The Dark/Middle/Medieval Ages
Question Tended the lord’s fields and provided labor. (Which letter and name) Tended the lord’s fields and provided labor. (Which letter and name)
Answer 1 – 10 D - Peasants D - Peasants
Question Needed to ask permission to marry, sell land, or leave the manor. Needed to ask permission to marry, sell land, or leave the manor.
Answer 1 – 20 D - Peasants D - Peasants
Question Had very little power during the early middle ages, even though you may at first assume the opposite. Had very little power during the early middle ages, even though you may at first assume the opposite.
Answer 1 – 30 A – Kings, monarchs A – Kings, monarchs
Question Hired as professional soldiers, fighting for the lords. Hired as professional soldiers, fighting for the lords.
Answer 1 – 40 C - Knights C - Knights
Question Made complexes pledges of loyalty in exchange for land grants (fiefs) and protection. Made complexes pledges of loyalty in exchange for land grants (fiefs) and protection.
Answer 1 – 50 B - Lords B - Lords
Question Where on this map would you find someone who answered directly to the king and owned this land? Where on this map would you find someone who answered directly to the king and owned this land?
Answer 2 – 10 D – Manor House, Lord’s House D – Manor House, Lord’s House
Question In the EARLY Middle Ages, the manor fields would have been planted in what pattern? In the EARLY Middle Ages, the manor fields would have been planted in what pattern?
Answer 2 – 20 Half planted to grains, the other half left fallow (unplanted). Half planted to grains, the other half left fallow (unplanted).
Question In the LATE Middle Ages, the three fields would have been planted in what pattern? In the LATE Middle Ages, the three fields would have been planted in what pattern?
Answer 2 – 30 3 field rotation system 3 field rotation system 1/3 wheat (grains), 1/3 legumes like beans, and 1/3 fallow. 1/3 wheat (grains), 1/3 legumes like beans, and 1/3 fallow.
Question During the EARLY middle ages, how did the people on the manor get the things they needed to live? (food, clothing, tools, etc.) During the EARLY middle ages, how did the people on the manor get the things they needed to live? (food, clothing, tools, etc.)
Answer 2 – 40 Everything that was needed was produced on the manor itself, it was a “self-sufficient” system. Everything that was needed was produced on the manor itself, it was a “self-sufficient” system.
Question Feudalism is often described as a system of _____ ______, which traded _________ and __________ for ___________ and ____________ Feudalism is often described as a system of _____ ______, which traded _________ and __________ for ___________ and ____________
Answer 2 – 50 A system of _Mutual__ _Obligations_____, which traded _Land_ and __protection__ for __loyalty___ and __labor/service_____ A system of _Mutual__ _Obligations_____, which traded _Land_ and __protection__ for __loyalty___ and __labor/service_____
Question Before they were made into castles, the castles were…? Before they were made into castles, the castles were…?
Answer 3 – 10 The lord’s manor house The lord’s manor house
Question In which city was the center of the single most influential and unifying force in the middle ages prior to the Reformation? In which city was the center of the single most influential and unifying force in the middle ages prior to the Reformation?
Answer 3 – 20 Rome Rome
Question During the 4 th Crusade, Christian Knights were diverted to which city to fight against fellow Christians? Why? During the 4 th Crusade, Christian Knights were diverted to which city to fight against fellow Christians? Why?
Answer 3 – 30 Constantinople. Venetian merchants wanted to take out their competition and promised the Knights they would transport them to the Holy Land if they fought their rivals first. Constantinople. Venetian merchants wanted to take out their competition and promised the Knights they would transport them to the Holy Land if they fought their rivals first.
Question Martin Luther was the spark/initiator of what movement? Martin Luther was the spark/initiator of what movement?
Answer 3 – 40 The Protestant Reformation The Protestant Reformation
Question What practice by the Catholic Church led directly to the Protestant Reformation? What practice by the Catholic Church led directly to the Protestant Reformation?
Answer 3 – 50 The sale of indulgences, promising pardons for sins to the living and dead. The sale of indulgences, promising pardons for sins to the living and dead.
Question Name at least two of Martin Luther’s key beliefs about Christianity which helped found the Protestant Reformation Name at least two of Martin Luther’s key beliefs about Christianity which helped found the Protestant Reformation
Answer 4 – 10 Everyone should have access to the bible to read on their own. Everyone should have access to the bible to read on their own. Forgiving sins is God’s job, not the Pope’s/Church’s. Forgiving sins is God’s job, not the Pope’s/Church’s. Corruption in the church needed to stop. Corruption in the church needed to stop.
Question What effect did the Protestant Reformation have on the Catholic Church? What effect did the Protestant Reformation have on the Catholic Church?
Answer 4 – 20 It led to a decrease in the power and influence of the Catholic church in Europe. It led to a decrease in the power and influence of the Catholic church in Europe. Led to the formation of new Protestant churches. Led to the formation of new Protestant churches.
Question Why were lords and monarchs usually fearful of receiving an Interdict from the Pope? Why were lords and monarchs usually fearful of receiving an Interdict from the Pope?
Answer 4 – 30 An Interdict meant that the lord/monarchs entire land/kingdom would be excommunicated from the church. An Interdict meant that the lord/monarchs entire land/kingdom would be excommunicated from the church. This would anger their peasants/subjects and possibly lead to rebellions. This would anger their peasants/subjects and possibly lead to rebellions.
Question What were the “ships of the desert” which were not native to Africa, but greatly improved the trans-Saharan trade? What were the “ships of the desert” which were not native to Africa, but greatly improved the trans-Saharan trade?
Answer 4 – 40 Bactrian Camels Bactrian Camels
Question Why? Why?
Answer 4 – 50 Because Because