A Coordinated Business Services Policy Training Game TRAINING NOTE: Before playing this Jeopardy Game, please review the Policy Training HERE.HERE Policy SCWDC 06-09
Blue SKIES Reaching out On Target Sweet Success Bonus Final Jeopardy
1,3 To quantify success, these criteria include: Documentation of training provided to staff All job orders and employer contacts Basic Business Services in Appendix A Services provided and documented in SKIES Coordinated Business Services Plan Jobs in SKIES reflect targets that match skill base BUSINESS PLAN MEASURES p.3
2,3 They are responsible for providing access to labor market information, job listings, and applicant referral. WorkSource Staff p. 5
3,3 This Menu of Services is outlined in which document? Labor Market Information Job Listings Applicant Referral Business Assessment Access to Training and Re-training Business Assistance and information Referral Comprehensive web site Business Restructuring or Closure information and referral Access to Facilities Basic Business Services (Appendix A) p. 6
4,3 This internet location provides access to employment and economic information, top tools for Job seekers and county profiles. p. 6
5,3 When providing this service WorkSource refers qualified job seekers to employers based on businesses requirements. Applicant Referral p. 5
1,4 What does L.M.E.A. stand for? Labor Market and Economic Analysis p.5,6
2,4 This includes: Occupational descriptions Job and industry growth patterns Economic trends and forecasts Wage and benefit information Skill standards Labor force information Population and demographic information Labor Market Information p.5
3,4 The Committee that ensures Coordinated Business Services Policy compliance. Oversight Committee p.2
4,4 Document approved and agreed to by the WDC Board and all partners - updated annually. Local Business Services Plan p.1
5,4 This is used to address any potential problems when partners are unable to agree upon the business services plan. SCWDC Dispute Resolution Policy p. 2 DAILY DOUBLE – How much do you want to wager?
1,1 The website that assists in the listing and search for jobseekers and employers to match job openings with applicants p. 5
2,1 This computer database documents services provided to employers SKIES p.1, p.6
3,1 The WorkSource staff and partners statewide who manage job orders, record employer contacts, and document business services. BUSINESS SERVICES TEAM p.1, p.2
4,1 SKIES is used to: Create and manage job orders according to business needs, Document the services provided to employers, And this… Complying with SCWDC Policy WS Record employer contacts p.1, p.5
5,1 The jobs in SKIES should match the skill base of these people. WorkSource Job Seekers in the SC WDA p. 3
1,2 This document clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of those providing services to businesses. THE BUSINESS SERVICES PLAN p.1
2,2 They are expected to understand all services available to businesses and provide free services and resources including tax incentives, tax credit, and employment law information. Business Services Outreach Team p.1, p.2
3,2 Activity that partners provide to employers and their employees who are experiencing a layoff or business closure. Rapid Response p. 5
4,2 During this activity WorkSource staff review business needs to determine options and service solutions Business Assessment p. 5 DAILY DOUBLE: What do you want to wager?
5,2 Agencies such as these belong to this team: SCWDC DVR Entrust Community Services OIC Northwest Community Action Center People for People WorkSource Columbia Gorge WorkSource Kittitas WorkSource Sunnyside WorkSource Yakima The Business Services Team
Bonus Who makes referrals of qualified job seekers based on business requirements as posted in Job order WorkSource staff and partners p.1