The Byzantine Empire They’re down, and up, and down again
Things Fall Apart After Justinian dies, – Heraclius ( ) faces attacks from the Persians and the Slavs – The empire was forced to downsize and everyone had both a civil and a military job – The empire lost Syria and Palestine to the Islamic Empire in 636 – By the 700s, The eastern Mediterranean becomes the official Byzantine Empire or Byzantium
Growing Apart The Byzantine Empire developed unique traits that set it apart from the Western Roman Empire – Greek was their common and official language – Both sides were Christian, BUT Emperor Leo III set up a large difference, the Iconoclastic Controversy Leo banned the use of icons in 730 and pushed for the authority of the eastern Patriarch (instead of the Pope) In the late 700s, Empress Irene tried to reverse the iconoclastic ruling, but it was too late. The emperor appointed the patriarch, and they saw themselves as the preservers of the true Christian faith – Some say that the strong presence of religion in their culture helped hold the Byzantine empire together
Thanks Michael The reign of Michael III ( ) saw a revival for the Byzantine empire – Iconoclasm was officially abolished in 843 – Reforms helped education and welfare for the poor Michael did face some problems – The Bulgars and the Muslims continued to attack – The Pope and the Patriarch were still fighting ex. Patriarch Photius condemned the pope for accepting a new definition of the holy trinity
The Macedonian Emperors The reign of the Macedonians ( ) was a good time for the Byzantines – They got back some land and restored order – The Romans saw them as a continuation of Rome’s former glory and were therefore nicer – They supported farmers (who were also the soldiers) – They expanded trade with the west – It was during this time that they spread Christianity to what is now Russia Vladimir I converts to Christianity in 987 Yaroslav leads the building of Byzantine style churches The two best emperors from this period were – Leo VI ( ) – Basil II ( ) By the end of Basil’s reign the empire was the largest it had been since the time of Justinian
East and West finally Break Up In 1054, Pope Leo IX and Patriarch Michael Cerularius official excommunicate each other Just like any break up, this has been building for some time. – Get with one other person and write a Dear John letter from the side of your choice Include what you have learned about why these two religious groups grew apart Include the names of any important people in this break up