The Scots Rebellion In 1295 the Scots faced 3 main problems…


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Presentation transcript:

The Scots Rebellion In 1295 the Scots faced 3 main problems…

The Scots Rebellion PROBLEM 1 They had all agreed Edward was overlord

The Scots Rebellion PROBLEM 2 King John would not stand up against Edward

The Scots Rebellion PROBLEM 3 Scotland was not strong enough to fight Edward on its own

The Scots Rebellion Gradually the Scots found solutions to these problems…

The Scots Rebellion PROBLEM 1 They had all agreed Edward was overlord SOLUTION 1 They asked the Pope to cancel all agreements made with Edward They said King Edward had bullied them into making agreement The Pope had these agreements cancelled

The Scots Rebellion PROBLEM 2 King John would not stand up against Edward SOLUTION 2 The nobles (led by the Comyn’s) declared Balliol incompetent to rule (Stirling 1295) ‘Community of the Realm’ elected 12 men to help rule - The Council of Twelve Similar to the Guardians - 4 earls, 4 bishops, 4 barons

The Council of Twelve sent a letter to Edward stating that he had… Caused harm to the liberties of ourselves and our kingdom by summoning us outside our realm at the mere beck and call of anybody

The Scots Rebellion PROBLEM 3 Scotland was not strong enough to fight Edward on its own SOLUTION 3 The Auld Alliance stated: Scotland and France would help each other against Edward Neither country would make a separate peace with Edward If the foresaid king of England personally leaves his land of England…while the war lasts… the said king of Scotland with all his power shall see to it that he invades the land of England as widely and deeply as he can Extract from the Auld Alliance October 1295 the Scots made a Treaty with King Philip IV

Edward was furious and saw this as a declaration of war