Creation Centred Spirituality One way of relating with God © Trustees of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart
Creation Spirituality is founded on a profound sense of wonder and awe at the mystery of creation, formed and shaped by a bountiful creator. Kevin Treston,Walk Lightly Upon the Earth, p. 17.
What are some alternative words for ‘bountiful? How do you see/link these words with your image and understanding of God and creation? What stirs a sense of awe and wonder within you?
Creation Centred Spirituality situates our consciousness within the web of life in the universe and the Creator Spirit. Kevin Treston, The Teacher, A Class Act, Learning Experiences in a Catholic Anthropology. P.36.
In what situations do you feel most connected to creation and/or the natural world?
Creation displays the face of God. Patrick Oliver, The Track Back, p. 30.
What do you learn about God by looking at THIS face?
Creation Spirituality starts with original blessing. Rosemary Reuther
Many consider creation as blessing. Is this your experience? If so, when and where? If not, why not?
Earth Spirituality …rests on a fundamental orientation to life that sees the earth as ultimately benevolent, and God as ultimately compassionate. Neil Darragh, At Home in the Earth, p. 44
Gratitude is central to Creation Centred Spirituality. How do you live out the virtue of gratitude?
Respect for life needs to include all of creation. This sacramental cosmos (earth) is not for humans alone. It is intended by God to provide for all of God’s creatures as they live in ecological relationship. Pastoral Letter on Columia River, Draft May 1999
What do you understand by Respect for life? Earth as a ‘sacramental cosmos’? Living in ‘ecological relationship’? How do these Christian values find expression in your life?
Creation is a sublime gift and blessing from God which we share with all other creatures, and for which we give thanks and praise. Catholic Bishop’s of Queensland, Let The Many Coast Lands Be Glad, 20
How do/could you give thanks and praise to God for creation? What are some of the specific gifts and blessings that you are aware of? What are some community celebrations which recognise the gifts and blessings of creation?
As Christians we believe that the Risen Christ is at the heart of creation and the web of life, bringing all to its completion in God. Catholic Bishops of Queensland, Let the Many Coastlands be Glad.
Belief in this statement calls me to …?
Christians in particular, realize that their responsibility within creation and their duty towards nature and the Creator are an essential part of their faith. Pope John Paul II, Peace with God the Creator, Peace With all of Creation, p. 15.
What are some ways in which you can strengthen the link between your faith and the environment?
List of References Catholic Bishops of Queensland, 2004, Let The Many Coastlands Be Glad, A Pastoral Letter on the Great Barrier Reef, Catholic Earthcare Australia, Darragh, Neil, 2000, At Home in the Earth, Accent Publication, Auckland. Oliver, Patrick, 1992, The Track Back: The Spirit Within Australian Creation, St Pauls, Homebush. Pope John Paul II, 1989, Peace With God the Creator, Peace With All of Creation. Ruether, Rosemary, 2001, What is Creation Spirituality? [Online accessed 9 th October, 2001]. URL: Treston, Kevin, 2001, The Teacher, A Class Act, Creation Enterprises Wilston. Treston, Kevin, 2003, Walk Lightly Upon the Earth, Creation Enterprises, Wilston.