Chapter 21 – Progressives & Reformers Section 1 – Early Reforms Find out: Why did reformers want to end the spoils system? What did the Civil Service Commission do? How did Congress try to regulate big business?
Taming the Spoils System Patronage – giving jobs to loyal supporters Led to corruption Civil service – includes all federal jobs except elected positions and the armed forces. President James Garfield - called for reform of civil service - basis of merit - shot by an angry office seeker – died in office.
President James Garfield President Rutherford B. Hayes
Civil Service Commission Fills jobs in federal government. Made up of both Dem. And Rep. Exams were set up.
Regulating Big Business Interstate Commerce Act – forbade unfair practices such as pools and rebates. Interstate Commerce Commission – ICC – oversaw the railroad industry Enforced the Interstate Commerce Act Collis Huntington Central Pacific Railroad
Sherman Antitrust Act Benjamin Harrison elected Pres. in 1888. Sherman Antitrust Act – prohibited trust or other businesses from limiting competition. Difficult to enforce. Was used to stop labor unions.
Chapter 21 – Progressives & Reformers Section 2 – The Progressive Movement Find out: How did bosses control city governments? How did muckrakers influence public opinion? What were the goals of the Progressives?
Reforming City Governments Boss rule Influenced poor & immigrants to vote for them or their candidates by giving help. William Tweed Thomas Nast – political cartoonist Good Government Leagues
Rousing Public Opinion Muckrakers – crusading journalists who raked “the dirt” and exposed it to the public. Lincoln Steffens (exposed corruption in STL) Ida Tarbell (Standard Oil) Upton Sinclair (The Jungle) Wrote a novel that revealed gruesome details about the meatpacking industry in Chicago.
Progressives in Action Progressive Era - (1898 – 1917) Progressives - Forward-thinking people who wanted to improve American life. Beliefs Public interest (for the good of the people) should guide government actions It shouldn’t be sacrificed to the greed of trusts and bosses.
Progressives… Wisconsin Idea – elected officials with Progressive ideas that made positive changes Robert La Follette Lowered railroad rates. Primary – pre-election to choose a party’s candidate for the general election. Initiative – gave voters the right to put a bill directly before the state legislature. Referendum – gave voters the power to make a bill become a law. Recall – allowed voters to remove an elected official from office.
Other Progressive Reforms 16th Amendment – gave Congress the power to impose an income tax. 17th Amendment – allowed for the direct election of senators.