Lots of immigrants from S. & E. Europe Cyrus McCormick Fenceless land over which ranchers drove cattle Dawes Act California Gold Rush 1949 Law that granted immediate citizenship to natives born in the US Lands provided by the federal gov’t where Natives were resettled Gold found in California – Let’s Go! Ellis Island War between settlers/federal troops and Natives American Indian Citizenship Act Problems of Growing Cities Immigrant processing center in New York Steerage Inadequate services and transportation, overcrowding, social tensions Becoming similar to another group Open room below water line of a ship where many immigrants traveled
The process of learning to dress, speak, and act like other Americans “Pull” Factors Threatened tribal ways, natives hunters not farmers, poor land and reservation conditions Group born in US that opposed immigration Reasons for immigration – Freedom, Economic opportunities, Cultural ties Music that celebrates cowboy life Problems with Dawes Act Neighborhoods of similar ethnic groups Inventor of the mechanical reaper Forced removal of Cherokee from GA and put on reservations Western Music Case ruling children of Chinese immigrants born in US can’t be denied citizenship Trail of Tears Open Range US v Wong Kim Ark Assimilate
Work for Leader of the Political Machine Moving into a country that one is not native to Municipal 1 st Law to limit immigration – no Chinese immigrants for 10 years Another word for city Klondike Gold Rush 1896 Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) The last frontier – mountains, deserts, and basins in the Far West Gold Discovered in Alaska – Let’s Go! Reservations Farmers given land, work it and build homes – 5 years later, it belongs to the farmer Great Plains Reasons for immigration – Oppression, Poverty, War, Persecution Attempt to “Americanize Natives – families given land Homestead Act Indian War
Demography Transition of society from countryside to cities Study of population - who lives where Urbanization Political “Bosses” Crowded single room apartments – often no heat or lighting Political Machine Nativists Boss Tweed Tenement Name of city gov’t- usually corrupt Immigration Americanization Political boss of Tammany Hall in New York City Ethnic Ghettos “Push” Factors “New Immigrants”