How did the Pope become “PAPA” of Christendom?” RISE OF THE PAPACY How did the Pope become “PAPA” of Christendom?” 1)PROMINENCE OF ROME -capitol -30k Christians -letter of Paul written there -Peter / Paul buried -home of “Mother Church”
RISE OF THE PAPACY 2)APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION >330 Constantine moved capital to Constantinople -Rome would fade away >381 Theodosius @ Council of Constance -declared Bishop of Constantinople shall take precedence immediately after the Bishop of Rome >Damasus (Bishop of Rome) - “The Holy Roman Church takes precedence over all other churches not on the ground of any synod decision but because it was given the primacy by the word of our Lord and redeemer Jesus Christ.”
RISE OF THE PAPACY 2)APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION cont. ”Petrine Doctrine” (Matthew 16) >Thou art Peter and upon this “rock” I will build my Church >Damasus 1st to say that ”rock” means Peter and since he died in Rome, which is evidence he was in Rome and all other bishops carry his succession
RISE OF THE PAPACY 3)POPE LEO I (440 AD) >asserted what Damasus said >445 – after attack by Odoacer - Emperor Valentinian III surrenders authority to the Pope, ordering all to obey the Roman Pontiff who has the "primacy of Saint Peter". >455 - stopped Attila –Rome is the “City of God” --Attila ordered looting, but no killing --saved Rome – Romans exalted Leo --acted/looked like a “Papa” >1st to be given title “Pontifex Maximus” – a title previously reserved for Roman Emperors
RISE OF THE PAPACY 4)PARTY POLITICS >unity against barbarians >Emperor needed to unite w/ Church and affirmed supremacy of Pope >Valentinian III – “… only way to safeguard peace among churches everywhere is to acknowledge Rome’s leadership universally”
RISE OF THE PAPACY 5)Roman Bishop/Church led restoration of old western Roman Empire during/after barbarians maintained law, order, education, culture Rome was “savior” of Christendom
RISE OF THE PAPACY 6)POPE GREGORY I (the Great) -recognized as 1st Pope -from wealthy, Senatorial Roman parents, but gives it up to become a monk -elected “Mayor of Rome” because of his astuteness/piety -given $$ by emperor to take care of Italian refugees -after parents die – takes inheritance and starts 7 monasteries >turns father’s palace into monastery -refused to let anyone call him Pope >”Servant of Servants of God”
RISE OF THE PAPACY 6)Pope Gregory I (the Great) cont. -called for missionaries to England (Augustine) saw an “Angle” boy being sold as a slave – Gregory said he is an “Angel” and should not perish in hell