By The Community Ambassadors Sexting & Body Image By The Community Ambassadors
The Definition There is a growing trend among children and young people to take indecent photographs of themselves (and sometimes even of friends) to send on to each other or post in public places. Chloe T
Indecent Photos… Who might see it? What are the risks ? What could happen to it? Who might see it? Indecent Photos… Chloe T: Why do you want to send it- answer (sheet) Megan: What could happen to it- answer (sheet) Olivia: what are the risks- answer (sheet) Chloe D: who might see it- answer (sheet) Chloe T: who are you sending it to- answer (sheet) Who are you sending it to? Why do you want to send it?
Is Sexting Illegal? Children who are ‘sexting’ may actually be committing criminal offences and it may be against the law. If someone is prosecuted for these offences, they may be placed on the sex offenders register, potentially for some considerable time, this may affect their future massively. Chloe D
What Can You Do For Help? Speak an adult that you trust Block and report the person who is asking for indecent images to CEOP Visit anonymous websites such as:- Megan
Statistics on body image Lots of people are concerned with the way they look this is called ‘The ideal Body Image’ More than 90% of girls – 15 to 17 years – want to change at least one aspect of their physical appearance, with body weight ranking the highest. 80% of children who are 10 years old are afraid of being fat. 7 in 10 girls believe they are not good enough or do not measure up in some way including their looks, performance in school and relationships. Girls’ self-esteem peaks when they are 9 years old Say one each in order: Chloe T, Chloe D, Olivia T, Megan R, Olivia G
Which looks better? Valeria Lukyanova Chloe T Which one do you think looks better? (Wait for answer) Well they are actually the same person: Val-air-e-a Look-yan-over
Perfect body image Long hair skinny Flawless skin Blue eyes Perfect figure Chloe D What do you think is the perfect body image? (Wait for answer) This is what we have came up with (Read as exposed) skinny Blonde hair
Celebrities Taylor Swift Amanda Seyfried Emma Stone Olivia G Here are some celebrities with and without makeup. Most of these however, have been edited and photoshopped. (read as exposed) What do you think when you look at them? (wait for answers) Taylor Swift Emma Stone
Megan R (Read Quote) What do you think this means?
Recap… There are many risks, of sending indecent photos it can effect your future plans completely. So what can you do? Talk to someone you trust- (PCSO, head of year, form tutor) Or have a look at these links