OPEN YOUR BOOK "It is in you, in your makeup, to be who you want to be. Perhaps conditioning and experiences have repressed those wonderful gifts given to you as part of your creation, but they are still there, and they are still yours. Each of us has talents and skills that are part of our very being. Even better, each of us has a distinct set of tools that are our own. That’s why we’re here: to discover, uncover, and use those gifts, and to share them with others. Many people don’t really know their gifts. More amazing is how many deny them.” -Chapter Ten of Yes! Energy
HOW ARE YOU PERFORMING? Review of Week 4 homework, comments and questions. How did you react to the scenario as you walked through? – Where do you need to take more control and leadership of your life? – What is your daily success routine? – How can you align your life more closely with your values?
THE POWER OF INTENTION Your past is just a blueprint for your present. Your action is a blueprint for the future. Stop focusing on what you DON’T want to be. Use your experience and redefine who you are. Work in the service of your gifts.
INTENTION AND CONVICTION These are the foundational gifts that will lead through this lesson. Don’t look for a template. Do things YOUR way, not someone else’s way. Keep a gratitude journal.
INTENTION AND CONVICTION This is revealed in many ways. Maybe you were the type of kid about whom it was said, “[S]he sure knows what [s]he wants,” because you spent hours on a task or would endlessly attempt to talk your way into something. Suppose, now, that you find yourself often accommodating others, because there is nothing more important than your relationships and your family, and you will do whatever it takes to make it work.
E MPATHY AND E MOTION Live success and failure through every cell without compartmentalizing. Create efficiency. Keep your feelings and thoughts integrated. Process logically but stay constructive with feeling.
AWARENESS AND PATIENCE Live in the present. Life moves at its own speed. Don’t live your entire life in the past OR in the future. Be patient, but also be aware of opportunities instead of being “here and there.”
THE LEVELS OF LISTENING Level I – Listening to yourself and the “blast of stimuli.” Most listening at this level is reactive and affected by internal and external “noise.” Level II – Conversation and Connection. Being in the moment while tuning out the noise to a large degree. Level III – A calm, almost omniscient level of listening where you can hear and understand, and sometimes anticipate, all the obvious and subtle signals to zero in on what’s being said.
C OMPASSION Free your mind of the noise and open your heart to others. Avoid forcing logical arguments on others to defend or justify. Support sensitive energy openly. Be receptive to the unexpected.
C HARISMA This gift is fascinating. I’m not sure how you get it, but I surely know who’s got it. You don’t see it all the time, and when you do, it’s energizing to everyone in the vicinity. Perhaps you are one of these charismatic people. If you’ve ever been told that you have this light, this intangible “it factor,” it’s imperative that you not dim it. Many people with charisma are embarrassed by their own charms, so they hold back when they should be pushing forward.
E NDURANCE If goals take anything, it’s the endurance to be determined and persistent. You’ve made it this far— you have endurance. The first 18 years alone take a lot of grit and determination to get through school, both academically and socially. Although many of us may have forgotten the hard hits, we all took them here and there. They say old age isn’t for sissies, but neither is being young. Navigating difficult situations, staying with families and friends to work out relationships and hardship, pushing through jobs to rise in a career...
A UTHENTICITY Be comfortable telling things as they are! Sometimes you will end up with your foot in your mouth, but that’s okay. Understand many people struggle with the truth.
I MAGINATION Don’t just think different, but actually EXECUTE differently. Be original and expansive while considering follow through. Use your unique gifts and personality to create those steps. Shift from your “traditions.”
G RATITUDE One way is right and the other doesn’t work. You can: Be arrogant and self- righteous, spreading your beliefs loudly and frantically. Be a resource, keep moving forward, remain certain and confident and allow people to follow naturally.
C ARING AND N URTURING How do you help to calm and inspire others? Manage with an understanding of those around you. Help others grow. Be willing to be a “cheerleader.”
L EVERAGE YOUR L IBIDO Along with your internal gifts, you can activate other physical gifts. Food and Drink (WATER!) Physical Activity and Stamina Nature and the Outdoors Travel and Culture Education and New Experience Other People
Complete an online search for others who are already living your desired life. What made them successful and what would you do differently? Rank yourself in each of the “Gift” areas on a scale of Which are your strongest areas? Which are your weakest? Where do you need support from others?
PLEASE YOUR Questions To
PLEASE YOUR HOMEWORK TO: Note the Week # in the Subject Line Example: Yes Week 5 Homework And, don’t forget to create a file on your computer where you can save all of your work!