Bible in Post-Colonial World Areas of greatest growth of Christianity - Asia and Africa - emerging from colonial domination Bible drawn upon in struggles for liberation But Bible has history of use by colonizers and missionaries - in many cases far from liberating or respectful of local cultures
Bible in Latin America Colonization of Central and South America by Spaniards and Portugese: Given land by Pope and encouraged to “convert” populations 1492 discovery of “El-Salvador” viewed in millenial terms as whole world united for Christ under Pope: “For I am about to create a new heaven and a new earth” (Rev 21:1)
Bible in Latin America Model of Holy War, conquest of Canaan in Joshua and Judges In Peru Pope receives letter from various indeginous groups to take Bible back to Europe. Liberation theology (Preferrential Option for the Poor) G. Gutierrez, A Theology of Liberation (1971)
Liberation Theology Focus on texts like Gal 5:1: “For freedom Christ has set us free” A move away from private, individual, salvation, to the public and social Exodus narrative central to concept of liberation from slavery. Also notions of conquest: principle of selection Church service takes on political dimension?
Ideal society in the Mission Return to innocence. Concept of Eden (Genesis 2-3): Garden created by God for human beings, to provide for human beings, site of tree of life and tree of knowledge (Gen 2:9; 3:3). 1 Corinthians 13 on love Mission to the poor and oppressed (e.g. Luke 4:16-22; 6:20-26; 10:1-12)