1512 October 19-Doctor of Theology 1512-October- Starts teaching at the University of Wittenberg Luther becomes priest for Wittenberg’s city church May- Luther begins a year of lectures on the Epistle to the Romans. In his studies, he comes to the personal conviction that the just shall live by faith /10/ This picture show the University of Wittenberg where Luther taught
Indulgences are sold by Johann Tetzel on the border of Saxony. Luther finds out more about Tetzel’s plans and starts preaching against indulgences. Wrote Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences. October 31, Wrote the 95 theses. He posts the theses on the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church. December, The number of sales for indulgences decrease. Johann Tetzel writes two sets of counter theses to Martin’s 95 theses Dec /10/1517 Above: Indulgences that were sold Below: Martin Luther’s 95 theses
There is debate over Luther’s ideas. Several brothers agree with Martin Luther. August 5 th Luther is announced a Heretic by the Emperor Maximilian. August 7th Luther goes to Rome to answer charges against him. October 12 th 1518Luther has an interview with Cardinal Cajetan in Augsburg. Cajetan tells Luther to recant and return to the heart of the church and stop his disruptions to church life. October 14 th Luther refuses to recant. October 20 th Luther flees from Augsburg in fear of his life. October 30 th Luther arrives back in Wittenberg. Elector Frederick III protects him. November 8 th Pope Leo X issues Cum Postquam which directly contradicts Luther’s position Aug 1518 October 1518 Nov 1518 Emperor Maximilian
January 6 th Luther agrees to send a letter of apology to the pope. March 3 rd Luther writes a letter to Pope Leo X stating the he did not mean to undermine the authority of the pope or the church. June 27 th Luther debates with Johann Eck. They argue about the issue of indulgences and the authority of the pope. July 14 th 1519Convinced that Eck has won, Luther finishes his debate. As a result of the debate, the Luther Rome dispute begins to grow. June 15 th Pope Leo X issues bull of excommunication against Luther. Luther has 60 days to recant. December 10 th Luther burns books of church law and books written by his enemies Jan, 1519 March, 1519 June 1519 July, 1519 June, 1520 Dec, 1520 Above: Luther burn books Below: Pope Leo X
1521 March 6 th Emperor Charles V summons Luther to appear before the Diet of Worms. April 17 th First Hearing of the Diet of Worms. Luther sees that some of the books are his writings. He does not want to recant and asks for a recess. April 18 th -,1521- second hearing-Martin says the famous words “ Unless I am convicted by Scripture and plain reason, I do not accept the authority of popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other, my conscience is neither right nor safe. God help me. April 25 th, Diet of Worms is dismissed. May 4 th, 1521 Luther gets captured by bandits after being dismissed by the diet of Worms. May 26 th, Luther’s teachings were banned. December, A ban has been issued against Luther and his followers Ban lifted on Luther and his followers March, 1521 April, 1521 May, 1521 Dec, 1521
March 1-6, Luther preaches throughout central Germany. April 5 th Katharina von Bora agrees to marry Luther /3/15225/4/1525 Luther’s wife: Katharina von Bora Diet of worms from previous slide