Teaching and Learning Comes First
Improvements this year Ofsted/HMI visits Predicted exam results Parental preference
Looking ahead Communication Transition fortnight Resilience
Year 7 Curriculum and setting English 8 lessons Maths7 lessons Science 6 lessons IT2 lessons MFL 2 lessons PE4 lessons History4 lessons Geography 4 lessons
Year 7 curriculum and setting DT/Food4 lessons Art 2 lessons Drama 2 lessons Ethics 2 lessons Music 2 lessons
Assessments, reporting and targets Settling in Evening – October Data collection and report – December Data collection and report – March Assessment week April Data collection and report – May Parents evening May ME and ASP
The School Day Year 7Years 8 & 9Years 10 & – 9.25Lesson – 9.25Lesson – 9.25Lesson – 10.25Lesson – 10.25Lesson – 10.25Lesson – 10.40Break10.25 – 10.40Break10.25 – 10.45Tutorial – 11.00Tutorial10.40 – 11.00Tutorial10.45 – 11.00Break – 12.00Lesson – 12.00Lesson – 12.00Lesson – 12.30Lesson – 12.30Lunch12.00 – 1.00Lesson – 1.00Lunch12.30 – 1.30Lesson – 1.30Lunch 1.00 – 1.30Lesson – 2.30Lesson – 2.30Lesson – 2.30Lesson 5
Individual Expectations Community Expectations Ethic of Excellence To bring out the best in everyone; to discover the best in everyone, to expect the best from everyone Classroom Expectations
Consistency Same expectations, same rewards and same consequences for everyone
Rewards Diamond Platinum Gold Silver Award 100 conduct points plus
How will the system work? All rewards this year will be based on conduct points. Conduct points are achievement points minus behaviour points Whole school reward activities will take place every half term. First activities will be in October You need 100 conduct points to join in the fun. The good news ….
How will the system work? Behaviour is a choice … your choice. Pupils can increase conduct points and subsequently the number, quality and prestige of rewards by gaining achievement points. Achievement points will be awarded by staff both in and out of lessons. However any negative behaviour will result in points being lost. These may be for lateness, lack of homework or poor behaviour.
Individual Expectations About you as a learner taking responsibility 1) Register ready—arrive on time and engage immediately 2) Netherwood look—wear uniform correctly 3) Ready to Learn— bring the correct equipment 4) Netherwood diet— eat and drink appropriate food
What do we mean by arriving on time? Your teachers have been asked to meet you at the classroom door – they will do this for 2/3 minutes There will be an activate activity on the whiteboard – this is so you can start work immediately. If you arrive once your teacher has left the classroom door to complete the register, then you are late. This will result in a K code and subsequently deduct a conduct point. Individual expectations
What do we mean by the Netherwood look? Uniform Shoes/leggings Blazers can be taken off at break and lunch time Jewellery Nails No coloured polish or designs. Clear is classic and acceptable Make up must be discrete No false eyelashes or nails Hair One colour/discrete highlights – not green! No earphones Individual expectations
Ready to learn
Accelerated Reader This is done in Y7-Y9 at Netherwood Students read twice per week during tutorial. They are assessed in September with regards to their reading and comprehension ages. They are then issued with a ZPD range (Zone of Proximal Development). All books in our LRC have been levelled and pupils may choose a book in their range. Once they have read the book they will complete a short comprehension activity online. Levels are continually assessed by English teachers as is the amount being read by students. The A/R book is classed as essential equipment in Y7 and must be bought every day. Individual expectations
Banned food items Chewing gum Fizzy drinks Energy drinks Lollipops Sweets Individual expectations
Mobile Phones Misuse of mobiles - See it, lose it! 1) Recorded in reception – returned at the end of the day 2) Returned at the end of the day. Letter to parents 3) Held in school until collected by parents. Parental meeting with SM 4) Ban for the remainder of the academic year Individual expectations
ParentPay Netherwood operates a cashless system and uses ParentPay to run this for us. All ParentPay letters have been sent out to primary schools or home addresses. You will be able to use ParentPay to purchase food for your child from Tuesday 7 th July. You will be issued with a login and password, once registered you can not only view the food and drinks that your child has purchased, but you can also pay for trips etc. During the transition period pupils will be able to use the re-val machines in the Heartspace and bring cash. From September you will need to use the website or we can issue you with a card that can be used in post offices etc. This means that from September, other than bus fare, there is no reason to send your child to school with cash. Individual expectations
Classroom expectations Teaching and Learning Comes First No student should prevent an adult from being able to teach or from other students from being able to learn. Is this happens, then consequences will follow, as this is not FAIR. You will hear the words ‘teaching and learning comes first’.
Classroom Expectations Respectful learners agree to give everyone a FAIR chance to learn by: F A R I Actively listening to staff and students Involving ourselves fully to help ourselves and others learn Respecting other people and our environment Ethic of Excellence To bring out the best in everyone; to discover the best in everyone, to expect the best from everyone Why?
Consequence 1 Rule and reminder – a verbal warning C1 – relate to expectations – repeat instructions Tell and show (record visually) the student why they have a C1. Teaching and learning comes first. Link to FAIR I need you to …. Give praise for a positive response
The Consequences Pathway Verbal and visual warning system based on rule and reminder Consequence ActionConduct points C1Verbal warning C1 – relate to expectations – repeat instructions Staff will tell and show you why you have a C1. Teaching and learning comes first. You need to follow instructions first time. I need you to work on the task in silence. If you need help, raise your hand. Staff will praise you for a positive response
You then refuse to attempt a task Involving ourselves fully to help ourselves and others learn The Consequences Pathway Verbal and visual warning system based on rule and reminder ActionConduct points Verbal warning C2 Stamp in planner ‘You have disturbed learning’ Recorded on SIMS – too many could trigger a FT report This is not FAIR. You’ve disturbed teaching and learning
Consequence 2 Stamp in planner - you have disturbed learning C2: You have disturbed learning Subject: ENG Teacher: MBO You have continued to disrupt learning despite warnings C3 C4 C5 Teaching and learning comes first. The instruction is to work together on the sort cards. You have been given a direct instruction. C2 C2 stamps will be monitored by form tutors. Too many will result in being monitored by report.
The 2 week programme. BMonTueWedThursFri 1 Form tutor all day VortexLesson 2 CAT1CAT2 3Lesson 4 4 BandLesson AMonTueWedThursFri 1Lesson 2CAT3Exp arts/ ICT E-safety day Lesson 3 4 Inter- form rounders Celebration event Early finish 5Lesson
Thank you for listening We are available for any questions in the Heartspace