KingsNobilityClergy Map Link: The Holy Roman Empire under the Hohenstaufen, : < roman_empire_1138_1254.jpgroman_empire_1138_1254.jpg>
Reign of Henry V as Holy Roman Emperor Reign of (Welf) Lothar of Saxony as Holy Roman Emperor 1137 Lothar designates Henry the Proud as King of Germany, but electors choose (Hohenstaufen) Conrad III (r )
Frederick I Barbarossa of Swabia (Hohenstaufen, r ), relative of (Welf) Henry the Lion of Saxony and Bavaria FranconiaBurgundyS. Saxony
1156 Frederick marries heiress to Burgundy, then invades Lombardy 1157 Pope Adrian IV (p ) sends letter to Frederick at Besançon beneficium Papacy of Alexander III
1162 Frederick takes Milan 1167 Communes of Lombardy form Lombard League 1176 Lombard League routs Frederick’s army at Legnano 1177 Frederick makes peace with Lombard League and Alexander III 1180 Frederick confiscates Henry the Lion’s fiefs
1183 Frederick comes to agreement with Lombard League 1190 Death of Frederick
1085 Alphonso VI of León-Castile (r ) takes Toledo al-murabitun (Almoravids) Map Link: Spain, : < shepherd-c jpgshepherd-c jpg>
Norman Sicily Reign of Roger II Map Link: Kingdom of Sicily, 1154: < 5/5a/Kingdom_of_Sicily_1154.svg/529px- Kingdom_of_Sicily_1154.svg.pngKingdom_of_Sicily_1154.svg.png>
Mid 12th c. English begin expanding into and settling in Ireland Map Link: Island of Ireland, 1300: < Ireland_1300.pngIreland_1300.png>
10th-13th c. Formation of kingdoms of Denmark, Norway and Sweden Map Link: Europe in the 12th Century: < europe_12thcentury_1884.jpgeurope_12thcentury_1884.jpg>
(Future) RussiaPoland (after 1138) Bohemia (part of Holy Roman Empire by early 11th c., re-unified by Otakar I (r ) in 1200) HungaryBulgariaSerbia
Kings needing support of nobility and clergy, but achieved by various means (Sicily, E. Europe, Holy Roman Empire) Dangers to position (Frederick/Alexander III, E. Europe, Poland)
Cappella Palatina, Palermo (bt ) Roger II (r ) muqarnas
Provost of cathedral of Freising, and secretary to Bishop Otto (d. 1158) Wrote continuation of Otto’s Gesta Friderici Imperatoris, up to 1160 Text and continuation written at request of Frederick Rahewin (d. before 1177)