Labor Market Information101: How to Get the Data You Need for Your Business Presented by Michele Holmes June 25, 2013 Research & Planning Wyoming Department of Workforce Services
Research & Planning OUR ORGANIZATION: R&P is a separate, exclusively statistical entity. WHAT WE DO: R&P collects, analyzes, and publishes timely and accurate labor market information (LMI) meeting established statistical standards. OUR CUSTOMERS: LMI makes the labor market more efficient by providing the public and the public’s representatives with the basis for informed decision making. 2
What is LMI? Labor Market information, or LMI, refers to a variety of data associated with the supply and demand for workers. This includes information on the labor force, employers, industries, occupations, wages, and skills … just to name a few! Labor force = supply of workers and their characteristics Industries = the type of firm for which a person works (health care) Occupations = the specific set of tasks performed by an individual (registered nurse) Wages = what workers make and what employers can expect to pay Skills = education and training requirements for different occupations Source: 3
Agenda Core LMI: What information is available and why is it important? How to find the information you want Other R&P Resources Questions 4
Core LMI What is a competitive wage for my industry? –Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) How is my local economy doing? –Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) How many are employed in my industry and what do they earn? –Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) What’s my risk for Workers’ Compensation Claims? –Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) Source: 5
Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) What it is: A semi-annual survey of nonfarm establishments, providing annual employment and wage estimations for over 800 occupations. In Wyoming, OES estimates are available at the national, state, and county level. Answers: What is the typical wage for an occupation? How much can I expect to earn over the course of my career? How do wages for this occupation vary by region? What occupations are growing? What occupations should we be training jobseekers for? 6
Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) 7
8 WyomingSweetwater County Occupation Occupation Code Estimated EmploymentMean Wage Estimated EmploymentMean Wage Construction & Extraction Occupations ,210$46,7674,160$50,363 First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Construction Trades & Extraction Workers ,220$65,724370$62,602 Carpenters ,530$41,566130$41,277 Cement Masons & Concrete Finishers $37,361 $29,694 Construction Laborers ,640$31,302190$32,355 Operating Engineers & Other Construction Equipment Operators ,600$48,722460$47,647 Electricians ,730$53,152270$66,030 Painters, Construction & Maintenance $35,403 $36,335 Plumbers, Pipefitters, & Steamfitters ,070$46,729130$53,227 Sheet Metal Workers $40,813 $53,121 Rotary Drill Operators, Oil & Gas ,610$55,470 $54,877 Service Unit Operators, Oil, Gas, & Mining $47,761910$51,854 Continuous Mining Machine Operators $60,37490$60,577 Mine Cutting & Channeling Machine Operators $58,167110$58,167 Roof Bolters, Mining $72,17060$72,170 Roustabouts, Oil & Gas $41,807 $39,683
Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) 9
Benefits Survey What it is: annual survey of benefits offered by Wyoming employers Answers: How competitive is my compensation package? What industries offer the most benefits? 11
12 Benefits in Wyoming Annual benefits publication Since 1999 Health care, retirement, paid holidays, paid sick leave, etc. By industry, firm size, etc.
Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) Estimates the unemployment rate and a count of the labor force – employed and unemployed – in an area. LAUS is a count of persons, not jobs Based on where people live Answers: How is my local economy doing? 13
Local Area Unemployment Statistics 14
15 Local Area Unemployment Statistics
Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) 16
Quarterly Census of Earnings and Wages (QCEW ) What it is: A quarterly count of employment and wages, reported by employers. The QCEW covers 98% of employment and is available at the national, state, county and MSA level. Employers use the QCEW to compare their industry’s wages to other sectors/areas. Jobseekers use the data to identify growing and declining industries. Source of the QCEW data is the Quarterly Unemployment Insurance Tax File Answers: What are the high-paying sectors in my industry? How does the pay in my industry compare to other states? 17
Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) 18
Review Wages by Occupation = OES Wages & Employment = QCEW Local Unemployment Statistics = LAUS 19
Industry and Occupational Projections What they are: short- and long-term estimates of demand by occupation and industry – available at the state, regional, and MSA level. Answers: What occupations are in highest demand today? What occupations will grow over the next decade? Will employers have difficulty finding workers in certain fields? Do I need to raise my compensation to remain competitive? What curriculum should our institutions teach? 20
21 Industry and Occupational Projections Industry: The type of firm for which a person works Occupation: A specific task or set of tasks performed by an individual Note: Projections based on historical trend line. Cannot account for certain factors.
22 Industry Projections Help determine if an industry is projected to contract or expand over the next decade
23 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI)
24 Workers’ Compensation Claims Initial and continued claims Published quarterly (January, April, July, October) Data used in more complex research and for feature articles Published by industry Decades of data
New Hires Survey What it is: R & P survey, started in 2009 Mailed quarterly to Wyoming employers Most recent data is through 2012Q2 Focuses on the job, not the person New hire is someone who has not worked for that employer before Answers: What skills do employers value? 25
26 New Hires Survey: Education
New Hires Survey 27
New Hires Survey: Turnover Table: Employment and Turnover for New Hires in NAICS 484 (Truck Transportation) and 488 (Support Activities for Truck Transportation, Combined Total, 2012 NAICS 484/488, Truck Transportation, Support Activities of Truck Transportation Occupation TitleSOC Title N, New Hires % of New Hires in NAICS 484/488 N, Not Working for Employer in Next Quarter (Turnover) % Turnover (1 Quarter) Truck Drivers, Heavy and Tractor-Trailer , Laborers & Freight, Stock & Material Movers, Hand Office Clerks, General Truck Drivers, Light or Delivery Services Aircraft Mechanics and Service Technicians General and Operations Managers Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeepi Dispatchers, Except Police, Fire, and Ambulance Bus & Truck Mechanics & Diesel Engine Specialists Helpers--Installation, Maint., & Repair Workers Tank Car, Truck, and Ship Loaders Geological and Petroleum Technicians Transportation Security Screeners Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks Payroll and Timekeeping Clerks Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters Helpers--Extraction Workers Tire Repairers and Changers Maintenance Workers, Machinery Helpers--Production Workers All Other Occupations Total 3, Note: Data based on New Hires Job Skills surveys collected from 2011Q4 to 2012Q3 L. Knapp, 4/26/2013, Research & Planning, WYDWS 28
29 Earnings in Wyoming by County, Industry, Age, and Gender,
31 Custom Research: A Decade Later
32 Custom Research: A Decade Later
33 Custom Research: Monitoring School District Human Resource Cost Pressures Wyoming Legislature funded Research & Planning to provide a comparison of employment and wages in public schools in Wyoming and surrounding states.
34 Wyoming Labor Force Trends Monthly Features: Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) Employment statistics Economic indicators Unemployment Insurance (UI) claims Quarterly Features: Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages (QCEW) Wage Records data Quarterly turnover statistics Workers’ Compensation Claims Sign up for Wyoming Labor Force Trends
35 Special Publications occasional/occ6.pdf ppaca/aca2012.pdf LMI/dir_lic/WY_License d_Occs_Fall_2011.pdf
Conclusion R&P works to make the Labor Market more efficient by publishing information that allows our customers to make evidence-based decisions. Some of our customers include: College of Heath Sciences, University of Wyoming Laramie County Community College National Center for Education Statistics Wyoming Department of Health Department of Education & Department of Labor Grant applicants Local Business & Local Press 36
Research & Planning Wyoming Department of Workforce Services P.O. Box S. Center St. Casper, WY (307) Michele Holmes Public Relations Specialist 37