Exploring the Catholic Faith Religious Awards and Beyond Catholic Committee on Scouting Allentown Diocese Minsi Trails Council http://www.adccos.org Bill Brodniak bill@adccos.org (610) 330-0230 2015
National Catholic Committee on Scouting® http://www.nccs-bsa.org/ The National Catholic Committee on Scouting® (NCCS) is a church committee of concerned Catholic lay people and clergy who see as their mission the constructive use of the program of the Boy Scouts of America as a viable form of youth ministry with the Catholic youth of our nation. The committee, which is advisory to the Boy Scouts of America, seeks to sustain and strengthen the relationship between BSA and the Catholic Church in the United States. Through interaction and dialogue with the Secretariat on the Laity and Family Life (the formal connection between youth ministry in the United States and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops), NCCS works cooperatively with various other groups involved in youth ministry in the United States.
Youth Emblems – Light of Christ Eligibility Registered 6 and 7 year old (Tiger or Wolf Cub Scout) of Catholic Faith. The Scout must complete the requirements before starting third grade. Purpose To help the Cub develop a personal relationship with Jesus. With the parents' active assistance and participation in this program, it is hoped that the Cub will come to see Jesus as a real person and his friend. Program Objectives To support the role of the parents as the primary catechists of their children. To have the Scout identify Jesus as a real person and as his friend. To foster early family religious involvement. To be a stepping stone toward Parvuli Dei and the other religious emblems, when the parents are involved. To serve as a catalyst to draw the parents into a deeper involvement with the church, through the child. Requirements Each Cub have his own Activity Book. The book is designed for the Cub and his parent or guardian to work together. Diocesan and BSA Youth Protection policies must be followed. Program Completion When the Cub completes all steps, he is to present the book to his parish priest or the priest's representative and the book is reviewed with the Cub. After the pastor or his representitive signs the book, the application form, the form only is sent to the diocesan chaplain for final approval. Please consult your local diocesan chancery office for the appropriate location to submit the application form. Suggested Time Requirements Although the book could be completed in four to six hours, the goal of earning a religious emblem is to help the Cub develop a personal relationship with Jesus, so it is suggested that steps be spread over several weeks. This will help the Cub understand that this is a long-term commitment, not a one-time project.
Youth Emblems – Parvuli Dei Eligibility Registered 8 to 10 year old (Bear or Webelos) of Catholic Faith. Purpose The purpose of the Parvuli Dei (Children of God) emblem is to help young boys explore a wide range of activities in order to discover the presence of God in their daily lives as members of their families and parishes, and also to develop a good, positive self-image through the contributions they can make to the group or community. Program Objectives To help the Scout of his age develop an awareness of God's love for each one of His special, unique created beings. To help the Scout become aware and understand his identity as an important member of his family, his community, and as a member of the Family of God. To continue to develop an awareness as members of the parish and the Body of Christ. To aid the Scout in his awareness of the responsibilities that grow out of God's love for us. Requirements Each Cub must have his own Activity Book. The book is designed for the Cub and his parent or guardian to work together. The Cub will be required to make a banner as part of the requirements. Diocesan and BSA Youth Protection policies must be followed. Program Completion When the Cub completes all steps, he is to present the book to his parish pastor or the pastor's representative and the book is reviewed with the Cub. After the pastor or his representative signs the application form in the book, remove the form and send it to the diocesan chaplain for final approval. Please consult your local diocesan chancery office for the appropriate location to submit the application form. Please send Program evaluation form to address given in the book. Suggested Time Requirements Although the book could be completed in four to six hours, the goal of earning a religious emblem is to help the Cub develop a personal relationship with Jesus, so it is suggested that steps be spread over several weeks. This will help the Cub understand that this is a long-term commitment, not a one-time project.
Youth Emblems – Ad Altare Dei Eligibility Before work on the workbook begins, the approval form must be signed by the applicant, parent, counselor, Troop leader, and pastor. A Boy Scout of Catholic faith. Designed for youth 13-14 years old, older youth may use this program. Active member of the Troop for 6 months. Completed 6th grade before starting the program. Purpose The purpose of the Ad Altare Dei (to the altar of God) program is to help Catholic Boy Scouts of the Roman Rite grow in his spiritual experience of his relationship to God and the church. The program is organized in chapters based on the seven Sacraments. The seven Sacraments are a primary means toward spiritual growth. Requirements Each Scout must have his own Activity Book. The book is designed for the youth to work on with the guidance of a counselor. The use of a Catholic Bible is required for this program. You will need to have one to use. Regular participation in Sunday worship. Diocesan and BSA Youth Protection policies must be followed. Complete the requirements in the Ad Altare Dei Scout Manual. Successfully complete an Ad Altare Dei Board of Review. A trained religious emblems coordinator/counselor/moderator is required to work on religious emblems. Contact your Diocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting to become trained and for ceremony schedules. Participate in a Catholic Committee on Scouting retreat. Suggested Time Requirements The program is designed to be completed in 6-8 months.
Youth Emblems – Pope Pius XXII Eligibility Registered Venture Crew Members and Boy Scout of Catholic Faith. Designed for age 15-16 year old, but all registered Venturers (male or female before their 21st birthday) and all registered Boy Scouts (in high school, before their 18th birthday) are eligible. Purpose Pope Pius XII is Catholic Scouting's church-related ministries and vocation program. The program deals with different life choices (single, married, religious, ordained), occupations and ministries in the church as calls from God. It includes youth led discussions on current issues facing the church and society, which are normally included as part of a Pius XII retreat or day of recollection Requirements Each Venture Crew Member and Scout must have their own Activity Book. The program should be run by the candidates themselves, the adult serves as a Moderator Ideal group size is 4-12, but the course may be run with smaller groups. A number of interviews and an investigation of a controversial issue facing the church or society are integral to the program. A retreat experience, ideally centered on the Pius XII program itself and a ministries service project are required. Complete requirements for all units in Pope Pius XII Religious Emblem Scout Manual Successfully complete a Pope Pius XII Board of Review. Diocesan and BSA Youth Protection policies must be followed. A trained religious emblems coordinator/counselor/moderator is required to work on religious emblems. Contact your Diocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting to become trained and for ceremony schedules. Suggested Time Requirements It is suggested that the group meet for nine to twelve sessions. As the youth are older, two hour sessions seem to work well, and flexibility is often required in scheduling sessions and interview feedback’s.
Youth Emblems – Wearing the Knot The Religious emblems knot (silver knot on deep purple background), is one of the few knots that a youth member of the BSA is allowed to wear on his uniform over his left pocket. BSA knot protocol specifies that no knot may be worn in multiple fashion. When a Scout receives more than one religious emblem award, he first receives the knot, and then subsequently is awarded devices representing the program in which he received the award. When the youth becomes and adult leader, he may continue to wear the youth religious knot and devices on his uniform.
Adult Awards – Bishop Award PURPOSE The Bishop’s Award was instituted to recognize the contribution of adult leaders in the spiritual aspects of the Scouting program within the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Allentown. ELIGIBILITY This award is open to all persons over the age of twenty-one without reference to vocation, sex, or religion who have served the Scouting program within the Catholic Church in an outstanding manner. a) St. George Emblem and St. Anne Medal recipients are not eligible to receive the Bishop’s Award since the St. George Emblem and St. Anne Medal Awards are a national and higher award and pre-suppose a much longer tenure of service and contribution. b) The nominee should have a minimum of three (3) years of service and contribution. c) The nominee should be registered with the Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, or Camp Fire USA, but this is not mandatory. QUALIFICATIONS The nominee should have outstanding service in at least three (3) of the categories listed below: a) Promote the Religious Emblems Program, especially serving as a counselor. b) Promote Catholic Activities and Service Projects. c) Attend the Scouter Development Retreat and promote Encounters. d) Serve the Scout Observance Sunday. e) Create a better understanding of the Committee’s work through the Catholic Press and other Communication Media. f) Give leadership in promoting Scouting activities, especially in organizing Scout Units. g) Be fully trained and outstanding for his/her sense of responsibility, humility and good example. h) Promote Catholic Relationships; that is, liaison work between Council and Diocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting.
Adult Awards – St. George PURPOSE The National Catholic Committee on Scouting®, acting through the local diocese, may award the St. George emblem to members of the laity and clergy, Scouters and non-Scouters alike, who have made significant and outstanding contributions to the spiritual development of Catholic youths through Scouting. Nomination forms should give a detailed description of how the nominee provides outstanding contribution to the spiritual development of Catholic youths through Scouting in the Catholic Church. It is improper to nominate oneself or one's spouse. General Scouting achievements do not qualify a person to receive the St. George emblem. The Boy Scouts of America has district, council, regional and national awards for such recognition. ELIGIBILITY Any adult who is working in the Scouting Program. May be given to clergy, religious, laity, or Scouters of other faiths. A Scouter does not earn the St. George emblem but is recommended by application to a board of review by another person.
Adult Awards – Wearing the Knot The Adult Religious emblems knot (purple knot on silver background), is worn on a Scouters uniform over his/her left pocket. BSA knot protocol specifies that no knot may be worn in multiple fashion. When a Scouter receives more than one religious emblem award, he/she first receives the knot, and then subsequently is awarded devices representing the program in which he/she received the award. If an adult leader earned a religious knot as a youth, he/she may continue to wear the youth religious knot and device(s) on his/her uniform along with the adult knot.
Other Catholic Recognitions National Catholic Quality Unit Award - Pope Paul VI Unit must be chartered by a Catholic institution (parish, Knights of Columbus). Various requirements for eligibility on web based form on http://www.nccs-bsa.org. Award may be earned each year. This program exists to promote Catholic membership and to: Promote and recognize effective youth and adult leadership in fostering teachings of the Catholic Church, and Recognize outstanding and prestigious Catholic Scout Units and Recognize Catholic chartering organizations, and Provide each Catholic youth with a deeper understanding of their Catholic teachings in the area of religious, vocational & educational aspects through participation in the BSA program(s) by participation in units under Catholic-sponsored organizations, and Recognize and respect those of different faith. Not all members need to be Catholic. Duty to God Recognition Patch A goal of the National Catholic Committee on Scouting ® is to use the program of the Boy Scouts of America to instill in our Catholic adults and youth the tenets of their Catholic Faith. Towards this end, a beautifully designed patch is made available to those who assist in accomplishing this goal – titled "Duty to God". The patch is not only colorful, but also is fully embroidered showing the symbols of our Catholic faith – crosier, cross, shield, and youth ministry commitment, intertwined with the Boy Scout logo. Every youth member and adult would be proud to wear this patch proclaiming involvement and/or support of this program. This is not an award, but rather a recognition, and as such there are no set "requirements" to complete. It is to be used to recognize those for their contribution and support to Catholic Scouting.
Other Catholic ACTIVITIES Religious Activities There are Five Series of Religious Activities and two International Activities, to which interested youth and adults will find fun and easy ways to learn more about their faith, Catholic role models and become more aware of the faith community and cultures around the world. Eligibility: All youth and adults—Scouts or non-Scouts, Catholic or non-Catholic, male or female—are welcome to participate in the Religious Activities provided by the National Catholic Committee on Scouting®. The Five Series of Religious Activities, include: Rosary Series, Marian Series, Footsteps of American Saints, Footsteps of Modern Saints and Faith Series. The International Activities include International Awareness and Blessed Are Merciful - Keep The Lamp Burning Activities. All of these activities may be used by groups, families, schools, or any Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Venturer, Girl Scout, American Heritage Girl, or Campfire USA. International Awareness Recognition This activity is being offered by The International Catholic Conference of Scouting (ICCS) in recognition of demonstrated awareness of Scouting in the Catholic Church throughout the world. It contributes to the complete education of young people through Scouting from the perspective of the Catholic faith. It develops and enhances the spiritual dimension of Scouting in the World Scout Movement. Blessed Are Merciful - Keep The Lamp Burning The International Catholic Conference of Scouting (ICCS) has invited all members of Catholic Scout Associations to join in the 100 year celebration of Catholics in Scouting. The ICCS is providing opportunities for scouts to meet together as friends in the Catholic Church via the internet, jamborees, earning religious emblems and programs like Messengers of Peace. More information and requirements can be found on the National CCOS website under Religious Activities
Other Catholic ACTIVITIES Rosary Series The Rosary Patch Series focuses on the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary and Pray the Rosary. This is an opportunity for youth and adults to learn more about their faith. All youths and adults can work on this activity and earn the patch. This activity can be worked on individually or as a group. Joyful Mysteries Luminous Mysteries Sorrowful Mysteries Glorious Mysteries Pray the Rosary Marian Series Each activity in this series examines one of the nineteen Marian Feasts Commemorated in the United States, focusing on how and why the Church has honored Mary for more than 2,000 years. A beautiful 3 inch patch is available for each activity. Immaculate Conception Our Lady of Guadalupe (2013) Our Lady of Lourdes Our Lady of Miraculous Medal Our Lady of Sorrows
Other Catholic ACTIVITIES Footsteps of American Saints This is a series that encourages youth to learn about individuals who have shaped the landscape of Catholicism in America. These honored individuals are Saints, or are being considered for Sainthood. By learning more about the wonderful examples, it is hoped that youth and adults will be inspired to imitate their heroic virtues and follow in their footsteps. André Bessette, Jan 6th Frances Xavier Cabrini, Nov 13th Peter Claver, Sep 9th Mother Marianne Cope, Jan 23rd Juan Diego, Dec 9th Katharine Drexel, Mar 3rd Rose Philippine Duchesne, Nov 18th Mother Marie Durocher,Oct 6th Saint George, Apr 23rd Mother Theodore Guerin Isidore (the Farmer), May 15th Isaac Jogues, Oct 19th Michael McGivney Damien of Molokai, May 10th John Neumann, Jan 5th Miguel Pro, Nov 23rd Carlos Rodriguez, Jul 13th Junípero Serra, Jul 1st Elizabeth Ann Seton, Jan 4th Kateri Tekakwitha, Jul 14th
Other Catholic ACTIVITIES Footsteps of Modern Saints (Coming in 2015) This is a series that encourages youth and adults to learn about individuals who have shaped the landscape of Catholicism in America. These honored individuals Rosary Series are Saints, or are being considered for Sainthood. By learning more about the wonderful examples, it is hoped that youth and adults will be inspired to imitate their heroic virtues and follow in their footsteps. A beautiful 3 inch patch will be available in the future for each activity. Faith Series (Coming in 2015) This series provides a group of activities to help youth and adults to learn more about the universal faith-based practices and traditions used in living the Catholic faith. Introducing this new series is the Corporal Works of Mercy Activity. Other Similar activities will be introduced in the future. A beautiful 3 inch patch is available for each activity. The Corporal Works of Mercy Feed the hungry. Give drink to the thirsty Shelter the homeless. Clothe the naked. Comfort the sick. Visit the imprisoned Bury the dead.
Other Catholic Recognitions Emmett J. Doerr Memorial Scout Scholarship The National Catholic Committee on Scouting® has established the Emmett J. Doerr Memorial Distinguished Scout Scholarship to be awarded to five outstanding Catholic high school seniors who are Scouts in a BSA program and continuing their education in college. The requirements are listed in the Eligibility Requirements section on the nccs-bsa.org website. Applications are due to the NCCS office by March 1 of each year. Scholarship Awards: Five separate awards of $2000 each. Must be used for the year awarded unless approved by Scholarship Committee. Disbursement from the scholarship fund will be made directly to an accredited institution of higher learning at the beginning of the enrollment period. The scholarship will be used to defray necessary costs of the awardee's tuition, room or board. Eligibility Requirements: Be a practicing Catholic. Be a full time High-School Senior. Be a registered young man or woman actively involved with a Scout Troop, Varsity Scout Team or Venturing Crew. Held or is currently holding a leadership role in his or her unit. Earned the Ad Altare Dei or Pope Pius XII Religious Award. Earned the Eagle Scout or Silver Award. Provided service to his or her home parish (Altar Server, Lector, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, staffing youth retreats, etc.) Held or is currently holding a leadership role in a school or community organization other than scouting. Submit an application with four (4) letters of recommendations. One letter each must come from a religious institution, Scouting Unit, School, and Community. Submit official high school transcript. Submit an acceptance letter from an accredited institution of higher learning, if selected as a Scholarship recipient.
Catholic Scout Resources National Catholic Committee on Scouting http://www.nccs-bsa.org
Catholic Scout Resources Allentown Diocese http://www.allentowndiocese.org/the-diocese/youth-protection/safe-environment-programs/protecting-god-s-children-workshop-schedule/
Catholic Scout Resources Allentown Diocese Catholic Committee on Scouting http://www.adccos.org
Catholic Scout Resources P.R.A.Y. http://www.praypub.org
any questions? Thank you and god bless! Catholic Committee on Scouting Allentown Diocese Minsi Trails Council http://www.adccos.org Bill Brodniak bill@adccos.com