Monday April 14, 2014 Please take out a sheet of lined paper and set it up as a “cognitive dictionary” (vocabulary list). Write down the following words and find their definitions in the text book. Make sure to skip 4 lines between each word. Reformation, p. 504 Martin Luther, p. 504 indulgence, p. 505 John Calvin, p. 507
The Reformation
Why was there Religious Conflict in 16 th Century?
What did People believe at the start of the 16 th Century? If you died with a dirty Soul you would go to either Purgatory or straight to hell. You had to go to Church and get the Priest to clean your Soul. If you died with a clean Soul you would go to heaven.
What did People believe at the Start of the 16 th Century? If you went on a Crusade or a Pilgrimage you could earn time out of Purgatory You could buy a special letter from the Pope called an Indulgence which was like a get out of jail for free card but for Purgatory.
Who was Martin Luther? He could read Latin, Greek and Hebrew. Compared the Latin Catholic Bible with the original Greek & Hebrew & found that certain parts were incorrectly translated. Luther hung his research on the local Church door in Wittenburg in He disagreed with the Pope and began the Protestant religion.
You Don’t have to go to Church to get your soul cleaned. The Church is wrong to sell indulgencies which buy time out of Purgatory. Read the Bible in your own language and not Latin. Its wrong to make an image of God. The Church is too rich. What did Martin Luther Believe?
A Catholic Church
Catholic Church
Clothes worn by Catholic Priest in 16 th Century Notice the image of Christ
A Protestant Church
Clothes Worn by Protestant Vicars (Priests)
What other changes took place in Protestant Churches?