Chapter 6 pre-test and Lesson 6.1 Gathering Leads 8/11 I Can…. BW… Identify what is involved in a job search Explain how talking with people can turn up job leads Identify other ways to find out about job openings. Imagine that you just found out that if you don’t have a job this summer, you will have to babysit your kid brothers and/or sisters. Write down the steps you would take to get a job this summer to avoid babysitting your siblings. (Save as BWWeek2) Assignment 1. WIL 8-12 signed by parent and 150 words due. Must be about Careers and Technology class. 2. Pre-assessment chapter 6 test 3. Cornell Notes See Mr. Linn’s website
Lesson 6.1 Gathering Leads 8/12 I Can…. BW… Identify what is involved in a job search Explain how talking with people can turn up job leads Identify other ways to find out about job openings. Talking to people is an important part of every job search. What do you think you can learn by talking to people? What can they learn from you? Assignment Use Cornell notes and complete 1-6 on page 112. Number 1 provide the term and definition and use the term in a sentence. Please underline the term.
Ch. 6 Activities 2, 3, and 4 8/13 I can… BW… Identify what is involved in a job search Explain how talking with people can turn up job leads Identify other ways to find out about job openings. You can begin networking with anyone you know. How might friends and family members be able to help you find a job? Assignments Chapter 6 activities 2-4
Ch. 6 Activities 2, 3, and 4 8/14 I can… BW… Identify what is involved in a job search Explain how talking with people can turn up job leads Identify other ways to find out about job openings. Look at figure 6.1 on page 107. The graph shows which ways of finding jobs brings people the greatest success. Why do you think so many people get jobs by networking? Assignments Chapter 6 activities 2-4
Ch. 6 Activities 2, 3, and 4 8/15 I can… BW… Identify what is involved in a job search Explain how talking with people can turn up job leads Identify other ways to find out about job openings. Contacts are anyone you know. Who would be the first five people on your contact list? Please your Bell Work file BWWeek2 to Mr. Linn at Assignments Chapter 6 activities 2-4