Understanding and Applying An Adult Learner’s Learning Style Fall 2007 Darla McCann Master Tutor Trainer ATP
Learning Style The way that a learner: Takes in Information Processes Information Organizes Information Preferred Sensory Channel
Processing Elements
Learning Style Frameworks VARK 1.)Visual 2.) Aural 3.)Read/Write 4.) Kinesthetic INDEX OF LEARNING STYLES (ILS) 1.) Active/Reflective 2.) Sensing/Intuitive 3.) Visual/Verbal 4.) Sequential/Global)
Advantages of Applying VARK or ILS Results reduced to only four categories FREE online Survey takes only minutes to complete Immediate easy to read results Provides study suggestions and further resources
VARK Questionnaire Results Your scores were: Visual: 11 Aural: 6 Read/Write: 7 Kinesthetic: 8 You have a multimodal (VARK) learning preference. Use the following help sheets for study strategies that apply to your learning preferences: multimodal visual aural read-write kinestheticmultimodal visual aural read-write kinesthetic
Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire Results
Index of Learning Styles (ILS) Active LearnerReflective Learner Sensing LearnerIntuitive Learner Visual LearnerVerbal Learner Sequential LearnerGlobal Learner