Eight Ways to be Smart
Music Smart (Musical Intelligence)
Music Smart How musical are you? Compose music Perform vocally or with an instrument Respond to rhythm and beat
Body Smart (Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence)
Body Smart Relates to physical movement Good balance Agile Graceful Doing hands-on work Feeling and expressing things physically
People Smart ( Interpersonal Intelligence) It means….between people
People Smart Interact with others Understand other people Interpret their behaviour Sense what people are thinking or feeling
Self Smart Intrapersonal Intelligence It means within the self
Self Smart How well do you understand yourself? You know…. Who you are What you feel Why you are the way you are It leads to self esteem and a strength of character
Picture Smart Visual-Spatial Intelligence
Picture Smart Relies on the sense of sight Able to visualize an object Create pictures in your head Thinking in 3-D
Word Smart ( Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence)
Word Smart Relates to words and language (written and spoken) Highly skilled writers Large vocabulary Use language to express ideas Good at languages
Logic Smart (Logical-Mathematical Intelligence)
Logic Smart Can solve logical problems and equations mentally Good with numbers and doing calculations Reasoning Logical thinking
Nature Smart (Naturalist Intelligence)
Nature Smart Care about recycling Love the outdoors Concerned about endangered species Like to learn about plants or animals Upset about pollution Save the Panda!
An Activity You need a loose piece of scrap paper and a pen List numbers 1 -5 on the paper
Now Number 1…. Clasp your hands together. Which hand is on top? Record an “R” for right or an “L” for left.
Number 2…. Fold your arms. Which arm is on top. Record an “R” for right or an “L” for left.
Number 3… Cross your legs. Which leg is on top? Record this result.
Number 4…. Roll your piece of paper into a tube. Look through your telescope Which eye do you use? Record the result.
Finally number 5 Think about kicking a soccer ball Which foot would you use. Record an “R” for right or an “L” for left. Total up your R’s and L’s
Which side of your brain is in control? The left side of your brain controls the right side of your body The right side of your brain controls the left side of your body.
Left Brain People Organized Clock watchers Analyze information Cautious Follow rules and schedules Strong in math and science Can answer questions quickly Make great Jeopardy contestants.
Careers for left brainers Lab scientist Judge Banker Lawyer Mathematician Librarian
Right Brain Dreamers. Deep thinkers Good at social sciences and the arts. More spontaneous,less cautious Follow their own gut feelings. Very intuitive …can read people Have great skills when it comes to seeing through lies or tricks They would make great Survivor contestants.
Careers for Right Brainers Forest Ranger Hair stylist Athlete Craftsperson (various trades) Artist Actor
Middle Brained Very equal when it comes to characteristics. Can have strong qualities from either hemisphere Can benefit from logic from the left and intuition from the right Balanced, well rounded Would do well on The Apprentice. They can relate to various people in the business world
Careers for Middle Brainers They are very flexible Suited for careers from either category
The Dancer Is the girl spinning clockwise or counter clockwise? What does that say about you?