” –Square Deal Broke monopolies to improve competition Regulated railroads Meat Inspection Act –The Jungle by Upton Sinclair Pure Food and Drug Act Conservation
William Howard Taft – 27 th President of U.S. 1 term: Republican Party
Progressive Era Presidents William Howard Taft –Hand-picked by T.R. –A more cautious Progressive than T.R.
Progressive Era Election of 1912 Woodrow Wilson William H. Taft Teddy Roosevelt Democratic Party Republican Party Progressive Party (Bull Moose Party)
Progressive Era Election of 1912 Progressive Party – Bull Moose Party –Created by a split in the Republican Party –Formed by Teddy Roosevelt He lost the Republican nomination Result –Republicans split their vote –Woodrow Wilson won –Democrat majority in Congress
Woodrow Wilson – 28 th President of U.S. 2 terms: Democratic Party World War I
Progressive Era Presidents Woodrow Wilson Political scientist & author President of Princeton Reformer –Policies known as “New Freedom”
Progressive Era Presidents Woodrow Wilson Federal Reserve Act of 1913 –Improved banking practices Businesses should be able to compete fairly –Prevent monopolies before they occur –Clayton Anti-Trust Act of 1914 Strengthened laws against business trusts & workers’ rights –Federal Trade Act 1914 Created Federal Trade Commission –Investigate unfair business practices
Progressive Era Presidents Woodrow Wilson Income Tax Stayed independent of boss rule
Progressive Era Reforming city governments → boss rule –Powerful politicians known as “bosses” came to rule many cities during the Gilded Age –Bosses Corrupt Influenced elections and office holders Popular with poor, especially immigrants –Provided jobs, made loans, gave food –In return, poor voted for boss or his candidate –Tweed Ring NYC Boss William Tweed
Progressive Era Tweed Ring NYC Boss William Tweed Thomas Nast Cartoonist Tweed-le-dee and Tilden-dum A Harper’s Weekly cartoon depicts Tweed as a police officer saying to two boys, "If all the people want is to have somebody arrested, I'll have you plunderers convicted. You will be allowed to escape, nobody will be hurt, and then Tilden will go to the White House and I to Albany as Governor."
Progressive Era Presidents Woodrow Wilson Did not support –Women’s suffrage –Prohibition of child labor –Minority rights He did nothing for civil rights