To define utopia and compare it to a totalitarian society. To understand the horrors of a totalitarian government.
Essay Exam on Much Ado About Nothing must be done during lunch: Today: both lunches Tues, 1-22: first lunch only Thurs, 1-24: first lunch only Fri, 1-25: both lunches ***Fri, 1-25 is absolute last day to make up this exam!!!
Intro to George Orwell and Notes Read chapters 1-2 in class, answering study guide questions.
The concept of a “perfect place”. This term comes from the Greek word meaning “no place”.
A form of government which enforces total or complete control over its citizens. There are no opposing parties or groups. Individual rights protecting the members of this society against the government are not permitted.
Winston Smith O’Brien Big BrotherMr. Charrington SymeJulia Emmanuel Goldstein The Parsons family
The dangers of totalitarianism Psychological manipulation Physical control Control of information and history Technology Language as mind control
Doublethink Urban decay
Big Brother The glass paperweight St. Clement’s Church The place where there is no darkness The telescreens The red-armed Prole woman