Twenty Questions A statement/fact or phrase about myself is hidden under each number. Your task is to provide the question that relates to it
Twenty Questions
1. What happens only in the middle of each month, in all of the seasons, except summer and happens only in the night, never in the day? The letter n
2. A lorry gets stuck under a bridge and it can’t get out. A boy and a girl walk past and are able to get the lorry out. They have a needle with them. How are they able to get the lorry out? They burst the tyres
3.The mispelled word Somewhere in No 3 there is a word that is not spelled correctly. Can you find it? Misspelled
4. The Pope has it but he doesn’t use it. Your father has it but your mother uses it. Nuns do not need it. Arnold Schwarzeneggar has a big one, Michael J Fox’s is quite small. What is it? A last name
5. Which cheese is made backwards? Edam
6.Can you rearrange the letters below to form a single word DRAGON LEWIS A SINGLE WORD
7. They are three errers in this puzzle. What are they? Errers should be errors They should be there There are only two errors
8. Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on earth? Mount Everest
9.Harry, the happy hippo, happily hopped from the hippo hospital. How many h’s are in this sentence? One.
10. A girl who was just learning to drive went down a one way street in the wrong direction, but didn’t break the law. How come? She was walking
11. Farmer Jones owns three pink pigs, four brown pigs and one black pig. How many of his pigs can say that they are the same colour as other pigs on a neighbouring farm? None. Pigs can’t talk.
12.What unusual property do the words FLOUR, TERN AND THIRSTY have in common? Remove one letter from the word and they all spell a number
13.The arrows represent a simple code. What common English word do they spell? NEWS
14.George’s mother had three children: one named April, one named May and one named what? George
15.Change the position of just one of the words below so that all the words are in an alphabetical sequence llama, phoenix, hyena, alligator, beaver, elephant, tortoise, antelope Antelope, llama, phoenix, hyena, alligator, beaver, elephant and tortoise
16.Which of these is correct? Six and six is eleven or six and six are eleven. Neither, the answer is 12
17.Jake is very odd. He likes balloons, but does not like parties. He likes books but does not like reading. He likes weeds but does not like flowers. He likes swimming but does not like water. Does he like towns or villages? Villages – he only likes words with a double letter
18.Which word is always spelt incorrectly? Incorrectly
19. A certain five letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it. What is the word? Short
20. Which two words have the most letters in it? Post Office